《OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总》
说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证


  • Task
    • 在Task中执行命令
      • command 的使用方式
      • script 的使用方式
    • TaskRun的缺省运行属性
    • Task 下的缺省目录
    • 在Task中不同的Step共享数据
      • 使用results共享数据
      • 使用Home目录共享文件
      • 利用Pod的emptyDir存储目录共享文件
    • Task超时
    • 保存 Task 执行结果
    • ClusterTask和Task
  • Pipeline 执行 Task 的顺序
    • 并行运行Task
    • 串并运行Task
  • PipelineResource
    • Git类型资源
    • Image类型资源
  • 用Workspace共享数据
    • 创建PVC资源
    • 在Pipeline中不同的Task读写同一文件
    • 更改Workspace挂载资源位置
    • 在Pipeline中使用Workspace的subPath
  • PipelineRun将资源关联
    • 关联Workspace和PVC
      • 使用PVC模板
      • 使用 PVC 对象
  • 参考




command 的使用方式


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: my-command
spec:steps:- name: say-hello-1image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalcommand:- /bin/bashargs: ['-c', 'echo Hello World']- name: say-hello-2image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalcommand:- echoargs:- Hello World - image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: say-hello-3command:- /bin/bash- '-c'- echo Hello World


$ tkn task start my-command --showlog --use-taskrun my-command-run
TaskRun started: my-command-run-z4pbh
Waiting for logs to be available...
[say-hello-1] Hello World
[say-hello-2] Hello World
[say-hello-3] Hello World

script 的使用方式

在一个Task的script 中可以使用多个命令。

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: my-script
spec:params:- name: GITtype: string- name: APP_NAMEtype: string- name: IMAGE_NAMEtype: stringsteps:- image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/cli:latestname: oc-scriptscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashoc new-app $(params.IMAGE_NAME)~$(params.GIT) --name=$(params.APP_NAME)


$ tkn task start my-script --showlog \-p IMAGE_NAME='centos/ruby-25-centos7' \-p GIT=https://github.com/sclorg/ruby-ex.git \-p APP_NAME=myapp



$ oc get pod my-command-run-z4pbh-pod-p4gjn -ojsonpath={.spec.containers[*].name}
step-say-hello-1 step-say-hello-2 step-say-hello-3


  serviceAccountName: pipelinetimeout: 1h0m0s

Task 下的缺省目录


  1. /tekton/home
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: directory-task
spec:steps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: step-1script: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho "pwd"pwdecho -e "\necho ~"echo ~echo -e "\nls -l /workspace"ls -l /workspaceecho -e "\nls -l /tekton"ls -l /tektonecho -e "\nls -l /tekton/results"ls -l /tekton/results - image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: step-2workingDir: /workspace/src/step-2script: |#!/usr/bin/env bashpwd


$ tkn task start directory-task --showlog
TaskRun started: directory-task-run-bjdzp
Waiting for logs to be available...
[step-1] pwd
[step-1] /workspace
[step-1] echo ~
[step-1] /tekton/home
[step-1] ls -l /workspace
[step-1] total 0
[step-1] drwxr-sr-x. 3 root 1000730000 20 Oct  6 12:10 src
[step-1] ls -l /tekton
[step-1] total 0
[step-1] drwxrwsrwt. 3 root 1000730000  60 Oct  6 09:58 creds
[step-1] drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root       126 Oct  6 09:58 creds-secrets
[step-1] drwxrwsrwt. 3 root 1000730000 100 Oct  6 09:58 downward
[step-1] drwxrwsrwx. 3 root 1000730000  21 Oct  6 09:58 home
[step-1] drwxrwsrwx. 2 root 1000730000   6 Oct  6 09:58 results
[step-1] drwxrwsrwx. 2 root 1000730000  28 Oct  6 09:58 scripts
[step-1] -rw-rw-rw-. 1 root root         0 Oct  6 09:58 termination
[step-1] drwxrwsrwx. 2 root 1000730000  24 Oct  6 09:58 tools
[step-1] ls -l /tekton/results
[step-1] total 0[step-2] /workspace/src/step-2





apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: sharing-results
spec:results:- name: messagedescription: Message to be sharedsteps:- name: writeimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho "Secret Message" | base64 > $(results.message.path)ls -al $(results.message.path)- name: readimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashcat $(results.message.path)


$ tkn task start sharing-results --showlog
TaskRun started: sharing-results-run-vcjj4
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write] -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1000760000 21 Sep  7 15:21 /tekton/results/message
[read] U2VjcmV0IE1lc3NhZ2UK


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: write-read-file
spec:steps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: write-filescript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho Hello Tekton > ~/hello.txtls -l ~/hello.txt- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: read-filescript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashcat ~/hello.txt


$ tkn task start write-read-file --showlog
TaskRun started: write-read-file-run-4vrt5
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write-file] -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1000630000 13 Sep  6 09:30 /tekton/home/hello.txt
[read-file] Hello Tekton



apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: volume-task
spec:steps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: writescript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho hello > /var/write-volume/$(context.taskRun.uid)ls -l /var/write-volume/volumeMounts:- mountPath: /var/write-volumename: my-volume- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubiname: readscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashls -l /etc/read-volume/cat /etc/read-volume/$(context.taskRun.uid)volumeMounts:- mountPath: /etc/read-volumename: my-volumevolumes:- emptyDir: {}name: my-volume
$ tkn task start volume-task --showlog
TaskRun started: volume-task-run-9zxrq
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write] total 4
[write] -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1000750000  6 Sep  6 10:29 96313f65-bb96-478f-984a-8febe34d041d[read] total 4
[read] -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1000750000  6 Sep  6 10:29 96313f65-bb96-478f-984a-8febe34d041d
[read] hello


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: task-timeout
spec:steps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: sleep-then-timeoutscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho "I am supposed to sleep for 60 seconds!"sleep 60timeout: 5s


$ tkn task start task-timeout --showlog
TaskRun started: task-timeout-run-jx2w5
Waiting for logs to be available...
[sleep-then-timeout] I am supposed to sleep for 60 seconds!
[sleep-then-timeout] 2021/09/04 12:32:31 Error executing command: context deadline exceededcontainer step-sleep-then-timeout has failed  : [{"key":"StartedAt","value":"2021-09-04T12:32:26.611Z","type":"InternalTektonResult"},{"key":"Reason","value":"TimeoutExceeded","type":"InternalTektonResult"}]

保存 Task 执行结果

The stored results can be used at the Task level or at the Pipeline level.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: print-date
spec:results:- name: current-date-unix-timestamp- name: current-date-human-readablesteps:- name: print-date-unix-timestampimage: bash:latestscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashdate +%s | tee $(results.current-date-unix-timestamp.path)echo $(results.current-date-unix-timestamp.path)- name: print-date-human-readableimage: bash:latestscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashdate | tee $(results.current-date-human-readable.path)echo $(results.current-date-human-readable.path)


$ tkn task start print-date --showlog
TaskRun started: print-date-run-8gvll
Waiting for logs to be available...
[print-date-unix-timestamp] 1630845531
[print-date-unix-timestamp] /tekton/results/current-date-unix-timestamp
[print-date-human-readable] Sun Sep  5 12:38:52 UTC 2021
[print-date-human-readable] /tekton/results/current-date-human-readable



$ oc get clustertask
NAME                       AGE
buildah                    9d
buildah-1-5-0              9d
git-cli                    9d
git-clone                  9d
git-clone-1-5-0            9d
helm-upgrade-from-repo     9d
helm-upgrade-from-source   9d
jib-maven                  9d
kn                         9d
kn-1-5-0                   9d
kn-apply                   9d
kn-apply-1-5-0             9d
kubeconfig-creator         9d
maven                      9d
openshift-client           9d
openshift-client-1-5-0     9d
pull-request               9d
s2i-dotnet                 9d
s2i-dotnet-1-5-0           9d
s2i-go                     9d
s2i-go-1-5-0               9d
s2i-java                   9d
s2i-java-1-5-0             9d
s2i-nodejs                 9d
s2i-nodejs-1-5-0           9d
s2i-perl                   9d
s2i-perl-1-5-0             9d
s2i-php                    9d
s2i-php-1-5-0              9d
s2i-python                 9d
s2i-python-1-5-0           9d
s2i-ruby                   9d
s2i-ruby-1-5-0             9d
skopeo-copy                9d
skopeo-copy-1-5-0          9d
tkn                        9d
tkn-1-5-0                  9d
trigger-jenkins-job        9d


$ oc get clustertask openshift-client -o yaml
spec:description: |-This task runs commands against the cluster provided by user and if not provided then where the Task is being executed.OpenShift is a Kubernetes distribution from Red Hat which provides oc, the OpenShift CLI that complements kubectl for simplifying deployment and configuration applications on OpenShift.params:- default: oc helpdescription: The OpenShift CLI arguments to runname: SCRIPTtype: string- default: latestdescription: The OpenShift Version to usename: VERSIONtype: stringsteps:- image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/cli:$(params.VERSION)name: ocscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bash[[ "$(workspaces.manifest-dir.bound)" == "true" ]] && \cd $(workspaces.manifest-dir.path)[[ "$(workspaces.kubeconfig-dir.bound)" == "true" ]] && \[[ -f $(workspaces.kubeconfig-dir.path)/kubeconfig ]] && \export KUBECONFIG=$(workspaces.kubeconfig-dir.path)/kubeconfig$(params.SCRIPT)workspaces:- description: The workspace which contains kubernetes manifests which we want to apply on the cluster.name: manifest-diroptional: true- description: The workspace which contains the the kubeconfig file if in case we want to run the oc command on another cluster.name: kubeconfig-diroptional: true


$ tkn clustertask start openshift-client -p SCRIPT="oc version"  --showlog  --use-param-defaults
? Do you want to give specifications for the optional workspace `manifest-dir`: (y/N) N
? Do you want to give specifications for the optional workspace `kubeconfig-dir`: (y/N) N
TaskRun started: openshift-client-run-2spwv
Waiting for logs to be available...
[oc] Client Version: 4.8.0-202108061927.p0.git.c6ad8ac.assembly.stream-c6ad8ac
[oc] Kubernetes Version: v1.21.1+9807387

Pipeline 执行 Task 的顺序


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: say-something
spec:params:- name: say-whatdescription: What should I saydefault: hellotype: string- name: pause-durationdescription: How long to wait before saying somethingdefault: '0'type: stringsteps:- name: say-itimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalcommand:- /bin/bashargs: ['-c', 'sleep $(params.pause-duration) && echo $(params.say-what)']


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
metadata:name: say-things-in-order
spec:tasks:- name: task-1params:- name: pause-durationvalue: "2"- name: say-whatvalue: "Hello, this is the first task"taskRef:name: say-something- name: task-2params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 3"- name: pause-durationvalue: "2"taskRef:name: say-something- name: task-3params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 2"- name: pause-durationvalue: "1"taskRef:name: say-something- name: task-4params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 2 and 3"taskRef:name: say-something


$ tkn pipeline start say-things-in-order --showlog
PipelineRun started: say-things-in-order-run-rp2kw
Waiting for logs to be available...
[task-4 : say-it] Happening after task 2 and 3
[task-3 : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 2
[task-1 : say-it] Hello, this is the first task
[task-2 : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 3


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
metadata:name: say-things-in-order
spec:tasks:- name: task-1params:- name: pause-durationvalue: "2"- name: say-whatvalue: "Hello, this is the first task"taskRef:name: say-something- name: task-2params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 3"- name: pause-durationvalue: "2"taskRef:name: say-somethingrunAfter:- task-1- name: task-3params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 2"- name: pause-durationvalue: "1"taskRef:name: say-somethingrunAfter:- task-1- name: task-4params:- name: say-whatvalue: "Happening after task 2 and 3"taskRef:name: say-somethingrunAfter:- task-2- task-3


$ tkn pipeline start say-things-in-order --showlog
PipelineRun started: say-things-in-order-run-4rkzz
Waiting for logs to be available...
[task-1 : say-it] Hello, this is the first task
[task-3 : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 2
[task-2 : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 3
[task-4 : say-it] Happening after task 2 and 3



  • Git资源:A Task’s input could be a GitHub source which contains your application code.
  • Image资源:A Task’s output can be your application container image which can be deployed.
  • JAR资源:A Task’s output can be a jar file to be uploaded to a storage bucket.


只能作为 Input 资源。可用用“targetPath”和“workingDir”参数修改

  1. Tekton的git资源缺省会放在“/workspace/source”目录下,可以用"targetPath参数指定目标目录,如下面将git资源保存到“/workspace/code”中。
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: repo-files-count
spec:resources:inputs:- name: repotype: gittargetPath: codesteps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: repo-files-countscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho [pwd]pwdecho --------------------echo ['ls -l /workspace']ls -l /workspaceecho --------------------echo ['ls -l ./code']ls -l ./codeecho --------------------echo $(find ./code -type f | wc -l) files in repo- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubiname: change-workingdirworkingDir: /workspace/codescript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho [pwd]pwd
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineResource
metadata:name: git-repo
spec:type: git  params:- name: urlvalue: https://github.com/joellord/handson-tekton.git


$ tkn task start repo-files-count --inputresource repo=git-repo --showlog
TaskRun started: repo-files-count-run-75296
Waiting for logs to be available...
[git-source-repo-gqwqc] {"level":"info","ts":1630813246.0270514,"caller":"git/git.go:169","msg":"Successfully cloned https://github.com/joellord/handson-tekton.git @ 0f1518c2b6b21024b956572bcb20a7e01bded1a4 (grafted, HEAD) in path /workspace/code"}
[git-source-repo-gqwqc] {"level":"info","ts":1630813246.073183,"caller":"git/git.go:207","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/code"}
[repo-files-count] [pwd]
[repo-files-count] /workspace
[repo-files-count] --------------------
[repo-files-count] [ls -l /workspace]
[repo-files-count] total 0
[repo-files-count] drwxr-sr-x. 6 root 1000730000 96 Oct  6 13:27 code
[repo-files-count] --------------------
[repo-files-count] [ls -l ./code]
[repo-files-count] total 20
[repo-files-count] -rw-r--r--. 1 root 1000730000 18788 Oct  6 13:27 README.md
[repo-files-count] drwxr-sr-x. 3 root 1000730000   100 Oct  6 13:27 app
[repo-files-count] drwxr-sr-x. 2 root 1000730000   227 Oct  6 13:27 demo
[repo-files-count] drwxr-sr-x. 2 root 1000730000    24 Oct  6 13:27 installation
[repo-files-count] --------------------
[repo-files-count] 60 files in repo[change-workingdir] [pwd]
[change-workingdir] /workspace/code




  • PVC
  • Secret
  • ConfigMap
  • emptyDir
    emptyDir字段引用一个emptyDir卷,它持有一个临时目录,其寿命与调用它的TaskRun一样长。emptyDir卷不适合在一个管道内的任务之间共享数据。然而,它们对于单个任务运行来说效果很好,因为存储在 emptyDir 中的数据需要在任务的步骤中共享,并在执行后被丢弃。


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
metadata:name: tkn-pvc-1
spec:accessModes:- ReadWriteOnceresources:requests:storage: 1Gi


apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: write
spec:workspaces:- name: write-dirsteps:- name: writeimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubicommand:- /bin/bashargs: ['-c', 'echo hello > $(workspaces.write-dir.path)/hello.txt && echo done']- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubiname: print-dirscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho [ls -l $(workspaces.write-dir.path)]ls -l $(workspaces.write-dir.path)echo workspaces.write-dir.bound=$(workspaces.write-dir.bound)echo workspaces.write-dir.claim=$(workspaces.write-dir.claim)echo workspaces.write-dir.volume=$(workspaces.write-dir.volume)
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: read
spec:workspaces:- name: read-dirsteps:- name: readimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubicommand:- /bin/bashargs: ['-c', 'cat $(workspaces.read-dir.path)/hello.txt']- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubiname: print-dirscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho [ls -l $(workspaces.read-dir.path)]ls -l $(workspaces.read-dir.path)
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
metadata:name: workspaces-sharing
spec:workspaces:- name: pipeline-ws1tasks:- name: writetaskRef:name: writeworkspaces:- name: write-dirworkspace: pipeline-ws1- name: readtaskRef: name: readworkspaces:- name: read-dirworkspace: pipeline-ws1runAfter:- write


$ tkn pipeline start workspaces-sharing -w name=pipeline-ws1,claimName=tkn-pvc-1 --showlog
PipelineRun started: workspaces-sharing-run-5scgt
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write : write] done
[write : print-dir] [ls -l /workspace/write-dir]
[write : print-dir] total 8
[write : print-dir] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000750000    6 Sep  5 11:49 hello.txt
[write : print-dir] workspaces.write-dir.bound=true
[write : print-dir] workspaces.write-dir.claim=tkn-pvc-1
[write : print-dir] workspaces.write-dir.volume=ws-sr7dk
[read : read] hello
[read : print-dir] [ls -l /workspace/read-dir]
[read : print-dir] total 8
[read : print-dir] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000750000    6 Sep  5 11:49 hello.txt



apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: change-ws-mountpath
spec:steps:- image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalname: write-messagescript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashpwdecho $(workspaces.ws.path)workspaces:- mountPath: /custom/path/relative/to/rootname: ws


$ tkn task start change-ws-mountpath --showlog -w name=messages,claimName=tkn-pvc-1
TaskRun started: change-ws-mountpath-run-hdkc7
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write-message] /workspace
[write-message] /custom/path/relative/to/root



apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: write
spec:steps:- name: writeimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimalscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashecho bar > $(workspaces.write-ws.path)/fools -l $(workspaces.write-ws.path)/fooworkspaces:- name: write-ws
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
metadata:name: read-both
spec:params:- name: directory1type: string- name: directory2type: stringworkspaces:- name: read-wssteps:- name: readimage: ubuntuscript: |#!/usr/bin/env bashls -l $(workspaces.read-ws.path)/$(params.directory1)/foo ls -l $(workspaces.read-ws.path)/$(params.directory2)/foo rm -rf $(workspaces.read-ws.path)/$(params.directory1)/*rm -rf $(workspaces.read-ws.path)/$(params.directory2)/*
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
metadata:name: pipeline-using-different-subpaths
spec:workspaces:- name: wstasks:- name: write-1taskRef:name: writeworkspaces:- name: write-wsworkspace: wssubPath: dir-1- name: write-2runAfter:- write-1taskRef:name: writeworkspaces:- name: write-wsworkspace: wssubPath: dir-2- name: read-allrunAfter:- write-2params:- name: directory1value: dir-1- name: directory2value: dir-2taskRef:name: read-bothworkspaces:- name: read-wsworkspace: ws


$ tkn pipeline start pipeline-using-different-subpaths --showlog -w name=ws,claimName=tkn-pvc-1
PipelineRun started: pipeline-using-different-subpaths-run-psnqn
Waiting for logs to be available...
[writer-1 : write] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000760000 4 Sep  7 11:58 /workspace/write-ws/foo
[writer-2 : write] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000760000 4 Sep  7 11:58 /workspace/write-ws/foo
[read-all : read] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000760000 4 Sep  7 11:58 /workspace/read-ws/dir-1/foo
[read-all : read] -rw-rw-r--. 1 root 1000760000 4 Sep  7 11:58 /workspace/read-ws/dir-2/foo


$ tkn task start writer --showlog -w name=write-ws,claimName=tkn-pvc-1,subPath=dir-1
$ tkn task start writer --showlog -w name=write-ws,claimName=tkn-pvc-1,subPath=dir-2
$ tkn task start read-both --showlog -w name=read-ws,claimName=tkn-pvc-1 -p directory1=dir-1 -p directory2=dir-2




  • 命令引用方式
$ tkn pipeline start PIPELINE-NAME -w name=WORKSPACE-NAME,volumeClaimTemplateFile=PVC-FILE.yaml
  • 文件引用方式
。。。workspaces:- name: WORKSPACE-NAMEvolumeClaimTemplate:apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata:name: PVC-NAMEspec:accessModes:- ReadWriteOnceresources:requests:storage: 500Mi
$ oc get pvc
NAME        STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
PVC-NAME    Bound    pvc-910260a3-3adc-4426-a95a-b6bb940a6179   1Gi        RWO            gp2            26m

使用 PVC 对象

  • 命令引用方式
$ tkn pipeline start PIPELINE-NAME -w name=WORKSPACE-NAME,claimName=PVC-NAME
  • 文件引用方式
。。。workspaces:- name: PIPELINE-NAMEpersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: PVC-NAME



OpenShift 4 Tekton (5) - Task/Pipeline/Workspace/PipelineResource相关推荐

  1. OpenShift 4 Tekton - 用Webhook实现CI/CD

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 文章目录 场景说明 Tekton实现Webhook的过程和相关对象 本文的Pipeline场景说明 场景实现 复制Github项目 对pip ...

  2. OpenShift 4 Tekton - Katacoda的Tekton Pipeline入门示例

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 文章目录 安装Tekton客户端 通过命令安装OpenShift Pipelines Operator 创建并运行Tekton Pipeli ...

  3. OpenShift 4 Tekton (2) - OpenShift Pipeline入门-用Pipeline部署应用

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证 文章目录 Tekton核心概念 本CICD Pipeine场景说明 操作步骤 创建Op ...

  4. OpenShift 4 Tekton - Tekton实现包含Gogs+SonaQube+Nexus+Report+WebHook的Pipeline

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 本文是siamaksade在其github上的一个Tekton Pipeline演示示例,它是<OpenShift 4之实现一个基于G ...

  5. 云原生CI/CD:Tekton/pipelin之pipeline概念篇

    云原生CI/CD:Tekton/pipelin之pipeline概念篇 本节介绍下tekton中pipeline概念.作为云原生的CI/CD神器在之前介绍的task和taskrun之后,还有什么强大的 ...

  6. OpenShift 4 - 在 CI/CD Pipeline 中创建 KubeVirt 容器虚拟机 - 方法1+2 (视频)

    <OpenShift / RHEL / DevSecOps 汇总目录> 说明:本文已经在支持 OpenShift 4.12 的 OpenShift 环境中验证 文章目录 准备环境 安装可实 ...

  7. OpenShift 4 Tekton (1) - OpenShift Pipeline入门-安装Pipeline Operator

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证 文章目录 Tekton 简介 安装OpenShift Pipelines Operat ...

  8. OpenShift 4 Tekton (3) - 通过控制台的图形化方式配置Tekton Pipeline

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证 文章目录 配置Tekton运行环境 配置并运行Tekton Pipeline 说明:O ...

  9. OpenShift 4 Tekton (4) - 使用Workspaces为包含Maven Build的Pipeline提速

    <OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总> 说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.8环境中验证 文章目录 需求场景 什么是Workspaces 使用Workspace 在Maven ...


  1. 《强化学习周刊》第32期:上海交大华为 | 可解释强化学习研究综述
  2. c语言链表拆分,C语言拆分链表程序
  3. 利用SETFACL来设置文件或文件夹的访问控制列表ACL
  4. 利用FreeNas创建iSCSI块级存储
  5. 最小生成树(prime算法、kruskal算法) 和 最短路径算法(floyd、dijkstra)
  6. SM35/BDC Record / Log 导出
  7. float position的測试案例
  8. Webpack-simple cross-env 不是内部或外部命令问题处理
  9. Altium AD20开槽处铺铜出现大面积空白区域的解决方法
  10. 文本自动摘要任务的“不完全”心得总结
  11. Controller类中方法返回值详解
  12. 百度地图python_python百度地图API爬取街景
  13. 基于Canvas和HTML+CSS3构建JavaScript弹幕库
  14. amtlib.dll被McAfee删除之后?
  15. h5广告与html5,什么是H5广告?
  16. (Scikit-Learn)线性回归 基函数的含义详解
  17. 2022-7-27 顾宇佳 学习笔记
  18. apisix插件之修改返回body
  19. Python实现2048小游戏
  20. emmc和MMC的区别


  1. 核心期刊 计算机应用与软件,计算机应用与软件 统计源期刊北大核心期刊
  2. kafka c语言实现源码,Spring-Kafka源代码解析(消费者)
  3. 高品质静物空间海报模板PSD分层素材
  4. C++ 虚函数 纯虚函数 抽象类 代码示例
  5. DPDK examples cmdline完全注释(添加quit功能)
  6. The Vector Packet Processor (VPP)的安装
  7. PostgreSQL的登录、创建用户、数据库并赋权
  8. TensorFlow 是一个用于人工智能的开源神器
  9. echarts年龄饼图_解决echarts饼图显示百分比,和显示内容字体及大小
  10. linux使网卡点亮_Linux下 无线网卡配置无线唤醒功能的方法