




版本:orafce 3.7 + PostgreSQL 10.5



解压后进入源码目录执行 make & make install

进入postgresql执行 create extension orafce


下载的源码中,orafce--3.7.sql文件中下面这段sql,需要将 'BASE_TABLE' 改成 'BASE TABLE' 再编译安装

create view oracle.user_tables as

select table_name

from information_schema.tables

where table_type = 'BASE_TABLE';


类型 date, varchar2 and nvarchar2

函数 concat, nvl, nvl2, lnnvl, decode, bitand, nanvl, sinh, cosh, tanh and oracle.substr

dual 表

package :














##Oracle兼容 包列表:

##在PostgreSQL里用 schema+函数 来实现。

atlas=# \dn

List of schemas

Name | Owner


dbms_alert | appusr

dbms_assert | appusr

dbms_output | appusr

dbms_pipe | appusr

dbms_random | appusr

dbms_utility | appusr

oracle | appusr

plunit | appusr

plvchr | appusr

plvdate | appusr

plvlex | appusr

plvstr | appusr

plvsubst | appusr

public | appusr

utl_file | appusr

(15 rows)

## 查看包


atlas=# \df dbms_output.*

List of functions

Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type


dbms_output | disable | void | | normal

dbms_output | enable | void | | normal

dbms_output | enable | void | buffer_size integer | normal

dbms_output | get_line | record | OUT line text, OUT status integer | normal

dbms_output | get_lines | record | OUT lines text[], INOUT numlines integer | normal

dbms_output | new_line | void | | normal

dbms_output | put | void | a text | normal

dbms_output | put_line | void | a text | normal

dbms_output | serveroutput | void | boolean | normal

(9 rows)

##Oracle兼容 公共函数 列表:

atlas=# \df

List of functions

Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type


public | bitand | bigint | bigint, bigint | normal

public | cosh | double precision | double precision | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint | normal

public | decode | bigint | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, bigint | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character | normal

public | decode | character | anyelement, anyelement, character, character | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date | normal

public | decode | date | anyelement, anyelement, date, date | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer | normal

public | decode | integer | anyelement, anyelement, integer, integer | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric | normal

public | decode | numeric | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, numeric | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text | normal

public | decode | text | anyelement, anyelement, text, text | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | timestamp with time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone | normal

public | decode | time without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone | normal

public | dump | character varying | "any" | normal

public | dump | character varying | "any", integer | normal

public | dump | character varying | text | normal

public | dump | character varying | text, integer | normal

public | nanvl | double precision | double precision, character varying | normal

public | nanvl | double precision | double precision, double precision | normal

public | nanvl | numeric | numeric, character varying | normal

public | nanvl | numeric | numeric, numeric | normal

public | nanvl | real | real, character varying | normal

public | nanvl | real | real, real | normal

public | nvarchar2 | nvarchar2 | nvarchar2, integer, boolean | normal

public | nvarchar2_transform | internal | internal | normal

public | nvarchar2in | nvarchar2 | cstring, oid, integer | normal

public | nvarchar2out | cstring | nvarchar2 | normal

public | nvarchar2recv | nvarchar2 | internal, oid, integer | normal

public | nvarchar2send | bytea | nvarchar2 | normal

public | nvarchar2typmodin | integer | cstring[] | normal

public | nvarchar2typmodout | cstring | integer | normal

public | nvl | anyelement | anyelement, anyelement | normal

public | nvl2 | anyelement | anyelement, anyelement, anyelement | normal

public | sinh | double precision | double precision | normal

public | tanh | double precision | double precision | normal

public | to_multi_byte | text | str text | normal

public | to_single_byte | text | str text | normal

public | varchar2 | varchar2 | varchar2, integer, boolean | normal

public | varchar2_transform | internal | internal | normal

public | varchar2in | varchar2 | cstring, oid, integer | normal

public | varchar2out | cstring | varchar2 | normal

public | varchar2recv | varchar2 | internal, oid, integer | normal

public | varchar2send | bytea | varchar2 | normal

public | varchar2typmodin | integer | cstring[] | normal

public | varchar2typmodout | cstring | integer | normal

(88 rows)

atlas=# \df oracle.*

List of functions

Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type


oracle | add_days_to_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, bigint | normal

oracle | add_days_to_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, integer | normal

oracle | add_days_to_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, numeric | normal

oracle | add_days_to_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, smallint | normal

oracle | add_months | timestamp without time zone | timestamp with time zone, integer | normal

oracle | btrim | text | character | normal

oracle | btrim | text | character, character | normal

oracle | btrim | text | character, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | character, text | normal

oracle | btrim | text | character, varchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | nvarchar2, character | normal

oracle | btrim | text | nvarchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | nvarchar2, text | normal

oracle | btrim | text | nvarchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | text | normal

oracle | btrim | text | text, character | normal

oracle | btrim | text | text, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | text, text | normal

oracle | btrim | text | text, varchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | varchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | varchar2, character | normal

oracle | btrim | text | varchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | btrim | text | varchar2, text | normal

oracle | btrim | text | varchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | dbtimezone | text | | normal

oracle | get_full_version_num | text | | normal

oracle | get_major_version | text | | normal

oracle | get_major_version_num | text | | normal

oracle | get_platform | text | | normal

oracle | get_status | text | | normal

oracle | last_day | timestamp without time zone | timestamp with time zone | normal

oracle | length | integer | character | normal

oracle | lpad | text | bigint, integer, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | character, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | character, integer, character | normal

oracle | lpad | text | character, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | character, integer, text | normal

oracle | lpad | text | character, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | integer, integer, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | numeric, integer, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | nvarchar2, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, character | normal

oracle | lpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, text | normal

oracle | lpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | smallint, integer, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | text, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | text, integer, character | normal

oracle | lpad | text | text, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | text, integer, text | normal

oracle | lpad | text | text, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | varchar2, integer | normal

oracle | lpad | text | varchar2, integer, character | normal

oracle | lpad | text | varchar2, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | lpad | text | varchar2, integer, text | normal

oracle | lpad | text | varchar2, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | character | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | character, character | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | character, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | character, text | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | character, varchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | nvarchar2, character | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | nvarchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | nvarchar2, text | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | nvarchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | text | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | text, character | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | text, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | text, text | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | text, varchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | varchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | varchar2, character | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | varchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | varchar2, text | normal

oracle | ltrim | text | varchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | months_between | numeric | timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone | normal

oracle | next_day | timestamp without time zone | timestamp with time zone, integer | normal

oracle | next_day | timestamp without time zone | timestamp with time zone, text | normal

oracle | numtodsinterval | interval | double precision, text | normal

oracle | nvl | bigint | bigint, integer | normal

oracle | nvl | numeric | numeric, integer | normal

oracle | round | numeric | double precision, integer | normal

oracle | round | numeric | real, integer | normal

oracle | rpad | text | character, integer | normal

oracle | rpad | text | character, integer, character | normal

oracle | rpad | text | character, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | character, integer, text | normal

oracle | rpad | text | character, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | nvarchar2, integer | normal

oracle | rpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, character | normal

oracle | rpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, text | normal

oracle | rpad | text | nvarchar2, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | text, integer | normal

oracle | rpad | text | text, integer, character | normal

oracle | rpad | text | text, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | text, integer, text | normal

oracle | rpad | text | text, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | varchar2, integer | normal

oracle | rpad | text | varchar2, integer, character | normal

oracle | rpad | text | varchar2, integer, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rpad | text | varchar2, integer, text | normal

oracle | rpad | text | varchar2, integer, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | character | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | character, character | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | character, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | character, text | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | character, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | nvarchar2, character | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | nvarchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | nvarchar2, text | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | nvarchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | text | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | text, character | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | text, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | text, text | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | text, varchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | varchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | varchar2, character | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | varchar2, nvarchar2 | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | varchar2, text | normal

oracle | rtrim | text | varchar2, varchar2 | normal

oracle | sessiontimezone | text | | normal

oracle | substr | text | character varying, numeric | normal

oracle | substr | text | character varying, numeric, numeric | normal

oracle | substr | text | numeric, numeric | normal

oracle | substr | text | numeric, numeric, numeric | normal

oracle | substr | text | str text, start integer | normal

oracle | substr | text | str text, start integer, len integer | normal

oracle | subtract | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, bigint | normal

oracle | subtract | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, integer | normal

oracle | subtract | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, numeric | normal

oracle | subtract | double precision | oracle.date, oracle.date | normal

oracle | subtract | timestamp without time zone | oracle.date, smallint | normal

oracle | sysdate | oracle.date | | normal

oracle | to_char | text | timestamp without time zone | normal

oracle | to_date | oracle.date | text | normal

oracle | to_date | oracle.date | text, text | normal

oracle | trunc | numeric | double precision, integer | normal

oracle | trunc | numeric | real, integer | normal

(143 rows)

## Oracle兼容 系统表 视图:

atlas=# \dv oracle.*

List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner


oracle | dba_segments | view | appusr

oracle | product_component_version | view | appusr

oracle | user_cons_columns | view | appusr

oracle | user_constraints | view | appusr

oracle | user_ind_columns | view | appusr

oracle | user_objects | view | appusr

oracle | user_procedures | view | appusr

oracle | user_source | view | appusr

oracle | user_tab_columns | view | appusr

oracle | user_tables | view | appusr

oracle | user_views | view | appusr

(11 rows)

## Oracle兼容 dual表,在PG里用了一个视图来实现。

atlas=# \dv

List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner


public | dual | view | appusr

(1 row)

atlas=# \d+ dual

View "public.dual"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description


dummy | character varying | | | | extended |

View definition:

SELECT 'X'::character varying AS dummy;

atlas=# select * from dual;




(1 row)

atlas=# select 1 from dual;




(1 row)



orafce添加了varchar2 和nvarchar2两种类型,varchar2的实现过程如下:

## 自定义类型


CREATE TYPE varchar2 (

internallength = VARIABLE,

input = varchar2in,

output = varchar2out,

receive = varchar2recv,

send = varchar2send,

category = 'S',

typmod_in = varchar2typmodin,

typmod_out = varchar2typmodout,

collatable = true


## 创建转换函数


CREATE CAST (varchar2 AS text)



CREATE CAST (text AS varchar2)



CREATE CAST (varchar2 AS char)




## 其他varchar2的操作函数:

## 此函数使用pg内核提供的C函数,部分函数会采用orafce动态库自定义的C函数

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.substrb(varchar2, integer, integer) RETURNS varchar2

AS 'bytea_substr'

LANGUAGE internal





## 创建oracle对应的date类型:

CREATE DOMAIN oracle.date AS timestamp(0);

## 对oracle.date类型增强操作符支持


LEFTARG = oracle.date,


PROCEDURE = oracle.add_days_to_timestamp



LEFTARG = oracle.date,


PROCEDURE = oracle.subtract



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = bigint,

PROCEDURE = oracle.add_days_to_timestamp



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = bigint,

PROCEDURE = oracle.subtract



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = smallint,

PROCEDURE = oracle.add_days_to_timestamp



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = smallint,

PROCEDURE = oracle.subtract



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = numeric,

PROCEDURE = oracle.add_days_to_timestamp



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = numeric,

PROCEDURE = oracle.subtract



LEFTARG = oracle.date,

RIGHTARG = oracle.date,

PROCEDURE = oracle.subtract


## 操作符实现(以 date + int 为例):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION oracle.add_days_to_timestamp(oracle.date,integer)

RETURNS timestamp AS $$

SELECT $1 + interval '1 day' * $2;






select 1 from dual


select 1


CREATE VIEW public.dual AS SELECT 'X'::varchar AS dummy;





## Oracle 数据库使用

select sysdate from dual


CREATE FUNCTION oracle.sysdate()

RETURNS oracle.date

AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','orafce_sysdate'


COMMENT ON FUNCTION oracle.sysdate() IS 'Ruturns statement timestamp at server time zone';


/* src:datefce.c */



* ora_sysdate - sysdate


* Syntax:


* timestamp sysdate()


* Purpose:


* Returns statement_timestamp in server time zone

* Note - server time zone doesn't exists on PostgreSQL - emulated

* by orafce_timezone






Datum sysdate;

Datum sysdate_scaled;

sysdate = DirectFunctionCall2(timestamptz_zone,



/* necessary to cast to timestamp(0) to emulate Oracle's date */

sysdate_scaled = DirectFunctionCall2(timestamp_scale,






select oracle.sysdate() from dual



因为在“create extension orafce”,就会创建所有的自定义类型、函数、字典表等对象。



经过代码分析,语法分析时作为函数调用的,对应的函数为 plvlex.tokens。


## 创建函数plvlex.tokens,为C语言函数


CREATE FUNCTION plvlex.tokens(IN str text, IN skip_spaces bool, IN qualified_names bool,

OUT pos int, OUT token text, OUT code int, OUT class text, OUT separator text, OUT mod text)


AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','plvlex_tokens'


COMMENT ON FUNCTION plvlex.tokens(text,bool,bool) IS 'Parse SQL string';

## C语言实现代码




#ifdef _MSC_VER



errmsg("plvlex.tokens is not available in the built")));



FuncCallContext *funcctx;

TupleDesc tupdesc;

TupleTableSlot *slot;

AttInMetadata *attinmeta;

tokensFctx *fctx;



MemoryContext oldcontext;

List *lexems;

text *src = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);

bool skip_spaces = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);

bool qnames = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);

/* 此处调用了语法分析器 */


if (orafce_sql_yyparse(&lexems) != 0)

orafce_sql_yyerror(NULL, "bogus input");


funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT ();

oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo (funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);

fctx = (tokensFctx*) palloc (sizeof (tokensFctx));

funcctx->user_fctx = (void *)fctx;

fctx->nodes = filterList(lexems, skip_spaces, qnames);

fctx->nnodes = list_length(fctx->nodes);

fctx->cnode = 0;

fctx->values = (char **) palloc (6 * sizeof (char *));

fctx->values [0] = (char*) palloc (16 * sizeof (char));

fctx->values [1] = (char*) palloc (1024 * sizeof (char));

fctx->values [2] = (char*) palloc (16 * sizeof (char));

fctx->values [3] = (char*) palloc (16 * sizeof (char));

fctx->values [4] = (char*) palloc (255 * sizeof (char));

fctx->values [5] = (char*) palloc (255 * sizeof (char));

tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc (6 , false);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 1, "start_pos", INT4OID, -1, 0);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 2, "token", TEXTOID, -1, 0);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 3, "keycode", INT4OID, -1, 0);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 4, "class", TEXTOID, -1, 0);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 5, "separator", TEXTOID, -1, 0);

TupleDescInitEntry (tupdesc, 6, "mod", TEXTOID, -1, 0);

slot = TupleDescGetSlot (tupdesc);

funcctx -> slot = slot;

attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata (tupdesc);

funcctx -> attinmeta = attinmeta;

MemoryContextSwitchTo (oldcontext);


funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP ();

fctx = (tokensFctx*) funcctx->user_fctx;

while (fctx->cnode < fctx->nnodes)


char **values;

Datum result;

HeapTuple tuple;

char *back_vals[6];

orafce_lexnode *nd = (orafce_lexnode*) list_nth(fctx->nodes, fctx->cnode++);

values = fctx->values;

back_vals[2] = values[2];

back_vals[4] = values[4];

back_vals[5] = values[5];

snprintf(values[0], 16, "%d", nd->lloc);

snprintf(values[1], 10000, "%s", SF(nd->str));

snprintf(values[2], 16, "%d", nd->keycode);

snprintf(values[3], 16, "%s", nd->classname);

snprintf(values[4], 255, "%s", SF(nd->sep));

snprintf(values[5], 48, "%s", SF(nd->modificator));

if (nd->keycode == -1)

values[2] = NULL;

if (!nd->sep)

values[4] = NULL;

if (!nd->modificator)

values[5] = NULL;

tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings (funcctx -> attinmeta,

fctx -> values);

result = TupleGetDatum (funcctx -> slot, tuple);

values[2] = back_vals[2];

values[4] = back_vals[4];

values[5] = back_vals[5];

SRF_RETURN_NEXT (funcctx, result);


SRF_RETURN_DONE (funcctx);




atlas=# select * from plvlex.tokens('select * from a.b.c join d ON x=y', true, true);

pos | token | code | class | separator | mod


0 | select | 597 | KEYWORD | |

7 | * | 42 | OTHERS | | self

9 | from | 417 | KEYWORD | |

14 | a.b.c | | IDENT | |

20 | join | 464 | KEYWORD | |

25 | d | | IDENT | |

27 | on | 521 | KEYWORD | |

30 | x | | IDENT | |

31 | = | 61 | OTHERS | | self

32 | y | | IDENT | |

(10 rows)


Package PLVlex

This package isn’t compatible with original PLVlex.

Warning: Keyword’s codes can be changed between PostgreSQL versions! o plvlex.tokens(str text, skip_spaces bool, qualified_names bool) - Returns table of lexical elements in str.




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    近日在研究v$latch视图时,发现一个从未见过的数据类型.v$latch 中ADDR属性的数据类型为RAW(4|8)  同时也发现v$process中的ADDR属性的数据类型也为RAW(4|8).于 ...

  4. Oracle采用的数据模型,POSTGRES、ORACLE等数据库采用的数据模型面向对象的数据模型()...

    POSTGRES.ORACLE等数据库采用的数据模型面向对象的数据模型() 答:× 定义如下变量和数组: int i,x[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 则下面语句for (i= ...

  5. 从oracle中读取图片,Pb从oracle中读取和保存图片

    Pb从oracle中读取和保存图片 (2008-12-12 12:23:20) 转载 分类:编程 标签: it //保存图片 //选择文件 string pname, fname integer va ...

  6. oracle中or的替函数,Oracle常用内置Or自定义函数-SQL宝典

    一 .函数使用说明 1.NLSSORT(列名,排序规则) 在oracle9i中新增了按照拼音.部首.笔画排序功能.设置NLS_SORT值 SCHINESE_RADICAL_M   按照部首(第一顺序) ...

  7. oracle中右击出现的含义,Oracle中经典的问题解决方案-Oracle

    对于 Oracle 数据库的开发,我们可能有时候会遇到一些奇怪的问题,与其它数据库存在不同的差异的问题,在这里我列举了一些比较有趣的问题 问题一:解决Oracle中时间问题 Oracle默认date类 ...

  8. oracle中check约束性别,关于Oracle Check类型约束的导入与启用

    今天有朋友问,Oracle的Check约束在indexfile中是否存在,导入后没有检查到. 我测试了一下,事实证明是可以的,Oracle的Check Constraints可以通过imp,使用ind ...

  9. oracle中角色和用户权限,Oracle用户、角色、权限管理

    用户在会话的权利上,应该有其他操作的权利:Oracle的用户和口令不区分大小写,真是让人大跌眼镜:Oralce中,所有用户必须明确被 create or replace type address as ...


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  6. oracle 管道通信,oracle管道化表函数
  7. 【温故知新】——原生js中常用的四种循环方式
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