
LiliGraphie/Shutterstock LiliGraphie /快门

If you’re bound to spend Mother’s Day separated because of social distancing or other logistical reasons, there are still lots of ways to celebrate the ones who made us. Bring family together, wherever they are, and find ways to celebrate.

如果您由于社会原因或其他后勤原因而不得不度过母亲节,那么仍然有很多方法可以庆祝那些创造我们的人。 无论身在何处,都可以让家人在一起,并找到庆祝的方法。

设置母亲节视频通话 (Setting Up a Mother’s Day Video Call)

The first step in setting up a virtual Mother’s Day celebration is getting mom what she really wants: all of your adorable faces in one digital place with reliable video and audio chat. There are plenty of free apps for this, but simple is better since some mothers are more digitally savvy than others. Also, not every mom owns the same devices, so it’s best to go with what everybody already has access to.

设置虚拟母亲节庆祝活动的第一步是让妈妈真正想要的是:在可靠的视频和音频聊天中,将所有可爱的面Kong都放在一个数字位置。 有很多免费的应用程序,但是简单一些更好,因为有些妈妈比其他妈妈更精通数字。 而且,并非每个妈妈都拥有相同的设备,因此最好将每个人都可以使用的东西都带走。

If everybody has an Apple device with built-in video, including Macbooks, iPhones, and iPads, you can easily start a call with up to 31 guests through Apple’s own FaceTime app. Whether mom and the rest of the family are on an Apple device, a Windows PC or laptop, or any number of smartphones, Skype is a familiar video chat option to many that only requires a free Microsoft account to login. It has been criticized lately for its security issues, but with apps on almost every platform, Zoom is a great option for connecting with your family.

如果每个人都拥有带有内置视频的Apple设备(包括Macbook,iPhone和iPad),则可以通过Apple自己的FaceTime应用轻松地与多达31位客人进行通话 。 无论妈妈和家人的其他人是在Apple设备,Windows PC或笔记本电脑上,还是在任何数量的智能手机上, Skype都是许多人都熟悉的视频聊天选项 ,只需要一个免费的Microsoft帐户即可登录。 最近,它因其安全问题而受到批评,但由于几乎所有平台上都有应用程序,因此Zoom是与家人联系的理想选择 。

Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

If the device mom’s using for chatting doesn’t have a camera, you can turn a smartphone into a webcam or even use a digital camera for video chat. Whichever app or device you choose to connect with your family, you’ll next need to think about what to surprise mom with during this virtual Mother’s Day celebration.

如果妈妈聊天使用的设备没有摄像头,则可以将智能手机变成网络摄像头 ,甚至可以使用数码相机进行视频聊天 。 无论您选择与家人联系的哪种应用程序或设备 ,接下来都需要考虑在这次虚拟的母亲节庆祝活动中给妈妈带来什么惊喜。

虚拟母亲节的活动思路 (Activity Ideas for a Virtual Mother’s Day)

Once everyone is all gathered together on a free video chat app, most moms will say that just seeing your beautiful faces and hearing your wonderful voices is enough for her. That may be true, but you can still surprise her with a wide number of engaging activities through any web browser that will make memories to share for years to come.

每个人都聚集在一个免费的视频聊天应用程序上后,大多数妈妈会说,只要看到你美丽的脸庞并听到自己美妙的声音,对她来说就足够了。 可能是这样,但是您仍然可以通过任何网络浏览器进行大量有趣的活动,使她感到惊讶,这些记忆会在以后的几年中分享。

Some of these Mother’s Day gift ideas just involve video chat, while other ideas like virtual tours work best if you share your screen so everyone can see the same thing. Zoom, Skype, Discord, and many other video chat apps have this screen sharing feature. Here are some ideas for ways to spend time celebrating Mother’s Day over a distance:

母亲节这些礼物中的某些想法仅涉及视频聊天 ,而如果您共享屏幕,则每个人都可以看到同一件事,则虚拟游览等其他想法最有效。 Zoom , Skype , Discord和其他许多视频聊天应用程序都具有此屏幕共享功能。 以下是一些花时间在远处庆祝母亲节的方法的想法:

进行虚拟野餐,品酒或啤酒之旅 (Have a Virtual Picnic, Wine Tasting, or Brewery Tour)

While ordering delivery packages during a global pandemic may give some pause, the CDC states that even fresh food deliveries are safe if proper precautions are taken. Whatever mom’s favorite treat is, order a scrumptious delicacy for her and you and enjoy a basket of tasty treats together. Pick out her favorite wines and ship all your guests a bottle to have an enjoyable wine tasting where you can share notes, tastes, and experiences. Beer-loving mommas might enjoy this live virtual brewery tour from Maine Brew Bus, hosted by industry experts who will take your questions while you both sip on her favorite suds.

尽管在全球大流行期间订购外卖包裹可能会有所暂停 ,但疾病预防控制中心表示,如果采取适当的预防措施,即使是新鲜食品也可以安全运送。 妈妈最喜欢的点心是, 为她和您订购美味佳肴,并一起享受一篮子美味的点心。 挑选她最喜欢的葡萄酒,并为所有客人运送一瓶 葡萄酒,品尝愉快的葡萄酒 ,在这里您可以分享笔记,品味和经验。 爱好啤酒的妈妈可能会喜欢缅因州Brew Bus举办的现场虚拟啤酒厂之旅,该之旅由行业专家主持,当您俩都her饮她最喜欢的泡沫时,他们将回答您的问题。

Alina Rosanova/Shutterstock 阿丽娜·罗莎诺娃(Alina Rosanova)/ Shutterstock

在视频聊天中一起观看视频 (Watch Videos Together On Video Chat)

If you want to have a classic Mother’s Day, pull up any digital home videos on your desktop and share your screen so that everyone can see the good old days. If your videos are on YouTube, or if you just want to watch some funny videos together, you can use ShareTube to create a synced YouTube feed that everyone will see at the same time through their own browser. Family and friends can even add videos to the queue. There’s also Facebook’s Watch Party app that may be particularly useful for families where everyone keeps in touch through Facebook.

如果您想拥有经典的母亲节,请在桌面上播放所有数字家庭视频并共享屏幕,以便所有人都能看到美好的过去 。 如果您的视频在YouTube上,或者您只想一起看一些有趣的视频,则可以使用ShareTube创建同步的YouTube供稿 ,每个人都可以通过自己的浏览器同时看到。 家人和朋友甚至可以将视频添加到队列中。 还有Facebook的Watch Party应用程序 ,该应用程序对于每个人都通过Facebook保持联系的家庭特别有用。

If you want to watch mom’s favorite movie or something new on Netflix, the Netflix Party extension for Chrome will allow you to sync the stream so everyone can watch. This will still work if not everyone has a Netflix subscription, although as a good child it’s your responsibility to share that Netflix account with your mom.

如果您想观看妈妈最喜欢的电影或Netflix上的新内容,则适用于Chrome的Netflix Party扩展程序可以让您同步视频流,以便所有人观看。 即使不是每个人都订阅Netflix,这仍然会起作用,尽管作为一个好孩子,您有责任与您的妈妈共享该Netflix帐户 。

虚拟游览博物馆,动物园或主题公园 (Virtually Tour Museums, Zoos, or Theme Parks)

Due to a lack of tourists, many of the world’s most famous destinations are providing free virtual tours. Visit famous art pieces at the Lourve, the Vatican, or even the National Women’s History Museum. Teach the whole family something new by visiting NASA’s Langley Research Center or the British Museum. Animal lovers will find plenty of places to take mom like the National Aquarium or the San Diego Zoo.

由于缺乏游客,世界上许多最著名的目的地都提供免费的虚拟旅游。 在卢浮宫 , 梵蒂冈乃至国家妇女历史博物馆参观著名的艺术品。 通过访问NASA的兰利研究中心或大英博物馆,向全家传授一些新事物。 动物爱好者会发现许多地方可以带妈妈,例如国家水族馆或圣地亚哥动物园 。

Through the Street View feature in Google Maps or the Look Around feature in Apple Maps, you can visit just about anywhere in the world. Walk through some of the most famous theme parks in the world, including Disneyland, Disney World, Busch Gardens, and Universal Studios. You can also find unofficial walking tour videos on YouTube of your favorite locations. All you need to do is start that video call, share your screen, and spend time visiting.

通过Google Maps的街景功能或Apple Maps的环视功能 ,您可以访问世界上几乎任何地方。 漫步穿过世界上一些最著名的主题公园,包括迪士尼乐园 , 迪士尼世界 , 布希花园和环球影城 。 您还可以在YouTube上找到自己喜欢的位置的非正式徒步旅行视频。 您所需要做的就是发起视频通话,共享屏幕并花时间参观。

一起在线玩游戏 (Play Games Together Online)

Many moms love to game online, but even those that don’t can find plenty of fun activities online to enjoy with their kids. Jackbox games are some of the best family-friendly party games that can be played with just a smartphone or any device that can access a web browser. They’re easy to play even for people who don’t generally play games.

许多妈妈喜欢在网上玩游戏,但即使没有妈妈,他们也可以在网上找到很多有趣的活动来与孩子们一起玩。 Jackbox游戏是一些最好的家庭聚会游戏 ,可以仅使用智能手机或可以访问Web浏览器的任何设备进行播放。 即使对于通常不玩游戏的人,它们也很容易玩。

If mom has a Windows or Mac machine that can handle running games, platforms like Steam offer a wide selection of co-op games. You can even play local multiplayer games online with Steam’s Remote Play Together feature.

如果mom拥有可运行游戏的Windows或Mac机器,则Steam等平台可提供多种合作游戏。 您甚至可以使用Steam的Remote Play Together功能在线玩本地多人游戏 。

Mother’s Day can be a hard holiday when you’re apart. This Mother’s Day, stay home and stay safe together by celebrating with any of these engaging online activities.

分开的时候,母亲节可能是一个艰难的假期。 在母亲节这一天,与所有这些有趣的在线活动一起庆祝,留在家中并保持安全。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671617/how-to-celebrate-mothers-day-over-a-distance/



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