------------------------------UNIT 1

Complete the following sentences according to the text.

·         1.Directly opposite him on the other side were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. L.9(一模一样,紧紧挨着)

·         2.It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial(受审者的义务和特殊待遇) to walk directly to these doors.L.10

·         3.He was subject to no guidance or influence, only chance. (L. 11) (不会得到任何提示,只有凭运气).

·         4. The tiger immediately sprang upon him and tore him to pieces as punishment for his guilt. L.13(扑向他,将他撕得四分五裂,作为对他所犯罪行的惩罚)

·         5. It didn’t matter that he might posses a wife and family or that his affections might be engaged upon a lady of his own selection.  (L.17) (有妻小或心有所属)

·         6. This was the king’s method of administering justice. L.21_(进行裁决的方式)

·         7. He was rewarded on the spot. L.23(当场)

·         8.  She was the apple of his eye (他的掌上明珠)and he loved her above all humanity. (胜过爱任何人)(L.26)

·         9. Young and beautiful maidens were carefully surveyed(进行了甄选 ) in order that the young man might have a suitable bride if fate did not determine for him a different destiny. (L. 34) (以备此人命不该绝).

·         10. (她的心像被灼烧一样)Her soul had burned with agony as she imagined him rushing to meet that woman with her sparking eyes of triumph . L.85(眼里充满胜利的喜悦 ).

·         12.   It had been made after days and nights of anguished thought.  L.90(日日夜夜痛苦思索)

·         13.  It is not for me to presume to set myself up   as the one person able to answer it .  L.95_(想当然把自己当作唯一能够回答这问题的人).


·         1.I learned that saving the rain forests is more than an environmental necessity. (L.10) (不仅仅是环境的需要 )

·         2.In our case, it is an opportunity to pursue business opportunities that use creativity and technology to substitute for trees, for resources of any kind(L.12) (替代树木以及任何资源)

·         3.Not limited by rules, but motivated by objectives.( L.24) (而应用目标去激励)

·         4.When I visited the rain forest, I realized that it was  a model of  the perfect learning organization, a place that excels by learning to adapt towhat it doesn’t have. (L.27) (适应自己的不足之处)

·         5. At Mitsubishi Electric, we have begun to adopt an environmental management system founded on principles of industrial ecology.(L.37) (根据工业生态原理建立的)

·         6. Each company retains its independence, its specialty, and its core competence.  (L.68) (保持自己的独立性、自己的特色和自己的核心技术。)

·         7.The same can be true (也能这样) in our economy. (L.72)

·         8. I am often asked whether the needs of the corporation and the needs of the environment are in conflict. ( 有冲突)I do not believe they are. In the long run, ( 从长远看) they can’t be. ( P.77)

·         9. Conventional wisdom is that the highest mission of a corporation is to maximize profits and return to shareholders.(L.79) (获取最大的利润、给股东们最大的回报).

·         10. So profits are not an end; they are a means to an end .(L.82) (达到目的的手段 )


·         1.Surely in every country people value friendship(L.5) 珍视友谊

·         2. Friendship is usually more particularized (更具体)and carries a heavier burden of commitment.(L.11) (意味着更多的承诺和义务)

·         3.A friendship may be superficial, casual, situational or deep and enduring(L.15)( 肤浅的、偶然的、应景的、也可以是深厚持久的).

·         4.Friendship is a one-to-one relationship (一对一的关系)that demands a keen awareness of the other person’s intellect, temperament and particular interests(L.27) (非常熟悉彼此的才智、性情和嗜好).

·         5. Adolescents, boys and girls, form deeply sentimental attachments, (彼此间会形成一种感情上的依赖)walk and talk together --- not so much to polish their wits as to share their hopes and fears and dreams, to form a common front against the world of school and family (与其说是为了激发彼此的聪明才智,不如说是为了倾述各自的希望、忧虑和憧憬,为了团结一致共同对付学校和家庭)and to join in a kind of mutual discovery of each other’s and their own inner life. (L. 48)

·         6. Lively disagreement and sharpness of argument are the breath of life(L.60) (所必不可少的)

·         7. Like ties of kinship, (亲情纽带), ties of friendship are meant to be permanently binding.(L.63) (是永远联系在一起的).

·         8. Meeting after a long interval, friends are like a couple who begin to dance again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause.( L78) (一对随着乐队休息片刻后又翩翩起舞的舞伴一样).

·         9. And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take.(L.95) (一种互谅互让的平等关系).

·         10. English friendships are formed outside the family circle, but they are not, as in Germany, complementary to the family (与家庭生活结合在一起)nor are they, as in France, separated form the family.(L.78)


·         1.  What attitudes, activities, and priorities engender a sense of well-being(L.5)(能使人快乐) ?

·         2. Although the scientific pursuit of happiness has recently mushroomed, speculations about happiness are age-old. (L.7) (对快乐的思索却自古有之)

·         3.Social scientistshave exploded some myths ( L.19)(推翻了一些错误观念)about who’s happy and who’s not by identifying predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. 

·         4. And teens, unlike adults, typically rebound from either gloom or joy within an hour‘s time.(L.25) (他们的愁闷或快乐不到一小时就完全过去了 ).

·           5. Are women happier because of their supposedly greater capacity for intimacy and social connection?(L.30)(似乎更具亲和力、更善于社交)

·         6.Like age, gender gives no clue to subjective well-being(L.32). (同个人感觉上的幸福感也没有必然的联系).

·         7. With each of these trait-happiness correlations, thecausal arrowsare uncertain.(L.67)(哪个是“因”哪个是“果”还不确定)

·         8. Yet happiness seems changeable only within limits imposed by our genetic makeup(L.75)(在我们的基因组所限定的范围内)

·         9. Depending on our outlooks and recent experiences,ourhappiness fluctuates around our happiness set point(line 79) (围绕一个固有值上下浮动), which disposes some people to be ever cheerful and others gloomy.

·         10.The most significant alternative to aloneness (结束孤寂生活的最有效方法) is marriage. 

·         11. 婚姻美满如添翼,勉强结合似牢笼。Well-married a person is winged; ill-matched, shackled. (L.92)

·         12. Happiness depends less on exterior things than most suppose( L.106)(大多数人认为的)


·         1. And although we've been taught that it's bad to boast, that it's trashy to toot our own horn(自我吹嘘不好), that nice people don't strut their stuff , seek attention or name-drop (出风头或借名人来抬高自己), there are times when showing off may be forgivable and maybe even acceptable.(L.18)(得到原谅,甚至是可以接受的)

·         2. Competitive showoffs want to be the best of every bunch (所有人群中的佼佼者). Competitive showoffs must outshine all others.(L.26)(使别人都相形见絀)

·         3. Whatever is being discussed, they have more—-----expertise or money or even aggravation(专长、金钱、甚至烦恼)—----and better—dentists or children or marriages or recipes—and deeper—love of animals orconcern for human suffering.(L.27)(对人类苦难的关注)

·         4. Competitive showoffs are people whoreside in a permanent state of rivalry.(L.30)(永远处于竞争状态) 。

·         5. and they will even go stand on their head( L.38)  (头脚倒立) if attention should flag.

·         6. Sometimes showoffs ask for cheers to which they're not entitled.(L.51)(企求他们没资格得到的喝彩).

·         7. if we'd been that lucky lady, we would have worked our triumph into the conversation.(L.60) (会想方设法把自己的成就纳入话题.)

·         8. As a matter of fact, I'll lay my cards right on the table and confess(坦白交代) that the first time some poems of mine were published, I not only worked my triumph into every conversation for months and months, but I also called almost every human being I'd ever known to proclaim the glad tidings(L.18)(宣告喜讯) both local and long distance.

·         9. I was showing off, I was bragging and I wasn't the slightest bit shy or self-restrained, but a golden, glowing, glorious thing had happened in my life and I had an overwhelming need to exult (L.71)(我按捺不住地要炫耀一番).

·         10. though showoff can range from very gross to subtleL.96 (有的张扬,有的含蓄), ….

·         11. Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.(L.101)(博取赞誉唯一可靠的手段) .

·         12. For no matter what we do, we always have a lapse or two.(L.104)(犯点小差错).


·         1. Some of the more memorable heroesL.19 (更令人难以忘怀英雄人物)are those of the recent past(时隔不久)

·         2.This unifying force of the hero (英雄的凝聚力), something so commonplace in our past, is something sorely lacking(L. 36)((极度缺乏) in today’s society.

·         3. Polls  have shown that now people have a hard time finding anyone they admire, let alone ( L.40)(更不用说)find heroic.

·         4. Few people are allowed to survive as heroes in the church and worthy people are Picked apart and scrutinized  L. 44(品头论足、横加挑剔) by the media until their heroic pedestal comes crashing to the ground.

·         5. A third area ofmisplaced idolatry L.58(盲目崇拜) is in sports figures.

·         6.  However, our confused nation  occasionally stumbles onto a good idolL.68(偶尔碰上好的偶像), reminding us that these leaders will always be necessary.

·         7. On the national scale, we need heroes to give the nation unity.L.77 (来使整个国家团结起来).

·         8. Each of us cantake steps toward reinstatingL.82 (着手恢复) the hero to his or her position of leadership.

·         9. Even in this age of independence, a good role model may be  hard to come by(难得), and should not be let goL.91(放过).


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