I am going to start MVC with Spring framework, but I am unable to get jar file of spring framework .I have tried in help menu>install new software>add new in Eclipse IDE but I failed. Can anyone please guide me ?


You can try download STS (Spring Source Tool Suite) from this link:

Of course, you should try Maven which is easy to use and adds value to the libraries and additional components you handle in your project.

If you want to add the libraries manually and work without any library handler like maven, then you can do the following:

Create a new Java Project

Over your project, right click and then create a new folder, call it "libs"

Download the latest libraries of Spring 3 MVC: http://projects.spring.io/spring-framework/

Once you've downloaded the libraries, extract the content of the zip and copy the required "jar" files inside the folder "libs" you've just created.

Once you copied the files to the folder, select all the files, right-click, look at "Build Path" and click on "Add to Build Path"

then in the project explorer, you will be able to see that in "Referenced Libraries" you have the Spring libraries.

Just have fun.

But as recommended and suggested, try downloading maven, there is an integration also if you go and install from the Eclipse Market: m2eclipse.

Then, another option is like many people answered you: use STS, which comes with maven and will make your work easier and faster.

Now seems like Spring just wants to work with dependency managers, so you can go to the central repository and download the parts you need, here you have the link:



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