Photoshop is the biggest name in image editing, but it has a reputation as a complicated and difficult app to use. While it’s certainly feature packed, it’s nowhere near as difficult to get the hang of as it first appears. Let’s look at how to learn Photoshop without getting stuck in the weeds.

Photoshop 是图像编辑中最著名的名称 ,但它以使用复杂且难以使用的应用程序而闻名。 虽然它肯定是功能丰富的,但要获得它的初衷似乎并不难。 让我们看看如何学习Photoshop而又不会陷入困境。

确定要使用Photoshop的功能 (Decide What You Want to Use Photoshop For)

While Photoshop is a single app, it’s a versatile one. It’s used by designers, developers, photographers, and pretty much everyone else you can think of in a visually creative field. The number of tools and features is insane and incredibly intimidating, but the reality is you only need to learn a subset of them for each task. If you’re only interested in editing images, you can ignore huge amounts of the stuff to do with paths, shapes, vectors, and the like (at least initially). Similarly, if you’re interested in design, you don’t need any of the photo specific stuff.

虽然Photoshop是单个应用程序,但它是一个多功能的应用程序。 设计师,开发人员,摄影师以及视觉创意领域中的几乎所有人都可以使用它。 工具和功能的数量是疯狂的,令人难以置信的令人生畏,但现实是,您仅需要为每个任务学习其中的一部分。 如果您仅对编辑图像感兴趣,则可以忽略与路径,形状,矢量等有关的大量工作(至少在最初是这样)。 同样,如果您对设计感兴趣,则不需要任何照片专用的东西。

That’s a reeeally complicated interface.

When you’re starting out, decide what you want or need to use Photoshop for. You should also consider whether it’s really the app you should be learning. There are great alternatives out there and—especially for image editing—unless you’re going to do some serious pixel pushing, Photoshop Lightroom is actually a better go-to tool.

刚开始时,请决定要使用Photoshop的用途。 您还应该考虑它是否真的是您应该学习的应用程序。 那里有很多其他选择,尤其是用于图像编辑,除非您要进行一些严格的像素推送,否则Photoshop Lightroom实际上是一个更好的入门工具 。

If you’ve decided you definitely want to learn Photoshop and know how you want to use it, then let’s dive in.


为每个人学习基础 (Learning the Basics for Everyone)

Although you don’t need to learn every bit of Photoshop, it helps to have a grounding in the basics that are common across pretty much every use. We’ve got an eight part series that introduces you to Photoshop, the layout of the app, and some of the basic tools. It was written for CS5, a predecessor to the current Creative Cloud app, but it’s all still relevant.

尽管您不需要学习所有的Photoshop,但有助于您了解几乎所有用法都通用的基础知识。 我们有一个由八个部分组成的系列,向您介绍Photoshop,应用程序的布局以及一些基本工具。 它是为CS5(当前Creative Cloud应用程序的前身)编写的,但仍然很重要。

  • Part 1: The Toolbox


  • Part 2: Basic Panels


  • Part 3: Introduction to Layers


  • Part 4: Basic Menus


  • Part 5: Beginner Photo Editing


  • Part 6: Digital Art


  • Part 7: Design and Typography


  • Part 8: Filters


The first four tutorials are the most important, so start with them. The second four really just give you an idea of some of the ways you could use Photoshop.

前四个教程最重要,因此从它们开始。 后四个实际上只是让您了解了一些可以使用Photoshop的方式。

After that, you should read our deeper dive into layers and layer masks. They’re a huge part of Photoshop, since most people now do really basic editing in other apps.

之后,您应该阅读我们对图层和图层蒙版的更深入研究。 它们是Photoshop的重要组成部分,因为现在大多数人都在其他应用程序中进行了基本的编辑。

If you prefer to watch videos, we highly recommend Deke McClelland over at I personally learned how to use Photoshop from his courses. If you’ve got the time, dive into Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Fundamentals. at more than 16 hours long, it’s a monster, but it covers everything you need to know. There are even two equally long followup courses that will make you a Photoshop master if you put the time in.

如果您喜欢观看视频,我们强烈建议您在Lynda.com上推荐Deke McClelland。 我亲自从他的课程中学到了如何使用Photoshop。 如果有时间,请深入研究Photoshop CC 2018一对一:基础知识 。 在长达16个多小时的时间内,它是一个怪物,但是它涵盖了您需要了解的所有内容。 如果有时间的话,甚至还有两个同样长的后续课程,这些课程将使您成为Photoshop的主人。

Photoshop CC 2018 Essential Training: The Basics, at less than five hours long, is also a good starting point. We really like Lynda’s courses because they’re well organized and professionally produced. You get one month for free, so you can try them out for yourself.

Photoshop CC 2018 Essential Training:The Basics不到五小时,也是一个很好的起点。 我们非常喜欢Lynda的课程,因为它们井井有条且专业。 您可以免费获得一个月的服务,因此您可以自己尝试一下。

学习使用Photoshop进行图像编辑 (Learning to Use Photoshop for Image Editing)

Once you’ve got a handle on the basics, it’s time to start drilling down into the specifics of what you want to learn. If you’re interested in photography, start with my guide on how to improve almost any digital photo. This tutorial takes you through a full workflow that I regularly use when editing my images.

一旦掌握了基础知识,就该开始深入了解要学习的内容了。 如果您对摄影感兴趣,请从我的指南开始,探讨如何改善几乎所有的数码照片 。 本教程将带您完成编辑图像时经常使用的完整工作流程。

You’ll also need to learn how to use adjustment layers, and in particular, how to use curves in adjustment layers. They’re the tools you’ll use most regularly to edit your images.

您还需要学习如何使用调整层 ,尤其是如何在调整层中使用曲线 。 它们是您最常用来编辑图像的工具。

The next step is to pick a few things you want to do to your images and learn how to use the appropriate tools for the job. Check out some or all of:

下一步是选择一些您想对图像进行的操作,并学习如何使用适当的工具来完成工作。 查看部分或全部:

  • How to Remove Photobombers and Other Objects from a Photo in Photoshop


  • How to Remove Acne and Other Blemishes in Photoshop


  • How to Make More Precise Selections with Photoshop’s Select and Mask


  • How to Add Falling Snow to Your Photos With Photoshop


  • How to Fix Red Eye in Photoshop


Each of those articles covers how to do a single task. If you can’t find what you want to do on our site, you can search either Google or YouTube for a how-to guide.

这些文章的每一篇都介绍了如何完成一项任务。 如果在我们的网站上找不到想要的操作,则可以在Google或YouTube上搜索操作指南。

Over on Lynda, I’d recommend checking out Chris Orwig’s Photoshop CC 2017 for Photographers. He covers most of the common techniques photographers need.

在Lynda上,我建议您查看Chris Orwig的Photoshop CC 2017 for Photographers 。 他介绍了摄影师需要的大多数常用技术。

学习使用Photoshop进行设计工作 (Learning to Use Photoshop for Design Work)

If you’re more interested in design or digital art than photography, then your first steps should be to learn the difference between pixels and vectors, and then learn to master the pen tool. They’re at the core of a lot of design work.

如果您对设计或数字艺术比摄影更感兴趣,那么您的第一步应该是学习像素和矢量之间的差异 , 然后学习掌握钢笔工具 。 它们是许多设计工作的核心。

We actually don’t have a lot of Photoshop coverage that focuses specifically on design work here at How-To Geek (most of our Photoshop writers come from photography backgrounds), so we’re going to look to once again.

实际上,在How-To Geek(我们的大多数Photoshop作家都来自摄影背景)中,我们在这里没有很多专门针对设计工作的Photoshop报道,因此我们将再次关注。

Photoshop CC 2018 Essential Training: Design follows on from the Essential Training: Basics course I recommended earlier. It introduces most of the main design-centric tools and shows how they fit into a workflow.

Photoshop CC 2018基本培训:设计遵循我之前推荐的基本培训:基础课程。 它介绍了大多数主要以设计为中心的工具,并说明了它们如何适合工作流程。

For going further, I’m a big fan of Nigel French. He has a load of different courses covering everything from textures to type. Work through a few of his courses that catch your interest and you’ll be set.

对于进一步发展,我是Nigel French的忠实粉丝。 他有许多不同的课程,涵盖从纹理到类型的各个方面 。 通过他的一些课程来吸引您的兴趣,您会被设置的。

Once you get past the basics, learning Photoshop becomes much easier. Since you understand the tools and how Photoshop generally approaches things, you can quickly identify what techniques you’re lacking and pick them up from a few YouTube videos or a Lynda course. It’s getting to that point that takes the work, but follow this guide and you’ll manage.

一旦掌握了基础知识,学习Photoshop就会变得容易得多。 由于您了解这些工具以及Photoshop通常如何处理事物,因此您可以快速确定缺少的技术,并从一些YouTube视频或Lynda课程中进行学习。 到此为止需要进行工作,但是按照本指南进行操作即可。



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    One of the best features of Photoshop is one of the worst, as well: you are overwhelmed with options ...

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    photoshop初学视频 Photoshop is named "Photoshop" for a reason; it's for editing photographs.  ...

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  5. 学习Photoshop的一些网站以及找素材的网站

    一.网易云课堂(李涛Photoshop高手之路基础篇) 二.PS家园网     PS家园网不仅有教程,还有笔刷,滤镜,素材等可以下载,在PS家园社区还可以下载各种版本的photoshop,十分实用. ...

  6. 程序员学习photoshop

    对于一个程序员来说,掌握photoshop的一些基本操作是必要的. 如果不是独立开发者的话, 不必花很多时间去学习.但是越熟悉越好 photoshop很简单,很多策划都会的. 为什么策划要会photo ...

  7. 学习Photoshop的一点心得

    因为使用所以学习 离开部队走进社会,我必须要重新面对自己的一切,找一份工作看似简单其实也难,看是艰难其实也不难.简单也困难,不在于我们所面对的事情,而在于我们如果看待这份工作. 弃之不舍,难以释怀,自 ...

  8. 一直想找个老师学习Photoshop,今天终于找到了!!!

    你知道吗?在中国100个人就有4个在学PS.但是却有将近95%的人始终都没有学会.也就是500个想学PS的人只有1个成功学会.显然大部分人学PS都没有找对平台,想知道哪里学习最好吗?请点击  http ...

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    通过综合运用混合模式和滤镜效果祛除人像面部斑点时,最重要的第一步就是进行高反差保留,此操作的目的是能够通过后续的操作来选择出细微的选区. 使用应用图象,可以不断加深单张图片的对比度等,最后得到对比鲜明 ...

  10. Photoshop CS5自学学习笔记

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