1、Amazon EC2 预留实例后续费用计算问题:


*This is the average monthly payment over the course of the Reserved Instance term. For each month, the actual monthly payment will equal the actual number of hours in that month multiplied by the hourly usage rate. The hourly usage rate is equivalent to the total average monthly payments over the term of the Reserved Instance divided by the total number of hours (based on a 365 day year) over the term of the Reserved Instance.

**Effective hourly pricing is shown to help you calculate the amount of money that a Reserved Instance will save you over On-Demand pricing.When you purchase a Reserved Instance, you are billed for every hour during the entire Reserved Instance term that you select, regardless of whether the instance is running or not.The effective hourly price shows the amortized hourly cost of the instance (this takes the total cost of the Reserved Instance over the entire term, including any upfront payment, and spreads it out over each hour of the Reserved Instance term).



2、谷歌云 compute engine中的Rightsizing recommendations 功能推荐结果问题:


Compute Engine监视运行虚拟机的CPU和内存利用率,并使用最近8天的数据提出建议。 Compute Engine可能会提出以下建议:

您的实例大多数时候都具有较低的CPU利用率。 Compute Engine将推荐一种具有较少虚拟CPU的机器类型。

您的实例大多数时间都具有高CPU利用率。 Compute Engine将推荐具有更多虚拟CPU的计算机类型。

您的实例尚未使用其大部分内存。 Compute Engine将推荐一种具有较少内存的机器类型。

您的实例大部分时间主要使用其大部分内存。 Compute Engine将推荐具有更多内存的机器类型。

3、谷歌云中Committed use discounts 费用计算问题:


Compute Engine offers the ability to purchase a committed use contract in return for deeply discounted prices for VM usage. These discounts are known as committed use discounts . You can purchase a committed use contract by creating a commitment. Commitments are appropriate for predictable and steady state usage where you will use a specific amount of cores and memory for future workloads. Commitments allow you to purchase a specific number of vCPUs and amount of memory at up to a 57% discount over full prices. You commit to the entire usage term and are billed for each month regardless of whether usage has occurred.

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