
Given a non-empty string containing an out-of-order English representation of digits 0-9, output the digits in ascending order.


  1. Input contains only lowercase English letters.
  2. Input is guaranteed to be valid and can be transformed to its original digits. That means invalid inputs such as "abc" or "zerone" are not permitted.
  3. Input length is less than 50,000.

Example 1:

Input: "owoztneoer"Output: "012"

Example 2:

Input: "fviefuro"Output: "45"


       #phase 1uniq_dic_1 = {}uniq_dic_1['z'] = ('zero','0')uniq_dic_1['w'] = ('two','2')uniq_dic_1['u'] = ('four','4')uniq_dic_1['x'] = ('six','6')uniq_dic_1['g'] = ('eight','8')


        #phase 2uniq_dic_2 = {}uniq_dic_2['o'] = ('one','1')uniq_dic_2['t'] = ('three', '3')uniq_dic_2['f'] = ('five', '5')uniq_dic_2['s'] = ('seven', '7')


        #phase 3uniq_dic_3 = {}uniq_dic_3['i'] = ('nine', '9')

解题的方法,是先去 phase 1 中找出唯一字符在s中出现了几次,出现了几次就表示对应的单词出现了几次,扣除掉这个单词其余字符出现的次数;接下来是phase 2和phase 3,即可得到所有单词出现的次数。


class Solution(object):def calc(self,dic_src,uniq_dic):r = ''for key in uniq_dic.iterkeys():if key in dic_src:count = dic_src[key]r += uniq_dic[key][1] * countfor char in uniq_dic[key][0]:dic_src[char] -= countif dic_src[char] == 0:del dic_src[char]return rdef originalDigits(self, s):""":type s: str:rtype: str"""dic_src = {}for i in s:dic_src[i] = dic_src.setdefault(i, 0) + 1#phase 1uniq_dic_1 = {}uniq_dic_1['z'] = ('zero','0')uniq_dic_1['w'] = ('two','2')uniq_dic_1['u'] = ('four','4')uniq_dic_1['x'] = ('six','6')uniq_dic_1['g'] = ('eight','8')#phase 2uniq_dic_2 = {}uniq_dic_2['o'] = ('one','1')uniq_dic_2['t'] = ('three', '3')uniq_dic_2['f'] = ('five', '5')uniq_dic_2['s'] = ('seven', '7')#phase 3uniq_dic_3 = {}uniq_dic_3['i'] = ('nine', '9')res = ''res += self.calc(dic_src, uniq_dic_1)res += self.calc(dic_src, uniq_dic_2)res += self.calc(dic_src, uniq_dic_3)return ''.join(sorted(list(res)))


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