


Linux kernel space and user space communication mechanism

摘 要

Linux 是一个源码开放的操作系统,无论是普通用户还是企业用户都可以编写自己的内核代码,再加上对标准内核的裁剪从而制作出适合自己的操作系统,深受大家喜爱。Linux系统中,在使用虚拟内存技术的多任务系统上,内核和用户有不同的地址空间,因此,在内核与用户之间进行数据交换需要专门的机制来实现。一个或多个内核模块的实现并不能满足一般 Linux 系统软件的需要,因为内核的局限性太大,内核空间与用户空间进程通信的方法就显得尤为重要。本文将列举几种内核态与用户态进程通信的方法:Netlink通信机制,基于文件系统的通信机制,内核启动参数通信机制,并用实验板对几种重要的通信机制进行验证,详细分析它们的实现和适用环境,优缺点,并做出比较。提供用户适合使用这种通信机制的环境,以便更好的运用Linux操作系统。

关键字 内核空间 用户空间 地址空间


Linux is an open source operating system, whether ordinary users or business users can write your own kernel code, with the modification of the standard kernel,everyone can make up their own operating system, which makes Linux popular.In Linux systems, in the use of multi-tasking system with virtual memory technology, the kernel and the user have different address spaces, so the change of data between kernel and user needs Special Method to achieve. One or more kernel modules can not meet the general needs of Linux system software, just because the limitations of the kernel, make it important that the process communication method between kernel space and user space. In this article I will list some kernel mode and user mode process communication methods: Netlink communication mechanism, communication mechanism based on the file system, the kernel boot parameters of communication mechanism. I will analysis of their implementation, application environment, the advantages and disadvantages in detail, and make the comparison. I will provide users with suitable environment for each communication mechanism in order to let others make good use of Linux operating system.

Keywords kernel space user space address spaces


目 录

TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc294014233" 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc294014233 \h 1

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc294014234" 1.1 操作系统发展史 PAGEREF _Toc294014234 \h 1

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc294014235" 1.2 选题背景及研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc294014235 \h 2

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc294014236" 1.3 主要工作 PA

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