
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <sys/time.h>struct Dir {int dx;int dy;
};struct Node {int nx;int ny;struct Node *prev;struct Node *next;
};struct Node *head, *tail;
struct Dir dir, food;
int hour, minute, second;
int length, ctrltime;void init_game();
void dis_first_line();
void game_over(int);
void rand_food();
void dis_snake();
void set_timeval(int, struct timeval *);
void free_last_node();
void insert_after_head(int, int);
void free_link();
void display();
void deal_cmd();void init_game()
{cbreak();noecho();curs_set(0);keypad(stdscr, true);hour = minute = second = ctrltime = 0;length = 1;food.dx = 19;food.dy = 9;dir.dx = 1;dir.dy = 0;head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));tail = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));head->next = tail;head->prev = NULL;tail->next = NULL;tail->prev = head;tail->nx = 17;tail->ny = 7;move(1, 0);int i;for(i = 0; i < COLS; ++i)addstr("-");
}void dis_first_line()
{ctrltime += 200;if(ctrltime % 1000 != 200)return;if(ctrltime > 7000000)ctrltime = 0;move(0, 3);printw("time = %d:%d:%d", hour, minute, second);++second;if(second > 59) {second = 0;++minute;}if(minute > 59) {minute = 0;++hour;}if(hour > 23) {game_over(4);}move(0, COLS / 2 - 7);printw("length = %d", length);move(0, COLS / 2 + 25);printw("level = %d", length / 17 + 1);
}void game_over(int x)
{move(1, 0);switch(x) {case 1: printw("crash the wall, game over!");break;case 2: printw("crash snake itself, game over!");break;case 3: printw("congratulations, you just won.");break;case 4: printw("you have played the whole day, now exit.");free_link();endwin();exit(0);case 5: printw("ok, exit now.");sleep(2);free_link();endwin();exit(0);}move(2, 0);printw("press anykey to exit the game.");int ch = getch();endwin();free_link();exit(0);
}void rand_food()
{int x, y;while(1) {srand(time(0));x = rand() % COLS;y = rand() % (LINES - 2) + 2;if(x == 0 && y == 0)continue;struct Node *pnode = head->next;int flag = 1;while(pnode) {if(pnode->nx == x && pnode->ny == y) {flag = 0;break;}pnode = pnode->next;}if(flag) break;}food.dx = x;food.dy = y;
}void dis_snake()
{struct Node *pnode = head->next;if( COLS-1==pnode->nx && 1==dir.dx \|| 0==pnode->nx && -1==dir.dx  \|| LINES-1==pnode->ny && 1==dir.dy \|| 2==pnode->ny && -1==dir.dy)game_over(1);if('*' == mvinch(pnode->ny + dir.dy, pnode->nx + dir.dx))game_over(2);move(food.dy, food.dx);printw("@");insert_after_head(pnode->nx + dir.dx, pnode->ny + dir.dy);move(pnode->ny + dir.dy, pnode->nx + dir.dx);printw("*");if(pnode->nx + dir.dx == food.dx && pnode->ny + dir.dy == food.dy) {++length;if(length > 137)game_over(3);rand_food();} else {move(tail->ny, tail->nx);printw(" ");free_last_node();}
}void set_timeval(int n, struct timeval *ptv)
{ptv->tv_sec = n / 1000;ptv->tv_usec = n % 1000 * 1000;
}void free_last_node()
{struct Node *pnode = tail;tail = tail->prev;tail->next = NULL;free(pnode);
}void insert_after_head(int x, int y)
{struct Node *pnode = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));pnode->nx = x;pnode->ny = y;pnode->next = head->next;pnode->prev = head;head->next->prev = pnode;head->next = pnode;
}void free_link()
}void display()
}void deal_cmd()
{int cmd;while(1) {cmd = getch();if(KEY_LEFT == cmd) {dir.dx = -1;dir.dy = 0;} else if(KEY_RIGHT == cmd) {dir.dx = 1;dir.dy = 0;} else if(KEY_DOWN ==cmd) {dir.dx = 0;dir.dy = 1;} else if(KEY_UP == cmd) {dir.dx = 0;dir.dy = -1;} else if('q' == cmd) {game_over(5);}}
}int main(void)
{initscr();init_game();struct itimerval itv;set_timeval(1, &itv.it_value);set_timeval(200, &itv.it_interval);setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv, NULL);signal(SIGALRM, display);deal_cmd();endwin();return 0;


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