c# datetime.

DateTime.Month属性 (DateTime.Month Property)

DateTime.Month Property is used to get the month component of this object. It's a GET property of DateTime class.

DateTime.Month属性用于获取此对象的月份组成部分。 这是DateTime类的GET属性。



    int DateTime.Month;

Return value:


The return type of this Property is int, it returns an integer value i.e. month component of this object.

此Property的返回类型为int ,它返回一个整数值,即此对象的month分量。

Example to demonstrate example of DateTime.Month Property


using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
{class Program
{static void Main(string[] args)
{//creating an object of DateTime class
//and, initializing it with the current time
//using "Now"
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
//getting month component
string month = dt.Month.ToString();
//printing current date & time
Console.WriteLine("Current date & time is: " + dt.ToString());
//printing the day of the week
Console.WriteLine("Month is : " + month);
//just to print a new line



Current date & time is: 10/24/2019 7:08:01 AM
Month is : 10

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/datetime-month.aspx

c# datetime.

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