
import {UserAuthenticationTokenService} from '@spartacus/core/src/auth/services/user-authentication/user-authentication-token.service';


While it’s true that it’s not being exported directly in Spartacus 2.x, I have found that it is still available. If you look at the compiled spartacus-core.d.ts file, you will see that UserAuthenticationTokenService is being exported under a gibberish(莫名其妙的) name:

export { UserAuthenticationTokenService as ɵbj } from './src/auth/services/user-authentication/user-authentication-token.service';

While this is probably not the best idea, I have found that you can actually import this in your own code. You can also rename it back to the original name for legibility:

import { ɵbj as UserAuthenticationTokenService } from '@spartacus/core';

I have used this myself on my current project and it seems to work fine:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'
export class MyUserAuthenticationTokenService extends UserAuthenticationTokenService {}
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { MyUserAuthenticationTokenService } from './services/my-user-authentication-token.service';
import { ɵbj as UserAuthenticationTokenService } from '@spartacus/core';@NgModule({declarations: [],imports: [CommonModule,],providers: [{ provide: UserAuthenticationTokenService, useExisting: MyUserAuthenticationTokenService }]
export class MyAuthModule {}
  • If you’re using Spartacus 2.x, UserAuthenticationTokenService is present in @spartacus/core, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be exposed in the public api. Therefore, you won’t be able to import it.

  • If you’re using Spartacus 3.x, UserAuthenticationTokenService was removed. Spartacus 3.0 introduces a new session management implementation. You can learn more about it here.

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