分励线圈 失压线圈 区别

Modern PCs are ridiculously powerful, so creature comforts like low noise levels have become more important. Most noise comes from your cooling fans, spinning drives, and optical drives (if you still have one), though there’s one other lesser-known noise source: a phenomenon called “coil whine.” It’s a high-pitched electronic squeaking or scratching noise, and it’s really annoying.

现代PC具有强大的功能,因此像低噪声这样的生物舒适性变得越来越重要。 大多数噪声来自冷却风扇,旋转驱动器和光盘驱动器(如果仍然有),尽管还有其他鲜为人知的噪声源:一种叫做“线圈鸣叫”的现象。 这是一种尖锐的电子吱吱声或刮擦声,确实很烦人。

什么是线圈呜呜声? (What Is Coil Whine?)

On a pure technical level, coil whine refers to an undesirable noise emitted by an electronic component vibrating as power runs through an electrical cable. Just about anything with a power source can create coil whine to some degree, but it’s usually caused by an electrical current going through a power-regulating component like a transformer or inductor, causing its electrical wiring to vibrate at a variable frequency. This happens in almost all electrical devices, usually at a frequency and volume that’s inaudible to humans, especially inside a metal or plastic PC case.

从纯技术水平上讲,线圈发出的啸叫声是指电子元件在电力通过电缆时振动而产生的不希望有的噪声。 几乎任何带有电源的东西都会在某种程度上产生线圈的啸叫声,但这通常是由于电流流经诸如变压器或电感器之类的功率调节组件,导致其电线以可变频率振动。 几乎在所有电气设备中都会发生这种情况,通常是人类无法听到的频率和音量,尤其是在金属或塑料PC机箱内部。

An old-fashioned electromagnetic inductor in a radio. As the electrical current causes the coil to vibrate against the ring, an audible pitch may be heard.
收音机中的老式电磁感应器。 随着电流使线圈相对于环振动,可能会听到可闻的音调。

But when you’re dealing with high-powered components in modern gaming PCs, especially the graphics card and power supply, these vibrations can be audible. This is especially true for anyone who’s sensitive to high-frequency noises. In bad cases, you can actually hear the pitch of the coil whine change as the GPU draws more or less power, and the electrical frequency across various components shifts. It might be particularly noticeable when running a 3D game or high-intensity graphics application. Coil whine can be especially noticeable—not to mention frustrating!—on otherwise “silent” PCs, like low-power home theater PCs or gaming PCs with a liquid cooling system.

但是,当您使用现代游戏PC中的高功率组件,尤其是图形卡和电源时,这些振动是可以听到的。 对于任何对高频噪声敏感的人来说尤其如此。 在恶劣的情况下,实际上您会听到随着GPU消耗的功率或多或少,并且各个组件上的电频率发生变化,线圈发出的鸣叫声也随之变化。 在运行3D游戏或高强度图形应用程序时,它可能特别值得注意。 在其他“无声”的PC(例如低功率家庭影院PC或带有液体冷却系统的游戏PC)上,线圈鸣叫声尤其明显,更不用说令人沮丧了!

Coil whine is really nothing to be concerned about. It can be annoying, of course, but it isn’t like a rattling engine or a squeaking wheel—the noise is a byproduct of your PC and graphics card’s normal operation. Your system isn’t losing any performance or longevity because of coil whine.

没什么好担心的。 当然,这可能很烦人,但是它不像是嘎嘎作响的引擎或吱吱作响的轮子,而是PC和图形卡正常运行的副产品。 您的系统不会因线圈发出的嗡嗡声而失去任何性能或寿命。

(Note: if you hear a distinct hissing or high-pitched whistling instead of a buzz or scratch, that might be the altogether different phenomenon known as “capacitor squeal.” This is something to be concerned about, since it indicates a failing component.)

(请注意:如果您听到独特的嘶嘶声或尖锐的啸叫声,而不是嗡嗡声或刮擦声,则可能是完全不同的现象,称为“电容器尖叫”。这要关注的问题,因为它表明有故障的组件。 )

我该怎么办? (What Can I Do About It?)

Sadly, there isn’t an easy fix for coil whine, like an updated driver or a Windows setting. It’s a physical property of your graphics card (or any other component you can hear exhibiting the noise). The fixes for the problem, therefore, are going to be physical in nature. You have a few options.

可悲的是,没有简单的解决办法,例如更新驱动程序或Windows设置。 这是图形卡(或您可以听到的其他任何噪声噪音)的物理属性。 因此,解决该问题的方法将是物理上的。 您有几种选择。

Dampen it. If your PC is making too much noise, trap it inside the case. Different PC enclosures have different audio properties, and some manufacturers make their cases specifically to dampen sound and vibration. Generally speaking, a case with more dampening material, like high-density foam or fabric, will be better than bare steel or aluminum at hiding noise levels. If your case has optional plates or blockers for fan mounts that aren’t in use, make sure they’re screwed into place. Keep in mind that moving your entire PC to a new case is a time-consuming process, but not a particularly difficult one if you already know how to swap out a graphics card or RAM.

湿吧如果您的PC发出过多的噪音,请将其困在机壳内。 不同的PC机箱具有不同的音频属性,某些制造商专门制造其外壳来抑制声音和振动。 一般而言,具有更高阻尼材料(如高密度泡沫或织物)的箱子在隐藏噪声级别上将比裸钢或铝更好。 如果您的机箱有未使用的用于风扇安装的可选板或挡板,请确保已将其拧紧到位。 请记住,将整个PC转移到新机箱上是一个耗时的过程,但是如果您已经知道如何换出图形卡或RAM,这并不是一个特别困难的过程。

Define R4 PC case from Fractal Design. Note the sound insulation and fan port cover on the main door.Define R4 PC机箱。 注意主门上的隔音材料和风扇端口盖。

Replace it. If you can pinpoint which part is causing the whine you could just replace it. It’s probably the graphics card itself (especially if you’re noticing the problem immediately after installation, or when playing a graphics-intensive game), but it could be the power supply or less frequently something like the motherboard or CPU cooler. Unfortunately, coil whine alone might not be enough for your graphics card or power supply maker to accept a warranty replacement—and it may not be worth hundreds of dollars for you to replace the part. Contact customer support to see about your options. (If you’re still within the return window, you might consider returning it to the retailer.)

代替它。 如果您可以查明导致发牢骚的原因,则可以将其更换。 它可能是图形卡本身(特别是如果您在安装后或玩图形密集型游戏时立即注意到此问题),但它可能是电源,也可能不是主板或CPU散热器之类的东西。 不幸的是,仅线圈鸣叫可能不足以让您的图形卡或电源制造商接受保修更换-更换零件可能不值数百美元。 联系客户支持以了解您的选择。 (如果您仍在退货窗口内,则可以考虑将其退还给零售商。)

Just deal with it. As we mentioned earlier, there’s nothing physically wrong with a PC that emits coil whine. If you have a typical gaming PC, odds are pretty good that the noise itself isn’t much louder in terms of decibels than your cooling fans. The easiest way to solve the problem is just to ignore it, or to use sound-blocking headphones so it simply isn’t a factor.

只需处理。 正如我们前面提到的,发出线圈啸叫声的PC在物理上没有任何问题。 如果您有一台典型的游戏PC,那么以分贝为单位的噪音本身并没有比您的散热风扇高很多的可能性。 解决问题的最简单方法就是忽略它,或者使用隔音耳机,因此这根本不是问题。

There are more extreme options for dealing with coil whine, such as manual rewiring a component or applying non-conductive insulating material (like hot glue) to the affected part, but we don’t recommend them—you’re much more likely to cause a new problem than to solve an existing one.


If your hearing is very good and you’re especially bothered by coil whine, the best way to avoid it is to avoid graphics cards and other products that are known to cause it in the first place. Before buying a new PC component, search for the product name or model number and “coil whine” in Google, and see if there are complaints from current owners. Buy from stores with good return policies, and run your PC through a rigorous benchmarking program like Heaven or Prime95 as soon as you install it. If all else fails, put your computer in another room and run some long cables so you can’t hear it.

如果您的听力很好,尤其是被线圈鸣叫打扰,那么避免这种情况的最佳方法就是避免首先使用会引起这种情况的图形卡和其他产品。 在购买新的PC组件之前,请先在Google中搜索产品名称或型号,然后搜索“ coil whine”,然后查看当前业主是否有投诉。 从具有良好退货政策的商店购买产品,并在安装后立即通过严格的基准测试程序(例如Heaven或Prime95)运行PC。 如果所有其他方法都失败,请将您的计算机放在另一个房间中,并使用长电缆,以免听到声音。

Image credit: Flickr/kc7fys

图片来源: Flickr / kc7fys

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/297166/what-is-coil-whine-and-can-i-get-rid-of-it-on-my-pc/

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