The name Foxit Software sounds familiar and unfamiliar, but in fact, its flagship product often breaks into our field of vision-PDF in various ways. Foxit is currently the world's second-largest PDF software manufacturer after Adobe in the United States.

The name Foxit Software sounds familiar相关推荐

  1. As Foxit Software disclosed in its prospectus

    As Foxit Software disclosed in its prospectus, the company's main income comes from PDF editors and ...

  2. On September 8, the “PDF first share“ Foxit Software

    On September 8, the "PDF first share" Foxit Software was officially listed on the Science ...

  3. FoxitReader3.0注册码和foxit pdf creator key

    文件名为:frpkey.txt  =================================================================================== ...

  4. Foxit pdf阅读器不及时释放文件的bug解决

    更少文章见我的博客: 福昕阅读器 7.1.1免费版,系统为win8.1. 问题:如果打开多个标签,然后关闭其中一个,想要重命名或删除这个被关闭 的文件的话,是不行的, ...

  5. 【漏洞分析】Foxit Reader BMP biWidth 堆溢出漏洞(CVE-2017-17557)

    0x00 前言 总体来说,坑不多,走下来很平坦.毕竟只是简单的整数溢出漏洞,没有太多知识点. 0x01 简介 Foxit Reader 在2018年5月18日的安全公告中提及修复了因恶意调用特定函数, ...

  6. Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX 5.9.7 Crack

    Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX对于刚接触PDF或不愿投入过多精力学习PDF技术的产品管理者及开发者来说,Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX无疑是理想的选择.破解版它拥有操作简单的特 ...

  7. 利用Foxit Reader的PDF Printer实现提权

    去年年中,我在一篇文章中讲述了在Foxit Reader中挖掘UAF漏洞的过程,以及如何利用该漏洞发送远程代码执行攻击.之后,我又在一篇文章中介绍了Foxit Reader SDK ActiveX中的 ...

  8. 使用Matplotlib Numpy Pandas构想泰坦尼克号高潮

    Did you know, a novel predicted the Titanic sinking 14 years previously to the actual disaster??? 您知 ...

  9. 敏捷交付_确保敏捷交付

    敏捷交付 Assurance and Agile - two words not commonly seen together, and for good reason. The early and ...


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