
什么是人工智能(AI)? (What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?)

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science which deals with making a computer system to learn and act humanly. The main objectives of artificial intelligence are to as follows:

人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,致力于使计算机系统能够学习和操作人类。 人工智能的主要目标如下:

  • Thinking Humanly


  • Acting Humanly


A human has many qualities like analyzing, reasoning, decision making, etc. and teaching a machine to perform all these tasks is a difficult job. One approach to it can be by feeding every information into the system and providing an answer to every question and a solution to every problem. But this is a quite difficult job because the solution to each and every problem cannot be decided in prior because we cannot fully estimate all the problems that an agent may face. So there should be a way so that the system can itself learn from its surroundings and experience, also it must have the capability to improve its performance by seeking information and result feedbacks from each and every experience.

人具有许多素质,例如分析,推理,决策等,并且教机器执行所有这些任务是一项艰巨的工作。 一种解决方法是将所有信息输入系统,并为每个问题提供答案,并为每个问题提供解决方案。 但这是一项相当困难的工作,因为无法事先确定每个问题的解决方案,因为我们无法完全估计代理可能面临的所有问题。 因此,应该有一种方法,使系统本身可以从周围的环境和经验中学习,并且还必须具有通过从每种体验中寻找信息和结果反馈来提高其性能的能力。

人工智能的目标 (Goals of Artificial Intelligence)

The main goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to develop computer function which can perform humanly functions like reasoning, learning, problem-solving and adapting according to the environment.


智能系统如何工作? (How an Intelligent system works?)

A System, which in terms of Artificial Intelligence is termed as an agent has to work in accordance with its surroundings and conditions. The system is responsible for perceiving information from its surroundings and causing any changes in the environment.

人工智能方面被称为代理的系统必须根据其环境和条件来工作。 该系统负责感知周围环境中的信息并引起环境的任何变化。

Artificial intelligence studies the whole system by dividing it into two components:


  1. Agent


  2. Environment


An agent can either perceive some information from the environment or can perform some actions on the environment.


Agent: The system which is responsible for acting on the environment and causing any changes to it is called an agent. It first perceives the information by observing the environment and then acts according to the particular scenario. An agent is the one which should be designed in such a way that it may interact from its surroundings by itself, i.e. it should not require any user input to feed information into it. It should be able to understand the situation, find the best decision that could be taken, and then act according to it.

代理:负责对环境采取行动并对其造成任何更改的系统称为代理。 它首先通过观察环境来感知信息,然后根据特定情况采取行动。 代理是一种应该以这样一种方式设计的一种,即它可以自己与周围的环境进行交互,即,它不需要任何用户输入就可以向其中提供信息。 它应该能够了解情况,找到可以做出的最佳决定,然后根据它采取行动。

Environment: Everything which surrounds the agent is the environment for the agent. It can also be defined as anything present in the universe except the agent through which the agent can perceive information and can act on it is the environment. It should be noted that every part of the environment may not be in the reach of the agent i.e. the agent may not be able to observe or access some parts of the environment, so any changes happening in that area will not be the concern of our agent.

环境:围绕代理的一切都是代理的环境。 它也可以定义为宇宙中存在的任何事物,除了代理之外,代理可以通过该代理感知信息并对其采取行动,即环境。 应该注意的是,环境的每个部分可能都不在代理程序可及的范围内,即代理程序可能无法观察或访问环境的某些部分,因此在该区域发生的任何更改都不会成为我们关注的问题。代理商。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/ml-ai/introduction-to-artificial-intelligence.aspx



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