
问题就在于:Unable to find class



public class Contains extends Kryo{@RequestMapping("/contains")@ResponseBody
    public String contains(@RequestParam(value="path1", defaultValue="") String path1,@RequestParam(value="path2", defaultValue="") String path2) {double sum=0;if (path1.length() == 0 || path2.length() == 0) {return "path is null";}else {try{LivyClient client = new LivyClientBuilder().setURI(new URI("http://master.esri.local:8998/")).build();System.out.println("this is the client"+ "*******************************************");client.uploadJar(new File("/usr/local/jarsubmit/EsriGA.jar")).get();System.out.println("this is the uploadJar"+ "*******************************************");//client.uploadJar(new File("C:\\testGA\\GATest2.jar")).get();
                sum = client.submit(new GATest.ConJob(10)).get();//sum = client.submit(com.esrichina.gaextension.app.IntersectApp).get();
                System.out.println("the client is submitted "+ "*******************************************");client.stop(true);System.out.println("the client is stopped "+ "*******************************************");}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}}return Double.toString(sum);}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {SpringApplication.run(Contains.class, args);}
package GATest;import com.cloudera.livy.Job;
import com.cloudera.livy.JobContext;/*** Created by xiao on 2017/8/4.*/
public class ConJob  implements Job<Double> {private final int samples;public ConJob(int samples) {this.samples = samples;}int num = 0;@Overridepublic Double call(JobContext ctx) throws Exception {for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {System.out.println("this is the number"+ i);num+=i;}double dnum=num;System.out.println("this is the number"+ dnum);return dnum;}

livy提交任务报错com.cloudera.livy.shaded.kryo.kryo.KryoException: Unable to find class: GATest.ConJob相关推荐

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