字符的计算机处理和显示 外文翻译






The commercial need to computerise contours of objects has intensified over recent years as more and more applications endeavour to seek the benefits of visualisation. The primary aim has been to gain a computerised model which closely resembles the original shape and form. The digital form lends itself to be processed by fast processors, and their output to be displayed on graphic devices such as screen displays and laser printers. The benefits of the digital form are also extended to cater for numerically controlled machines. These are employed to produce outlines through cutting or engraving on paper, metal, plastic or wood.

When it comes to digitling the outlines of characters, additional considerationshave to be included in the modelling, design, phase. The aim of these is to capture the uniqueness and the distinct features of a font, which traditionally were realised by a proficient artisan’s hand and eye. Modern approaches endeavour to gain the same impact by using a set of pre-defined specifications in the design process. The goal of which is not just to model accurately a desired font, but also to ensure that the displayed version is both legible and aestheticallyacceptable.

This paper provides an insight about the design methods used to both model and represent the contours of Latin characters and fonts. It describes the role of the spline as a means of realising the modelling aspect. To this regard, the spline descriptions used by Postscript (BCzier cubic) and TrueType (parabolic) are looked at, and a comparativeanalysis made. The discussion throughout is levelled at providing a practical understanding of the subject matter.


The quest for an accurate and aesthetically acceptable representation of outlines of shape has traditionally been undertaken by experienced artisans. They produced desired results by using a skilled hand, having an eye for fine det

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