

1.Corporate Strategy 公司战略 / 总体战略

3 Types of corporate strategy

Growth(成长型):expansion into new products and markets

Stability(稳定型):maintenance of the status quo.

Renewal(革新型):examination of organizational weaknesses that are leading to performance declines.

2.BCG Matrix

3.Important organizational strategies for today (了解即可)


1.Define strategic management and explain why it’s important

2. Explain what managers do during the 6 steps of the strategic management process.(含SWOT)

3.Describe competitive advantage and the competitive strategies organizations use to get it.

Porter’s Five Forces Mode

Porter’s 3 competitive strategies

4. Discuss current strategic management issues.

1.Corporate Strategy 公司战略 / 总体战略

Def:Determines what businesses a company is in or wants to be in, and what it wants to do with those businesses.

Strategic Business Unit (SBU):the single independent businesses of an organization that formulate their own competitive strategies.

Organization Diagram:

3 Types of corporate strategy

Growth(成长型):expansion into new products and markets

focuses on its primary line of business and increases the number of products offered or markets served in this primary business.
2.Vertical integration:
Backward vertical integration – the organization becomes its own supplier. 自产
Forward vertical integration – the organization becomes its own distributor. 自运/自销
supply material ——(back)—— organization ——(fore)—— distribute products
3.Horizontal integration:company grows by combining with competitors.
水平(吞并)型:合体,缝合怪。eg.巴黎FC+圣日耳曼昂莱 -> 巴黎圣日耳曼
Related diversification – when a company combines with other companies in different, but related industries.(让自己在本行业实力更雄厚
Unrelated diversification – when a company combines with firms in different and unrelated industries.(让自己登陆其他行业

Stability(稳定型):maintenance of the status quo.

Company continues to do what it is currently doing

Renewal(革新型):examination of organizational weaknesses that are leading to performance declines.


Retrenchment(节约):minor performance problems、short-run;小作革新
Turnaround(重大转折):problemsare more serious, more drastic action is needed;大刀阔斧

2.BCG Matrix

BCG(The Boston Consulting Group)波士顿咨询公司

A tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of 
4 categories.

3.Important organizational strategies for today (了解即可)

(Cost...Focus 即下文提到的Porter’s 3 competitive strategies


1.Define strategic management and explain why it’s important

Def:what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies


  • Strategies:

    the plans for how the organization will deal with business;(计划竞争优势
       how it will compete successfully;(如何竞争获胜
       and how it will attract and satisfy its customers in order to achieve its goals.(如何吸引顾客
  • Business model:how a company is going to make money (monetization)  如何挣w
Why important?
1. It results in higher organizational performance.
2. It requires that managers examine and adapt to business environment changes.
3. It coordinates diverse organizational units, helping them focus on organizational goals.

2. Explain what managers do during the 6 steps of the strategic management process.(含SWOT)

step 1:确定企业当前的任务、目标和战略

Mission: a statement of the purpose of the organization.
Goals: the foundation for further planning.
Components of a Mission Statement:
step 2:外部分析,Opportunities and Threats
step 3:内部分析
• Strengths:create value for the customer and strengthen the competitive position of the firm.
• Weaknesses:place the firm at a competitive disadvantage.
SWOT —— step 2 + step 3,它和PESTEL都是分析环境条件的,只是角度和范围不同:PESTEL更专攻,集中于macro external,而SWOT更笼统,囊括了external和internal。
Resources: an organization’s assets that are used to develop, manufacture, and deliver a product to its customers
Capabilities: an organization’s skills and abilities in doing the work activities needed in its business
Core competencies – the organization’s major value creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons

step 4:制定战略
Select appropriate strategies that provide relative advantage over competitors
Match organizational strengths to environmental opportunities

Correct weaknesses,guard against threats
step 5:实施战略
Implementation: fit organizational structure and activities to the environment
step 6:评估战略执行的结果
how effective it is?Any change necessary?

3.Describe competitive advantage and the competitive strategies organizations use to get it.

Porter’s Five Forces Mode

5 forces decide the competition in an industry:两威胁,两讨价,一竞争

Threat of new entrants;新从业者,后起之秀

Threat of substitutes;取而代之
Bargaining power of buyers;买家还能讨价还价;你的产品需要更令人信服
Bargaining power of suppliers;供应商还能讨价还价
Current rivalry;(Competition)

Porter’s 3 competitive strategies

Cost leadership
competing on the basis of having the lowest costs in the industry. 价格战的王者
competing on the basis of having unique products that are widely valued by customers. 好活当赏
competing in a narrow segment with either a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage. 平衡术

4. Discuss current strategic management issues.

  • Strategic leadership:the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, and work with others in the organization to initiate changes that will create a valuable future for the organization.

  • Strategic flexibility:the ability to recognize major external changes, to quickly commit resources, and to recognize when a strategic decision was a mistake.

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