
在CASP中,蛋白质结构域(Domain)的类别,包括 FM、FM/TBM、TBM-easy、TBM-hard、not evaluated 等5个类别。


FM stands for template-free modeling, which is a method of protein structure prediction that does not use any known structure as a template. It is also known as ab initio or de novo modeling. FM is one of the prediction categories in CASP15, which is a community-wide experiment to determine and advance the state of the art in protein structure modeling. FM targets are usually more difficult than TBM (template-based modeling) targets, because they have no or very few homologous structures in the protein structure databases.

FM 是无模板建模的缩写,是一种不使用任何已知结构作为模板的蛋白质结构预测方法,也被称为从头开始或原生建模。FM 是 CASP15 中的一种预测类别,CASP15是一个社区范围的实验,旨在确定和推进蛋白质结构建模的最新水平。FM 目标通常比 TBM(基于模板的建模)目标更困难,因为 FM 在蛋白质结构数据库中没有或很少有同源结构。

TBM stands for template-based modeling, which is a method of protein structure prediction that uses known structures as templates. It is also known as homology modeling or comparative modeling. TBM is one of the prediction categories in CASP, which is a community-wide experiment to determine and advance the state of the art in protein structure modeling. TBM targets are usually easier than FM (template-free modeling) targets, because they have homologous structures in the protein structure databases.

TBM 是基于模板的建模的缩写,是一种使用已知结构作为模板的蛋白质结构预测方法,也被称为同源建模或比较建模。TBM 是 CASP 中的一种预测类别,CASP 是一个社区范围的实验,旨在确定和推进蛋白质结构建模的最新水平。TBM 目标通常比 FM(无模板建模)目标更容易,因为 TBM 在蛋白质结构数据库中有同源结构。

TBM-easy and TBM-hard are subcategories of TBM (template-based modeling) in CASP (Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction). They are based on the difficulty of finding suitable templates for the target proteins. TBM-easy targets have at least one template with a sequence identity of 30% or higher to the target. TBM-hard targets have no templates with a sequence identity of 30% or higher, but have some templates with a sequence identity of 10% or higher. TBM-easy targets are expected to be modeled with high accuracy, while TBM-hard targets are more challenging and may require some template-free modeling techniques.

TBM-easy 和 TBM-hard 是 CASP(蛋白质结构预测的关键评估)中 TBM(基于模板的建模)的子类别,基于寻找合适的目标蛋白质模板的难度而划分的。TBM-easy目标至少有一个模板与目标的序列一致性达到30%或更高,而TBM-hard目标没有一个模板与目标的序列一致性达到30%或更高,但有一些模板与目标的序列一致性达到10%或更高。TBM-easy目标预计可以用高精度进行建模,而TBM-hard目标则更具挑战性,可能需要一些无模板建模技术。

具体实例参考:Domain Definition Summary - CASP15 (predictioncenter.org)

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