

API的描述:Describes a polygon defined by an hierarchy of linear rings which make up the outer shape and any nested holes. The polygon conforms to the curvature of the globe and can be placed on the surface or at altitude and can optionally be extruded into a volume.

PolygonGraphics(多边形面图形)是由各个层次的线所组成的面构成(外边、内边),这个多边形能够适应球体,能够被设置在球体表面或者特定高度,也能够放置(缩放)在特定空间。 NameTypeDescriptionoptions Object optional Object with the following properties: NameTypeDefaultDescriptionshow true optional A boolean Property specifying the visibility of the polygon.

hierarchy optional A Property specifying the PolygonHierarchy.

height 0 optional A numeric Property specifying the altitude of the polygon relative to the ellipsoid surface.

heightReference HeightReference.NONE optional A Property specifying what the height is relative to.位置高程参考

extrudedHeight optional A numeric Property specifying the altitude of the polygon's extruded face relative to the ellipsoid surface.

extrudedHeightReference HeightReference.NONE optional A Property specifying what the extrudedHeight is relative to.拉升高度参考

stRotation 0.0 optional A numeric property specifying the rotation of the polygon texture counter-clockwise from north.

granularity粒子 Cesium.Math.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE optional A numeric Property specifying the angular distance between each latitude and longitude point.

fill true optional A boolean Property specifying whether the polygon is filled with the provided material.

material填充材质 Color.WHITE optional A Property specifying the material used to fill the polygon.

outline外 false optional A boolean Property specifying whether the polygon is outlined.

outlineColor Color.BLACK optional A Property specifying the Color of the outline.

outlineWidth 1.0 optional A numeric Property specifying the width of the outline.

perPositionHeight false optional A boolean specifying whether or not the the height of each position is used.

closeTop封顶 Boolean true optional When false, leaves off the top of an extruded polygon open.

closeBottom封底 Boolean true optional When false, leaves off the bottom of an extruded polygon open.

arcType弧形状,球体上两点之间点连线是有多种方式的,不是平面,一般用大地线,也就是最短路径线 ArcType.GEODESIC optional The type of line the polygon edges must follow.

shadows阴影 ShadowMode.DISABLED optional An enum Property specifying whether the polygon casts or receives shadows from each light source.

distanceDisplayCondition距离显示 optional A Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this polygon will be displayed.

classificationType贴地形还是贴3dtiles ClassificationType.BOTH optional An enum Property specifying whether this polygon will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both when on the ground.

zIndex类似html5的显示层次 0 optional A property specifying the zIndex used for ordering ground geometry. Only has an effect if the polygon is constant and neither height or extrudedHeight are specified.


API是这么写的A description of a polygon on the ellipsoid. The polygon is defined by a polygon hierarchy. Polygon geometry can be rendered with both Primitive and GroundPrimitive.


boundingSphere类,api的定义:A bounding sphere with a center and a radius.






var jsonPromise = new Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load("./data/jxgeojson.json"); jsonPromise.then(function(datasource){ viewer.dataSources.add(datasource); var entities = datasource.entities.values; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var entity = entities[i];    //名称用加载数据的一项属性 entity.name = entity.properties.XZQMC;    //获取此时此刻的点集 var pointsArray = entity.polygon.hierarchy.getValue(Cesium.JulianDate.now()).positions;    //获取entity的polygon的中心点 var centerpoint = Cesium.BoundingSphere.fromPoints(pointsArray).center; //将entity的position设置为centerpoint,这里很好奇一个polygon没有position么,    //如果没有设置,确实为undefined     entity.position = centerpoint;    //设置标签名称 entity.label={ text:entity.name } } })


jsonPromise.then(function(datasource){ viewer.dataSources.add(datasource); var entities = datasource.entities.values; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; if(Cesium.defined(entity.polygon))//设置entity.polygon的样式 { entity.polygon.material=new Cesium.Color.fromRandom({maximumRed:0.8,maximumBlue:0.8,maximumGreen:0.7,alpha:0.5}); //ClassificationType:Whether a classification affects terrain, 3D Tiles or both. entity.polygon.classificationType=Cesium.ClassificationType.TERRAIN; entity.name = entity.properties.XZQMC; } var pointsArray = entity.polygon.hierarchy.getValue(Cesium.JulianDate.now()).positions; var centerpoint = Cesium.BoundingSphere.fromPoints(pointsArray).center; entity.position = centerpoint; entity.label={ text:entity.name, scale:1, showBackground:true, //水平朝向,就是这个label放在position的左,中,右 horizontalOrigin:Cesium.HorizontalOrigin.LEFT, verticalOrigin:Cesium.VerticalOrigin.CENTER, distanceDisplayCondition:new Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition(0,10000),       //远近-大小的关系设置 scaleByDistance:new Cesium.NearFarScalar(0.5, 0.5, 3, 0.5) } } })





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