

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Pro 13.1.2. Never used any versions below 13.

When trying to run build.gradle from IDE I get the message: Module is not backed by gradle

I can run this script from the command line just fine.

The "root" directory has both .gradle and gradle sub-directories and, in general its structure is very similar to another module from the same project where I can run its build from IDE without problems.

Any suggestions on further troubleshooting?


If you didn't set up the IDE project via "Import Project" and then pointing to a Gradle project, you may have to link the IDE project to the Gradle project. This can be done in the "Gradle" window.


The answer that worked for me is to restart IntelliJ - at startup build.gradle is identified and the project is set up.

The only thing that worked for me was to use the menu File > Close Project and reopen it. IDEA popped up a dialog saying "Import project from Gradle files" or something to that effect.

Dead ends: Below is a list of dead ends, so don't waste your time with them. I kept seeing "module is not backed by gradle" despite following all these dead ends. At the time of this reading, none of these answers worked: There was no Gradle tool window, so I couldn't synchronize the project

Clicking File > Open gradle.build opens the file for editing and doesn't solve the issue

Creating a run configuration that runs gradle has no effect, even after I saw a build/ folder created

Runing ./gradlew from the commandline only creates files for gradle and doesn't fix IntelliJ


I fixed this problem by clicking in the Menu --> "Run" --> "Edit Configurations" --> [+] The little plus in the top left corner --> "Gradle"

With the new created run configuration it worked. I hope this will help some of you.


Tools > Grails > Change SDK Version


For a non-gradle project, you can also remove the module from the project and re-import it. This will help avoid the message "module is not backed by gradle".


Like others have said, none of the other answers worked for me. The only thing that worked was:

Close the project, then import it as a Gradle project.


I'm using android studio, intellij. Try this: Tools > Android > (sync project with gradle files)

Run gradle build


Do not select the project directory when importing

Select the gradle file to import as a Gradle project

I always use Local Gradle Distribution and Offline work to build, then switch back.

It will auto build and you will see the gradle task in task window.

Hope it works for you.


This problem happened for me because I chose a different name for my project than my artifactID. In order to prevent this problem to happen, make sure your project name is the same as your artifactID.


You may have originally created the project via File->New->Project From Version Control. This doesn't seem to always set the project up as a Gradle project, even if there is a build.gradle in the root directory. To solve this:- Close IntelliJ.

Delete the .idea folder in the project.

Start IntelliJ and select 'Open'.

Navigate to the project folder and open it.

The project will be recognised as Gradle and be set up as such.

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