
批量文件下载器 PowerShell 版,类似于迅雷批量下载功能,且可以破解 Referer 防盗链


[int]$script:completed = 0  # 下载完成数量
[int]$script:succeed = 0    # 下载成功数量# 开始下载(普通方法)
function StartDownload {param([array]$urlList, [string]$path, [string]$referer)$last = $urlList.Count$watch = Measure-Command {for($i = 0; $i -lt $last; $i++) {DownloadItem -url $urlList[$i] -path $path -referer $refererStart-Sleep -Milliseconds 200  # 延迟0.2秒
        }}$failed = $script:completed - $succeed$elapsed = [Math]::Round($watch.TotalMilliseconds/1000, 2)  # 总计耗时(秒)Write-Output ""Write-Host "总共下载 $script:completed,成功 $script:succeed,失败 $failed,耗时 $elapsed s" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow$script:completed = 0$script:succeed = 0
}# 下载单个文件
function DownloadItem {param([string]$url, [string]$path, [string]$referer)$url_file = $url.Substring($url.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);if($referer.Contains("(*)")) {$referer = $referer -replace "\(\*\)", $url}try {$tmpFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()$destFileName = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($path, $url_file)$watch = Measure-Command {# 下载文件到临时文件夹Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{"Referer"=$referer} -UserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" -TimeoutSec 120 -OutFile $tmpFileName# 将临时文件移动到目标文件夹Move-Item -Path $tmpFileName -Destination $destFileName -Force}$script:succeed += 1$fileLength =[Math]::Ceiling((Get-Item -LiteralPath $destFileName).Length / 1024.0)$elapsed = [Math]::Round($watch.TotalMilliseconds)# 下载成功!12.jpg - 115KB/2356msWrite-Host "下载成功!$url_file - $fileLength KB/$elapsed ms" -ForegroundColor Green} catch {Write-Error $PSItem.ToString()} finally {$script:completed += 1}
}# 主函数 运行 AppStart 即可启动
function AppStart {Clear-HostWrite-Welcome$urlFormat = ReadInput_Url -message "输入URL(含通配符,例如 http://www.spany.com/2019/(*).jpg)"$start = ReadInput_Integer -message "通配符数字开始(0~200)" -minValue 0 -maxValue 200$end = $start + 200$end = ReadInput_Integer -message "通配符数字结束($start~$end)" -minValue: $start -maxValue $end$len = ReadInput_Integer -message "通配符数字长度(1~5)" -minValue: 1 -maxValue 5$referer = ReadInput_Url -message "输入Referer为破解防盗链(如果Referer中含有通配符(*),则将被当前URL替换,如无须Referer则直接回车)" -defaultValue "https://www.baidu.com/visit"Write-Output ""$urlList = BuildUrlList -urlFormat $urlFormat -start $start -end $end -len $lenif($urlList.Count -gt 0) {Write-Output "URL列表如下:"foreach($url in $urlList) {Write-Output "`t$url"}Write-Output ""if(ReadInput_YesOrNo -message "是否开始下载?(y/n)") {$path = ReadInput_Path -message "输入文件存储目录"Write-Output ""StartDownload -urlList $urlList -path $path -referer $referer}} else {Write-Warning "不能创建URL列表,请核对参数!"}Write-Output ""

完整代码: https://gitee.com/codefelix/spany-down-ps.git


定位到文件目录,右键 spany-down-ps.ps1 选择“使用 PowerShell 运行”,如提示此系统上禁止运行脚本,可执行命令 Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 更改执行策略


如果你直接打开图片或者用迅雷批量下载,都将被 403 Forbidden,因为网站启用了 Referer 防盗链

不过 PowerShell 版还是单线程顺序下载,另一个 C#/.NET Core 版 https://gitee.com/codefelix/spany-down-sharp 采用异步下载,有进度显示,效率更高


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