
[代码] MySocket.h

01 #ifndef _MYSOCKET_0623_H
02 #define _MYSOCKET_0623_H
04 #include <sys/socket.h>
05 #include <sys/types.h>
06 #include <arpa/inet.h>
07 #include <netinet/in.h>
08 #include <sys/wait.h>
09 #include <unistd.h>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include <stdlib.h>
14 //Base class Socket
15 class Socket
16 {
17 public:
18     Socket();
19     virtual ~Socket();
20     bool Create();
21     bool Bind(const unsigned short port);
22     bool Listen() const;
23     bool Accept(Socket &new_sock) const;
24     bool Connect(std::string host, const unsigned short port);//client
25     bool Send(const std::string s) const;
26     int Recv(std::string &s) const;
27     void Close();
28     bool IsValid() const;
30 private:
31     int m_sock;
32     sockaddr_in m_addr;
33 };
35 //ServerSocket, Use Socket as a service
36 class ServerSocket : private Socket
37 {
38  public:
39   ServerSocket(){Create();}     //for normal data-exchange socket
40   ServerSocket(unsigned short port);    //for listen socket
41   virtual ~ServerSocket();
42   void Accept(ServerSocket &new_sock) const;
43   void Close();
44   const ServerSocket& operator << (const std::string&) const;
45   const ServerSocket& operator >> (std::string&) const;
46 };
48 //ClientSocket derived form Socket
49 class ClientSocket : private Socket
50 {
51 public:
52     ClientSocket(){Create();}
53     ClientSocket(std::string host, const unsigned short port);
54     virtual ~ClientSocket();
55     void Close();
56     const ClientSocket& operator << (const std::string&) const;
57     const ClientSocket& operator >> (std::string&) const;
58 };
60 //SocketException
61 class SocketException
62 {
63 public:
64     SocketException(std::string msg = std::string("Socket Exception")): m_msg(msg){}
65     void Print(){std::cout << m_msg << std::endl;}
66 private:
67     const std::string m_msg;
69 };
70 #endif

[代码] MySocket.cpp

001 #include "MySocket.h"
002 #include <assert.h>
003 using namespace std;
004 //Implement of Socket class
006 static void Trace(const string& msg = "Socket Class Error")
007 {
008 #ifdef DEBUG
009     cout << msg << endl;
010 #endif
011 }
013 Socket::Socket()
014 {
015   m_sock = -1;
016   m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
017   m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
018   m_addr.sin_port = htons(8089);
019 }
021 Socket::~Socket()
022 {
023     if (m_sock != -1)   //valid socket
024     {
025         Close();
026     }
027 }
029 bool Socket::Create()
030 {
031   m_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
032   if (m_sock == -1)
033     {
034       Trace("Create Socket Failure");
035       return false;
036     }
037   else
038     {
039       Trace("Create Socket Succeed");
040       return true;
041     }
042 }
044 bool Socket::Bind(const unsigned short port)
045 {
046     assert(m_sock != -1);
047     m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
048     m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
049     m_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
050     int server_len = sizeof( m_addr );
051     if ( bind(m_sock, (struct sockaddr *)& m_addr, server_len) == -1 )
052     {
053         Trace("Server Bind Failure");
054         return false;
055     }
056     else
057     {
058         return true;
059     }
060 }
062 bool Socket::Listen() const
063 {
064     if ( listen(m_sock, 5) == -1 )
065     {
066         Trace("Server Listen Failure");
067         return false;
068     }
069     else
070     {
071         return true;
072     }
073 }
075 bool Socket::Accept(Socket & new_socket) const//new_socket as a return
076 {
077     int len = sizeof( new_socket.m_addr );
078     new_socket.m_sock = accept( m_sock,
079              (struct sockaddr *)& new_socket.m_addr, (socklen_t*)&len );
080     if ( new_socket.m_sock == -1 )
081     {
082         Trace("Server Accept Failure");
083         return false;
084     }
085     else
086     {
087         return true;
088     }
089 }
091 bool Socket::Connect(const std::string host, const unsigned short port)
092 {
093     assert(m_sock != -1);
094     m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
095     m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host.c_str());
096     m_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
097     int len = sizeof(m_addr);
098     int res = connect( m_sock, (struct sockaddr*)& m_addr, len);
099     if(res == -1)
100     {
101         Trace("Client Connect Failure");
102         return false;
103     }
104     return true;
105 }
107 bool Socket::Send(const std::string send_str) const
108 {
109     //copy the send_str to a buffer so that we can send it.
110     size_t len = send_str.size() + 1;
111     char *send_buf = NULL;
112     send_buf = new char[len];
113     if (NULL == send_buf)
114     {
115         Trace("Socket: memory allocation failed in Send()");
116         return false;
117     }
118     char t = send_str[0];
119     int i = 0;
120     while ( t != 0 )
121     {
122         send_buf[i] = t;
123         i++;
124         t = send_str[i];
125     }
126     send_buf[i] = 0;
127     //end of copying string
128     assert(i == len-1);
130     int xoff = 0;
131     int xs = 0;
132     do
133     {
134         xs = write(m_sock, send_buf+xoff, len-xoff);
135         if (-1 == xs)
136         {
137             Trace("Socket: send data failed");
138             delete [] send_buf;
139             return false;
140         }
141         else
142         {
143             xoff += xs;
144         }
145     } while(xoff < len);
146     Trace("Socket: send data succeed");
147     delete [] send_buf;
148     return true;   
149 }
151 int Socket::Recv( std::string & recv_str) const
152 {
153     cout << "enter recv" << endl;
154     char *recv_buf;
155     recv_buf = new char[256];
156     memset(recv_buf, 0 ,256);
157     int len = read(m_sock, recv_buf, 256);
158     if (-1 == len)
159     {
160         Trace("Socket: recv data failed");
161         delete [] recv_buf;
162         return -1;
163     }
164     else
165     {
166         recv_str = recv_buf;
167         delete [] recv_buf;
168         return len;
169     }  
170 }
173 bool Socket::IsValid() const
174 {
175   return ( m_sock != -1 );
176 }
178 void Socket::Close()
179 {
180     if (m_sock != -1)
181     {
182         close(m_sock);
183         m_sock = -1;
184     }
186 }
187 //

[代码] MyClientSocket.cpp

01 #include "MySocket.h"
02 using namespace std;
04 static void Trace(const string& msg = "ServerSocket Class Error")
05 {
06 #ifdef DEBUG
07     cout << msg << endl;
08 #endif
09 }
11 ClientSocket::ClientSocket(std::string host, const unsigned short port)
12 {
13     if ( !Create() )
14     {
15         Trace("Client Socket Constructor Failed");
16         throw SocketException("Client Socket Constructor Failed");
17     }
18     if ( !Connect(host, port) )
19     {
20         throw SocketException("Client Socket Constructor Failed");
21     }
22 }
24 ClientSocket::~ClientSocket()
25 {
26     Close();
27 }
29 void ClientSocket::Close()
30 {
31     Socket::Close();
32 }
34 const ClientSocket& ClientSocket::operator << (const std::string &s) const
35 {
36     if ( !Send(s) )
37     {
38         Trace("Could not write to server socket");
39         throw SocketException("Could not write to client socket");
40     }
41     return *this;
42 }
44 const ClientSocket& ClientSocket::operator >> (std::string& s) const
45 {
46     if ( Recv(s) == -1 )
47     {
48         Trace("Could not read from socket");
49         throw SocketException("Could not read from client socket");
50     }
51     return *this;
52 }

[代码] MyServerSocket.cpp

01 #include "MySocket.h"
02 #include <assert.h>
03 using namespace std;
05 static void Trace(const string& msg = "ServerSocket Class Error")
06 {
07 #ifdef DEBUG
08     cout << msg << endl;
09 #endif
10 }
12 ServerSocket::ServerSocket(unsigned short port)
13 {
14     if ( !Create() )
15     {
16         Trace("Could not create server socket!");
17         throw SocketException("Could not create : server socket!");
18     }
19     if ( !Bind(port) )
20     {
21         Trace("Could not bind to port!");
22         throw SocketException("Could not Bind : server socket!");
23     }
24     if ( !Listen() )
25     {
26         Trace("Could not listen to socket");
27         throw SocketException("Could not Litsen : server socket!");
28     }
29 }
31 ServerSocket::~ServerSocket()
32 {
33     Close();
34 }
37 void ServerSocket::Accept(ServerSocket& new_socket) const
38 {
39     if ( !Socket::Accept(new_socket) )
40     {
41         throw SocketException("Server Accept Failed");
42     }
43 }
45 void ServerSocket::Close()
46 {
47     Socket::Close();
48 }
50 const ServerSocket& ServerSocket::operator << (const std::string& s) const
51 {
52     if ( !Send(s) )
53     {
54         Trace("Could not write to server socket");
55         throw SocketException("Could not write to server socket");
56     }
57     return *this;
58 }
60 const ServerSocket& ServerSocket::operator >> (std::string& s) const
61 {
62     int ret = Recv(s);
63     if ( ret == -1 )
64     {
65         Trace("Could not read from server socket");
66         throw SocketException("Could not read form server socket");
67     }
68     return *this;
69 }

[代码] ServerTest.cpp

01 //Create a server for testing
02 #include "MySocket.h"
03 #include "Calculator.h"
04 using namespace std;
05 int main()
06 {
07     try
08     {
09         int result;
10         ServerSocket server(30000);
12         string s;
13         while(true)
14         {
15             ServerSocket new_sock;
16             server.Accept( new_sock );
17             while(true)
18             {
19                 new_sock >> s;
20                 cout << "receive : \t" << s << endl;
21                 //Deal with client requests
22                 new_sock << s;
23                 cout << "send: \t " << s << endl;
24             }
25             new_sock.Close();
26         }
28     }
29     catch(SocketException &e)
30     {
31         cout << "SocketException:\t";
32         e.Print();
33     }
34     catch(...)
35     {
36         cout << "Common Exception" << endl;
37     }
38     return 0;
39 }

[代码] ClientTest.cpp

01 #include "MySocket.h"
02 #include "Calculator.h"
03 using namespace std;
05 int main()
06 {
07     try
08     {
09         ClientSocket client("",30000);
10         string s = "HELLO";
12         int count = 1;
13         while(count <= 5)
14         {
15             cout << "input a string : " ;
16             cin >> s;
17             cout << "You have input " << s << endl;
18             client << s;
19             cout<< "Send to Socket : "<<s<<'\t'<<count<<endl;
20             client >> s;
21             cout<< "Read from Socket : "<<s<<'\t'<<count<<endl;
22             //sleep(2);
23             s = "HELLO";
24             count++;
25         }
26         client.Close();
27     }
28     catch(SocketException &e)
29     {
30         cout << "SocketException:\t";
31         e.Print();
32     }
33     ///
35     return 0;
36 }

[代码] MakeClient

01 objects = ClientTest.o MyClientSocket.o MySocket.o Calculator.o mathop.o
02 ClientTest.out: $(objects)
03     g++ $(objects) -o ClientTest.out
04 ClientTest.o: ClientTest.cpp MySocket.h  Calculator.h
05     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o ClientTest.o ClientTest.cpp
06 MyClientSocket.o: MyClientSocket.cpp MySocket.h
07     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o MyClientSocket.o MyClientSocket.cpp
08 MySocket.o: MySocket.cpp MySocket.h
09     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG MySocket.cpp -o MySocket.o
10 Calculator.o: Calculator.cpp Calculator.h
11     g++ -g -c -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o Calculator.o Calculator.cpp
12 mathop.o: mathop.cpp mathop.h
13     g++ -g -c -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o mathop.o mathop.cpp
14 .PHONY: clean
15 clean:
16     -rm $(objects) ClientTest.out

[代码] MakeServer

01 objects = ServerTest.o MyServerSocket.o MySocket.o Calculator.o mathop.o
02 ServerTest.out: $(objects)
03     g++ $(objects) -o ServerTest.out
04 ServerTest.o: ServerTest.cpp MySocket.h  Calculator.h
05     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o ServerTest.o ServerTest.cpp
06 MyServerSocket.o: MyServerSocket.cpp MySocket.h
07     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o MyServerSocket.o MyServerSocket.cpp
08 MySocket.o: MySocket.cpp MySocket.h
09     g++ -c -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG MySocket.cpp -o MySocket.o
10 Calculator.o: Calculator.cpp Calculator.h
11     g++ -g -c -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o Calculator.o Calculator.cpp
12 mathop.o: mathop.cpp mathop.h
13     g++ -g -c -Wall -pedantic -ansi -DDEBUG -o mathop.o mathop.cpp
14 .PHONY: clean
15 clean:
16     -rm $(objects) ServerTest.out

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