关于odf文件,写过一篇笔记,见:Oracle Apps ADODFCMP Utility, xdf和odf类似,都是数据库对象的描述文件,用于数据库表,视图,索引等等在不同数据库间的移植。根据NOTE:551325.1的说法,xdf将会逐步取代过去的odf,毕竟xdf的xml格式还是要比文本格式的odf有方便处理些。







Usage of the Java Utility FndXdfCmp :

adjava -mx512m -nojit oracle.apps.fnd.odf2.FndXdfCmp <Oracle_Schema> <Oracle_Password> \
<apps_schema> <apps_password> <jdbc protocol> <JDBC_Connect_String> <Object Type> \
<full path to xdf file> <full path of $FND_TOP/patch/115/xdf/xsl>

possible Object Types are :
table, mview, view, synonym, index, trigger, comment, context, mviewlog, qtable, sequence, type, queue, policy, all

Mandatory Arguments :

  • Oracle_Schema : ORACLE schema name of the EBS module, e.g. FND, AD, GL, MFG.
  • Oracle_Password : ORACLE schema password of EBS module.
  • JDBC_Connect_String : The JDBC connection string to connect to the Database. It must include the <hostname>:<DB_Port>:<SID>

Optional Parameters

  • apps_schema / apps_password : The APPS schema name and APPS shcema password needs to be specified if it is not the default value of apps/apps.
  • ChangeDb : This Parameter inidcates, if the object definitions are written to the Database. Possible values are y / n (Default is y)
  • Logfile : The output is written to standard out. Specify a logfile name if it has to be written to a log file.
  • Data_Sec_Vpd : This is used to specify that a service security synonyms or view has to be created dynamically based on the database version. If the database version is 9 then a synonym is created else a view is created. Permitted values are data_sec_vpd=y

Example :

cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/xdf
adjava -mx512m -nojit oracle.apps.fnd.odf2.FndXdfCmp fnd <Password> apps <Password> thin \
<hostname>:<db_port>:<db_sid> all fnd_usr_roles.xdf $FND_TOP/patch/115/xdf/xsl

Reference:Metalink Note 551325.1 - How to verify or create a Database Object using a odf (adodfcmp) or xdf (FndXdfCmp) file ?

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