





首先,需要在计算机上安装Python。可以从Python官网下载并安装。本教程需要使用最新版的Python 3(版本3.x.x)。


现在,在设备上打开文本/代码编辑器。就个人而言,我偏好使用Brackets。 Windows上预装了Notepad, Mac OS包含TextEdit,而Linux用户可以使用Vim。



本教程的说明将作为注释包含在代码中。 在Python中,注释以#开头并一直持续到行结束。

from keras.layers import Conv2D,MaxPooling2D,GlobalAveragePooling2D

# First,we need to import the 'random' module.

# This module contains the functionality we need to be able to randomly

select the winning number.

import random

# Now,we need to select a random number.

# This line will set the variable 'correct' to be equal to a random

integer between 1 and 10.

correct = random.randint(1,10)

# Let's get the user's first guess using the 'input' function.

guess = input("Enter your guess: ")

# Right now,the user's input is formatted as a string.

# We can format it as an integer using the 'int' function.

guess = int(guess)

# Let's start a loop that will continue until the user has guessed


# We can use the '!=' operator to mean 'not equal'.

while guess != correct:

# Everything in this loop will repeat until the user has guessed


# Let's start by giving the user Feedback on their guess. We can do

this using the 'if' statement.

# This statement will check if a comparison is true.

# If it is,the code inside the 'if' statement will run.

if guess > correct:

# This code will run if the user guessed too high.

# We can show a message to the user using the 'print' function.

print("You've guessed too high. Try guessing lower.")


# The 'else' statement adds on to an 'if' statement.

# It will run if the condition of the 'if' statement is false.

# In this case,it will run if the user guessed too low,so we can give

them Feedback.

print("You've guessed too low. Try guessing higher.")

# Now we need to let the user guess again.

# Notice how I am combining the two lines of guessing code to make just

one line.

guess = int(input("Enter your guess: "))

# If a user's guess is still incorrect,the code in the 'while' loop

will be repeated

.# If they've reached this point in the code,it means they guessed

correctly,so let's say that.

print("Congratulations! You've guessed correctly.")




根据你的操作系统,打开命令提示符(Windows / Linux)或终端(Mac)。 按顺序尝试以下每个命令。 如果正确安装Python,其中至少有一个应该可以运行。

python C:/Users/username/Desktop/main.py

py C:/Users/username/Desktop/main.py

python3 C:/Users/username/Desktop/main.py

确保将C:/Users/username/Desktop/main.py替换为Python文件的完整路径。程序运行后,可测试一下,玩几次! 完成操作后,按向上箭头键复制最后一个命令,然后按Enter即可再次运行。以下是没有任何注释的代码版本:

import random

correct = random.randint(1,10)

guess = input("Enter your guess: ")

guess = int(guess)

while guess != correct:

if guess > correct:

print("You've guessed too high. Try guessing lower.")


print("You've guessed too low. Try guessing higher.")

guess = int(input("Enter your guess: "))

print("Congratulations! You've guessed correctly.")









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