create temporary table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] select col1,col2,... from [TABLE_NAME];

alter table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] add unique idx_col1(col1);


mysql的"[Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name"问题出现位置:


uint explain_filename (THD* thd, const char *from, char *to , uint to_length , enum_explain_filename_mode explain_mode )

跟踪代码发现,只有在ha_innodb.cc:1946的innobase_convert_identifier 中调用explain_filename函数。


Convert an SQL identifier to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8)

and quote it if needed.

@return pointer to the end of buf */

static char* innobase_convert_identifier (


char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted identifier */

ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */

const char * id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */

ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes */

void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread, or NULL */

ibool file_id) /*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or database name;

FALSE=id is an UTF-8 string */

顺着线索向上查找,发现在有两个位置调用了innobase_convert_identifier 函数,分两个线索继续查找。





Convert a table or index name to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8)

and quote it if needed.

@return pointer to the end of buf */

extern "C" UNIV_INTERN char* innobase_convert_name (


char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted identifier */

ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */

const char * id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */

ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes */

void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread, or NULL */

ibool table_id) /*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or database name;

FALSE=id is an index name */








Creates a table definition to an InnoDB database. */

static create_table_def (


trx_t* trx, /*!< in: InnoDB transaction handle */

TABLE* form, /*!< in: information on table

columns and indexes */

const char * table_name, /*!< in: table name */

const char * path_of_temp_table, /*!< in: if this is a table explicitly

created by the user with the

TEMPORARY keyword, then this

parameter is the dir path where the

table should be placed if we create

an .ibd file for it (no .ibd extension

in the path, though); otherwise this

is NULL */

ulint flags) /*!< in: table flags */

在create_table_def 函数中,调用row_create_table_for_mysql函数后,当返回值为DB_DUPLICATE_KEY时,调用innodb_convert_identifier,从而触发该warning。


UNIV_INTERN int row_create_table_for_mysql(


dict_table_t* table, /*!< in, own: table definition

(will be freed) */

trx_t* trx) /*!< in: transaction handle */






作者 king_wangheng

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