【简答题】I'm not quite so poetic, but I do know that the subway is as essential to the character of New York, to its soul and sense of itself, as the Empire State Building or Central Park. (L78-80) Q: Paraphrase the sentence.

【单选题】Craik等人认为,简单的( )并不必然促使信息由短时记忆转入长时记忆。 (1.0分)

【简答题】That's something many well-heeled tourists don't realize.(L80-81) Q: What does something refer to?


【单选题】求解最短路径的Floyd算法的时间复杂度为( )。

【单选题】Bain(1855)和Hebb(1949)最早提出( )问题,他们认为记忆是信息创造或再造的过程,而不是记忆被存储的结构或者位置。 (1.0分)

【阅读理解】Live O ut Y our D reams Dream is a natural part of who we are. We explore our dreams and develop personal dreams. We even like to dream big! For most of us, our dreams and wishes focus on the end result. We see ourselves in love, married, driving a great car, on vacation, with tons of money, in a great career, etc. Dreaming about the end result is just fantasizing and wishing. Wishing relies on some magical force to make our dreams turn into reality, and we become unhappy as we’re not living out our dreams. So how can we make our dreams come true? That is a question we all often struggle with. Even though we struggle with the act answer, the answer is not that clear. We make our dreams true with the action we take. In my opinion, if you dream about keeping healthy, then change your dream to see yourself working out and eating right day by day. See the beginning of the dream and let the dream progress day by day with all the action that gets you to the end dream of you being in shape. If you want wealth, then change the dream. Dream of yourself going to school, developing a career, working hard, and taking the taking the steps to arrive at the destination. If you want love, love the process. Love the dating process and the rejections. Love yourself and the journey to find love. Make all your dream include the beginning, middle, and end. Then when you are doing the action instead of thinking to yourself, “This is a drag, and I don’t like working out” or if you are having any negative thoughts about doing the work to create your visions, realize then that every step of the way ( 整个阶段 )you are living out your dream. You are living out your dream because you make the action and journey part of your dream.

【简答题】If the United Nations is where the world shakes hands, the New York subway is where the world rubs shoulders.(L65-67) Q: Paraphrase the sentence.

【简答题】The subway, I find, is also oddly liberating. (L46) Q: What does the author mean by “oddly liberating”?


【简答题】The subway is the thing we love to hate. Q1: What is the figure of speech used in the expression “we love to hate”? Q2: Paraphrase the sentence.


【填空题】1、 现代化交通运输主要包括 、 、 、 和 五 种 运输方式 。

【简答题】It takes you not only to your destination, but along the way to another world.(L46-48) Q1: What does another world refer to? Q2: Paraphrase the sentence. Pay attention to the italicized part.

【阅读理解】Grace Kane hangs onto an Olympic dream of clinging to a granite ( 花岗岩 ) wall by her fingertips 70 feet from the ground. The fearless girl is only 11, but already has scaled great heights in the 11-and-younger sport of rock climbing. Kane won a bronze ( 铜牌 ) in the 11-and-younger sport class at the U.S.A. Climbing Youth National Championship in Atlanta. She was the only competitor of the 31 there with no climbing coach or top-flight facilities. Climbing will become an exhibition at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The hope of enthusiasts is that the sport will gain full status in 2020. “I’m already training for that,” said Kane. “Climbing is my passion, my love, and I want to make something of it.” Her dad took her to climb rocks on her fourth birthday for the first time and today he can’t keep up with her. “It’s the freedom to let loose,” she said. “When I’m up there, I’m so focused and don’t hear anything. I always feel comforted knowing people are supporting me.” The bronze in Atlanta qualified Kane for the U.S.A. team and November’s International Championships in Ecuador. That’s a trip she might have to miss because it’s too expensive. Kane held a backyard music concert---she played the guitar and the piano and wrote inspirational songs---and raised $600 for her $1,500 trip to Atlanta. She’s also been sponsored by a shoe company, but must rely heavily on donations from family and friends for travel expenses. Her mom Heather Kane said the family has chosen “to do whatever we need to help her achieve her goals”. One of Grace’s biggest challenges is finding balance in her life. There’s school, her music and church to fit around climbing. “Climbing is going to mean sacrificing things other kids might pursue,” Grace said. “But it doesn’t bother me. It’s like playing the piano; you can’t take a break or you’ll lose your touch.”



【单选题】下面哪个选项中的代码没有定义内部类 , 或者错误的定义了内部类?

【其它】import java.io.*; public class Class1 { private static int m; public static void main(String[] args) { A(1); System.out.println(m); } private static boolean B(int k) { m+=k; if(m>=4) return true; else return false; } public static void A(int i) { if(B(i)) m*=i; else m+=i; } } 结果为:

【简答题】You haven’t been to New York if you’ve never taken the subway. (L81-82) Q: Why does the author say so?

【单选题】Java 的集合框架中重要的接口 java.util.Collection 定义了许多方法。选项中哪个方法不是 Collection 接口所定义的?

【单选题】加工水平说的重点在于把( )看作是记忆存储的关键,即信息被储存的水平很大程度上取决于被编码的程度。 (1.0分)

【简答题】Only in the dim warrens of the subway, cursed accomplice of daily existence, can the full spectrum of city life - with all the bewildering diversity of its pathologies and its glories - be glimpsed, felt, and at times even understood.(L73-77) Q1: Analyze the sentence structure. Q2: Paraphrase the sentence.

【其它】class Myclass { int var=100; static int getVar() { return var; } } 结果为:


【判断题】MenuComponent类是菜单组件的父类。( )

【填空题】Java 中成员变量又分为实例成员变量和 。

【单选题】关于以下 application 的说明,正确的是 1 . class StaticStuff 2 . { 3 . static int x=10 ; 4 . static { x+=5 ; } 5 . public static void main ( String args[ ] ) 6 . { 7 . System.out.println( “ x= ” + x); 8 . } 9 . static { x/=3;} 10. }

【填空题】Java 中成员变量又分为 和类成员变量。



【判断题】菜单条(MunuBar)、菜单(Munu)、菜单项(MunuItem)是3中不同的菜单组件。( )

【填空题】She can talk about any subject _______ the sun.

【填空题】Her parents worried that her classmates were holding her _______ .

【简答题】对于下图所示的带权有向图,利用Dijkstra算法求从源点 v1 到其他各顶点的最短路径。 请将迭代过程和最短路径转换成图片上传到答题栏中。


【单选题】下列说法中正确的是( )

【判断题】加工深度影响记忆成绩。 (1.0分)

【简答题】Add to this the often dirty cars and graffiti-scrawled stations, the hellish heat in summer and the arctic freeze of winter, and you have quite an indictment. (L22-24) Q: Paraphrase the sentence.

【填空题】类方法和实例方法的区别在于类方法不但可以由对象调用还可以直接由 调用,而实例方法却不可以。

【简答题】Small wonder that even millionaires (which is to say, anyone who owns a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan) carry a Metrocard. (L38-40) Q1: What element is missed in the sentence? Q2:What is implied in brackets?

【简答题】Your fellow riders are a jostling microcosm of a teeming cosmopolis: men, women and children from every stratum of society, of every imaginable color, sporting all kinds of dress (or undress) and chattering in most of the languages of the planet.(L52-56) Q1:Why does the author say “ Your fellow riders are a jostling microcosm of a teeming cosmopolis ”? Q2: Paraphrase the sentence

【填空题】Why don't you dress _______ for the party?

【填空题】用修饰符 说明的成员变量是类变量。

【简答题】What does the author try to tell in para.5?

【填空题】在类方法中只能调用类变量和类方法,不能调用 方法。

【判断题】Timber production technology refers to choosing production line, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, coordinating working procedures, and accomplishing production task with less investment, hight efficiency and shor working cycle and low cost.

【填空题】实例方法既能对类变量操作也能对实例变量操作,而类方法只能对 进行操作。


【简答题】And he was being sympathetic.(L27) Q: Paraphrase the sentence.

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