
Dynamic templates allow you to define custom mappings that can be applied to dynamically added fields based on:

  • the datatype detected by Elasticsearch, with match_mapping_type.
  • the name of the field, with match and unmatch or match_pattern.
  • the full dotted path to the field, with path_match and path_unmatch.

The original field name {name} and the detected datatype {dynamic_type} template variables can be used in the mapping specification as placeholders.


1. match_mapping_type 定义 ES 自动检测的数据类型

2. match、unmatch 或 match_pattern 匹配字段名称

3. path_match、path_unmatch 定义字段的全路径





dynamic_templates 类型为数组,多个匹配条件要写为数据的不同元素


为所有索引 (index) 的所有类型 (type) 的所有字符串类型字段(field)都设置为 not_analyzed。

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_template/all' -d '
{"order": 0,"template": "*","settings": {"index.number_of_shards": "1"},"mappings": {"_default_": {"dynamic_templates": [{"string": {"mapping": {"index": "not_analyzed","type": "string"},"match_mapping_type": "string",                            "match": "field_name*"}}]}},"aliases": {}}


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