2014年公司的一台cacon imageclass4010 的小型打印机, 原先单独在行政同事的电脑上驱动 , 该打印机本身没有带网络功能, 于是找了一些相关的驱动成功搭建到局域网共享 .  这个是一年多以前的处理的事情了,翻翻笔记整理出来做个记录.

1. 工作服务器的环境是Linux CentOS , 先安装Cups 管理软件.

yum install cups

在佳能官网的海外站点找来了Linux的下的驱动软件( Linux_UFRII_PrinterDriver_V280_uk_EN.tar.gz ),里面有英文的安装说明.

 Installing the Printer Driver
The printer driver must be installed in order to print from Canon printers using Linux.
The installed files differ depending on the system environment you are using.
The following files are installed in 32-bit systems:
"cndrvcups-common-x.xx-x.i386.rpm" : common module for CUPS drivers
"cndrvcups-ufr2-uk-x.xx-x.i386.rpm" : UFR II printer driver module
The following files are installed in 64-bit systems:
"cndrvcups-common-x.xx-x.x86_64.rpm" : common module for CUPS drivers
"cndrvcups-ufr2-uk-x.xx-x.x86_64.rpm" : UFR II printer driver module
The following files are installed in 32-bit Debian systems:
"cndrvcups-common_x.xx-x_i386.deb" : common module for CUPS drivers
"cndrvcups-ufr2-uk_x.xx-x_i386.deb" : UFR II printer driver module
The following files are installed in 64-bit Debian systems:
"cndrvcups-common_x.xx-x_amd64.deb" : common module for CUPS drivers
"cndrvcups-ufr2-uk_x.xx-x_amd64.deb" : UFR II printer driver module
Start Linux, and log in as 'root'.
$ su
Install the common module for CUPS drivers.
For rpm packages:
Enter the following command:
# rpm -ivh [file name of common module for CUPS drivers]
For deb packages:
Enter the following command:
# dpkg -i [file name of common module for CUPS drivers]
When you execute the rpm command from a directory, specify the path or use the cd command to change the current directory to the directory containing the printer driver files.For details about the rpm command, enter "man rpm" with the terminal software, such as GNOME Terminal.
Install the UFR II printer driver module.
For rpm packages:
Enter the following command:
# rpm -ivh [file name of the UFR II printer driver module]
For deb packages:
Enter the following command:
# dpkg -i [file name of the UFR II printer driver module]
Restart CUPS.
For rpm packages:
Enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/cups restart
For deb packages:
Enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
Do not register the printer using the "lpadmin" command before restarting CUPS.Depending on the operating system you are using, you may need to use the above rpm package command to restart CUPS, even if the system you are using normally requires deb package commands.The above command may be invalid in some operating systems. If so, use the following command.# service cups restart
Register the printer (PPD) with the print spooler.
For the PPD file corresponding to your printer, refer to the Readme file.
Parallel Connection
Enter the following lpadmin command:
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p [Printer Name] -m [PPD file] -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -E
USB Connection
Enter the following lpadmin command:
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p [Printer Name] -m [PPD file] -v usb:[device file location] -E
[device file location] differs with the operating system distribution you are using. Normally, you can specify "/dev/usb/lp0" or "dev/usblp0".If you cannot print correctly, specify the device URI for [device file location]. You can confirm the device URI by executing the command "/usr/sbin/lpinfo -v".If you are connected via USB to a device that requires bi-directional communication, specify "cnusb" instead of "usb" in commands. In such cases, you can confirm [device file location] by executing the "/usr/lib/cups/backend/cnusb" command (in the case of 32-bit operating systems) with administrator privileges.For information on printer models that require bi-directional communication, refer to the Readme file.
Network Connection (IPv4)
Enter the following lpadmin command:
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p [Printer Name] -m [PPD file] -v lpd://[Device IP address or FQDN]/[Printer Name] -E
Example: To register the iRC3180 in the print spooler as "CANON-iRC3180":
/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CANON-iRC3180 -m CNCUPSIRC3180ZK.ppd -v lpd:// -E
Network Connection (IPv6)
Enter the following lpadmin command:
<When using a global address>
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p [Printer Name] -m [PPD file] -v lpd://[Device IP address]/[Printer Name] -E
Example: To register the iR3225 in the print spooler as "CANON-iR3225" (IP address: 3ffe:1:1:10:feb0:0:1234:5678):
/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CANON-iR3225 -m CNCUPSIR3225ZK.ppd -v lpd://[3ffe:1:1:10:feb0:0:1234:5678]/CANON-iR3225 -E
<When using a link local address>
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p [Printer Name] -m [PPD file] -v lpd://[[Device IP address]+[Network interface]]/[Printer Name] -E
Example: To register the iR3225 in the print spooler as "CANON-iR3225" (IP address: fe80::200:85ff:1234:5678, network interface: eth0):
/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CANON-iR3225 -m CNCUPSIR3225ZK.ppd -v lpd://[fe80::200:85ff:1234:5678+eth0]/CANON-iR3225 -E
For information on IPv6 support for each printer model refer to the Readme file.In a LAN environment where IP addresses have been assigned, if the status of the printer cannot be displayed, the CUPS security settings must be changed. Add the set IP address to the following items in the cupsd.conf file (/etc/cups/cupsd.conf), and restart CUPS.<Location /><Location /admin>Example:        :<Location />Order Deny,AllowDeny From AllAllow From From XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Substitute the set IP address here.)</Location>        :        :<Location /admin>        :        :Order Deny,AllowDeny From AllAllow From From XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Substitute the set IP address here.)        :</Location>For information about the security settings for networks, refer to the "CUPS Software Administrators Manual" at http://www.cups.org/sam.html.

2.按说明书的指导 安装驱动软件

rpm -ivh cndrvcups-common-2.80-1.x86_64.rpm cndrvcups-ufr2-uk-2.80-1.x86_64.rpm

3.重启cups :

 service cups restart

4.注册驱动 ,PPD文件在安装好的驱动目录下面,找到对应型号的文件即可注册驱动:

cd /usr/share/cups/model/
lpadmin -p CanonPrinter -m CNCUPSMF4010ZK.ppd -v parallel:/dev/usb/lp0 -E


vim /etc/cups/cupsd.conf Listen<Location />Order allow,denyAllow From 192.168.*</Location>

6.这样服务器的驱动就搞定了, 客户端的指定搜索网络打印机,手动指定 打印机的windows驱动文件就可以用了. 驱动文件到官方下载.


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