
  • 1. MAVLink(PX4)应用简介
  • 2. MAVLink v2.0新特性
  • 3. MAVLink协议版本
  • 4. MAVLink通信协议帧
    • 4.1 MAVLink v1.0 帧格式
    • 4.2 MAVLink v2.0 帧格式
  • 5. MAVLink 签名报文
    • 5.1 签名报文帧格式
      • 5.1.1 Link IDs (链路ID)
      • 5.1.2 Timestamp (时间戳)
      • 5.1.3 Signature (签名)
    • 5.2 签名报文有效性判断
    • 5.3 非签名报文处理建议
    • 5.4 错误签名报文处理建议
    • 5.5 秘钥管理
  • 6. 参考资料


前面了解了三种消息中间件中的一种uORB消息中间件,接下来看下MAVLink(Micro Air Vehicle Link,微型空中飞行器链路通讯协议)中间件。

1. MAVLink(PX4)应用简介






34 set(MAVLINK_DIALECT "development") # standard, development, etc

2. MAVLink v2.0新特性

  • 24 bit message ID - 支持2^24=16,777,216个消息定义(MAVLink v1.0仅支持256个)
  • Packet signing - 支持信任签名机制,保证系统的可靠性。
  • Message extensions - 新增字段并兼容支持之前的版本。
  • Empty-byte payload truncation - 在发送之前,必须删除序列化负载末尾的空(零填充)字节(所有字节都在MAVLink 1中发送,而不管内容如何)。
  • Compatibility Flags/Incompatibility Flags - 报文尝试解释和直接丢弃标记功能

3. MAVLink协议版本

  • MAVLink 2.0: 当前/推荐 主要版本,于2017年开始采用。
  • MAVLink v1.0: 广泛应用于2013年,目前仍有大量存量设备采用上述协议。


  1. If the system supports MAVLink 2 and the handshake it will respond with PROTOCOL_VERSION encoded as MAVLink 2 packet.
  2. If it does not support MAVLink 2 it should NACK the command.
  3. The GCS should fall back to a timeout in case the command interface is not implemented properly.

4. MAVLink通信协议帧

4.1 MAVLink v1.0 帧格式

![MAVLink 1 Packet Format](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/8e7e63e5cff840b9b09c7c33e27b77da.png)

Byte Index C version Content Value Explanation
0 uint8_t magic Packet start marker 0xFE Protocol-specific start-of-text (STX) marker used to indicate the beginning of a new packet. Any system that does not understand protocol version will skip the packet.
1 uint8_t len Payload length 0 - 255 Indicates length of the following payload section (fixed for a particular message).
2 uint8_t seq Packet sequence number 0 - 255 Used to detect packet loss. Components increment value for each message sent.
3 uint8_t sysid System ID 1 - 255 ID of system (vehicle) sending the message. Used to differentiate systems on network. Note that the broadcast address 0 may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address.
4 uint8_t compid Component ID 1 - 255 ID of component sending the message. Used to differentiate components in a system (e.g. autopilot and a camera). Use appropriate values in MAV_COMPONENT. Note that the broadcast address MAV_COMP_ID_ALL may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address.
5 uint8_t msgid Message ID 0 - 255 ID of message type in payload. Used to decode data back into message object.
5+n uint8_t payload[max 255] Payload data Message data. Content depends on message type (i.e. Message ID).
(6+n) to (7+n) uint16_t checksum Checksum (low byte, high byte) CRC-16/MCRF4XX for message (excluding magic byte). Includes CRC_EXTRA byte.
  • 最小包8字节(acknowledgment packets without payload)
  • 最长包263字节

4.2 MAVLink v2.0 帧格式

Byte Index C version Content Value Explanation
0 uint8_t magic Packet start marker 0xFD Protocol-specific start-of-text (STX) marker used to indicate the beginning of a new packet. Any system that does not understand protocol version will skip the packet.
1 uint8_t len Payload length 0 - 255 Indicates length of the following payload section. This may be affected by payload truncation.
2 uint8_t incompat_flags Incompatibility Flags Flags that must be understood for MAVLink compatibility (implementation discards packet if it does not understand flag).
3 uint8_t compat_flags Compatibility Flags Flags that can be ignored if not understood (implementation can still handle packet even if it does not understand flag).
4 uint8_t seq Packet sequence number 0 - 255 Used to detect packet loss. Components increment value for each message sent.
5 uint8_t sysid System ID (sender) 1 - 255 ID of system (vehicle) sending the message. Used to differentiate systems on network. Note that the broadcast address 0 may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address.
6 uint8_t compid Component ID (sender) 1 - 255 ID of component sending the message. Used to differentiate components in a system (e.g. autopilot and a camera). Use appropriate values in MAV_COMPONENT. Note that the broadcast address MAV_COMP_ID_ALL may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address.
7 to 9 uint32_t msgid:24 Message ID (low, middle, high bytes) 0 - 16777215 ID of message type in payload. Used to decode data back into message object.
9+n uint8_t payload[max 255] Payload Message data. Depends on message type (i.e. Message ID) and contents.
(10+n) to (11+n) uint16_t checksum Checksum (low byte, high byte) CRC-16/MCRF4XX for message (excluding magic byte). Includes CRC_EXTRA byte.
(n+12) to (n+25) uint8_t signature[13] Signature (Optional) Signature to ensure the link is tamper-proof.
  • 最小包12字节(acknowledgment packets without payload)
  • 最长包280字节(a signed message that uses the whole payload)

5. MAVLink 签名报文

MAVLink 2.0 packet signing proposal

5.1 签名报文帧格式

带签名的包incompatibility flag field的第一位0x01置位,最后的13 字节签名追加到报文最后面。

Data Description
linkID (8 bits) ID of link on which packet is sent. Normally this is the same as the channel.
timestamp (48 bits) Timestamp in 10 microsecond units since 1st January 2015 GMT time. This must monotonically increase for every message on a particular link. Note that means the timestamp may get ahead of the actual time if the packet rate averages more than 100,000 packets per second.
signature (48 bits) A 48 bit signature for the packet, based on the complete packet, timestamp, and secret key.


5.1.1 Link IDs (链路ID)


5.1.2 Timestamp (时间戳)

48位时间戳的单位是10us,计算时间从2015年1月1日(GMT)开始。每个stream流,后到报文必须比前面的报文时间晚, 以确保系统报文的前后顺序。

5.1.3 Signature (签名)

48位签名采用SHA-256 hash,计算方法如下:

signature = sha256_48(secret_key + header + payload + CRC + link-ID + timestamp)


5.2 签名报文有效性判断


  • 同一链路内报文时间戳晚于之前报文。
  • 同一链路内报文时间前后相差1分钟 (6,000,000us) 。
  • 48位签名计算值与报文签名不符。

5.3 非签名报文处理建议


  • 通过安全通道的非签名报文可以都接收(比如:有线连接USB,Ethernet )。
  • 根据系统具体参数接收所有非签名报文。
  • RADIO_STATUS报文始终接收。
  • 在非签名报文模式,接收所有非签名报文(也许报文是硬件触发消息,比如:boot按钮)。
  • 无条件接收所有非签名报文直到收到签名报文后,进入严格的签名报文有效性验证。

5.4 错误签名报文处理建议


5.5 秘钥管理




6. 参考资料

【1】MAVLink Messaging
【3】MAVLink Git代码


  1. PX4模块设计之四十四: bmp280模块

    int bmp280_main(int argc, char *argv[]); PX4模块设计之四十四: bmp280模块 1. bmp280模块简介 2. 模块入口函数 2.1 主入口bmp280 ...

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    PX4模块设计之二十六:BatteryStatus模块 1. BatteryStatus模块简介 2. 模块入口函数 2.1 主入口battery_status_main 2.2 自定义子命令cust ...

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