【单选题】Which of the following ideas apply to the neoclassical growth theory? I. The rate of technological change influences the rate of economic growth. II. Technological change promotes saving and investment. III. Convergence of economic growth rates across countries.

【单选题】Within neoclassical growth theory, technological change ________ saving and ________ investment.

【单选题】According to new growth theory, technological change is driven by

【单选题】In developing nations, microloans

【单选题】Which of the following is consistent with the classical theory of growth?

【单选题】Classical growth theory asserts that

【单选题】Which of the following is consistent with classical growth theory?

【单选题】Classical growth theory proposes that real GDP growth is ________ and that real GDP per person will ________ the subsistence level.

【单选题】An assumption of classical growth theory is that when ________ the population growth rate ________.

【单选题】Which of the following is associated with classical growth theory? I. Growth in real GDP can continue indefinitely. II. Technological growth increases as the population grows. III. Population explosions bring real GDP per person back to subsistence levels.

【单选题】If this quote is true, what would the neoclassical growth theory predict?

【单选题】According to the new growth theory

【单选题】Classical growth theory argues that when real GDP per person rises above the subsistence level,

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory attributes economic growth to

【单选题】Which of the following predicts that there can be no sustained rise in real GDP per person above the subsistence level?

【单选题】Classical growth theory states that

【单选题】A key feature of the new growth theory is the assumption of

【单选题】According to the neoclassical growth theory,

【单选题】Which of the following ideas apply to the neoclassical growth theory? I. Technological change results from chance. II. Growth in real GDP stops if technology stops advancing.

【单选题】A central proposition of the new growth theory is that

【单选题】The view that population growth occurs when real GDP per person exceeds the amount necessary to sustain life is part of the ________.

【单选题】________ predicts that real GDP per person can grow indefinitely.

【单选题】According to new growth theory ________.

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory predicts that

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory assumes that technological progress

【单选题】In neoclassical growth theory, technological change ________.

【单选题】Workers who pursue an education directly increase their

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory predicts that

【单选题】New growth theory predicts that

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory

【单选题】The classical model of Malthus predicted that economies would

【单选题】Most ________ is embodied in physical capital.

【单选题】New growth theory assumes that

【单选题】According to the classical growth theory of Thomas Malthus,

【单选题】Classical growth theory asserts that

【单选题】Classical economists believed that

【单选题】According to neoclassical growth theory, the higher real GDP per person from economic growth will

【单选题】Because of the choices people make in the pursuit of profit, new growth theory argues that

【单选题】The notion that technological change is not random but instead is driven by the pursuit of profits is an essential element of

【单选题】What best explains why real GDP per person is always driven to the subsistence level in the classical model?

【单选题】In addition to saving and investment in capital, making an even larger contribution to long-term economic growth in real GDP per person

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory predicts that China's economic growth rate will ________.

【单选题】A problem with the neoclassical growth theory is its

【单选题】According to the new growth theory, competition

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory proposes that

【单选题】Which of the following ideas are included in classical growth theory? I. Subsistence real GDP per person II. Growth in real GDP per person is temporary. III. Technological change induces investment.

【单选题】Population increases are the limiting factor in the growth process in

【单选题】The neoclassical growth theory says, in part, that

【单选题】The assumption that population growth will lead to a fall in real GDP per person rate back to subsistence level is

【单选题】Neoclassical growth theory is based on the proposition that real GDP per person grows when


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