瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院招聘计算机视觉初级研究工程师,该职位来自 ETH Media Technology Center  部门。

The ETH Media Technology Center is a place where you will work connecting research and innovative industry applications to build the media technologies of tomorrow. To achieve this, the center provides a unique arrangement that allows a lively knowledge exchange between industry partners, experts, and students to work on the digital transformation of media, covering salient disciplines such as media technology, digital journalism, and design. To join our interdisciplinary team, we offer a position as Junior Research Engineer in Computer Vision.


We are currently exploring how machine learning methods (especially deep neural networks) can change how we interact with images, videos, and 3D content. Our current projects range from building intelligent content creation tools for augmented reality experiences that allow for context-aware interactions to personalized videos using video synthesis methods. Besides, we explore how we can build models for the automatic assessment of image and video quality. The close connection to our media partners allows us to develop novel technologies directly relevant to media houses worldwide. Direct access to large-scale data sets with real content (videos, images) enables us to explore new opportunities for data-driven methods in computer vision and human-computer interaction (HCI).


Together with experienced researchers (Postdocs), you will research and develop software prototypes for new media technologies, specifically focusing on computer vision projects. You will be working on projects such as semantic segmentation and saliency detection for AR applications, audio-driven facial video synthesis, or automatic video and image quality assessment. In your first project, you will be working on the aesthetic assessment of image and video content to provide solutions in a hypercompetitive sector that reaches the masses. You will have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making of key aspects of the project while being responsible for implementing and testing state-of-the-art research into software prototypes.


  • Must hold a master's degree or a diploma from a university of applied sciences. Relevant fields: computer science, data science, electrical engineering, etc.

  • Strong background in computer vision. Publications in venues such as CVPR, ECCV, ICML, NeurIPS, SIGGRAPH are a plus.

  • Excellent programming skills, preferably in Python

  • Familiarity with Tensorflow/Pytorch, Keras

  • Proficiency in written and verbal communication in English.

  • Speaking one of the national languages of Switzerland is a plus: German, French, Italian, Romansh

ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. We are renowned for our excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. Over 30,000 people from more than 120 countries find our university to be a place that promotes independent thinking and an environment that inspires excellence. Located in the heart of Europe, yet forging connections all over the world, we work together to develop solutions for the global challenges of today and tomorrow.



  • Cover letter: a short (one page or less) statement of your motivation for joining the center

  • CV

  • University degree(s) & transcripts (grades)

想要了解更多请联系 Severin Klingler









微信号 : aicvml







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