Problem Description

Katu Puzzle is presented as a directed graph G(V, E) with each edge e(a, b) labeled by a boolean operator op (one of AND, OR, XOR) and an integer c (0 ≤ c ≤ 1). One Katu is solvable if one can find each vertex Vi a value Xi (0 ≤ Xi ≤ 1) such that for each edge e(a, b) labeled by op and c, the following formula holds:

Xa op Xb = c

The calculating rules are:

AND 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1
OR 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 1
XOR 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 0

Given a Katu Puzzle, your task is to determine whether it is solvable.


The first line contains two integers N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000) and M,(0 ≤ M ≤ 1,000,000) indicating the number of vertices and edges.
The following M lines contain three integers a (0 ≤ a < N), b(0 ≤ b < N), c and an operator op each, describing the edges.


Output a line containing "YES" or "NO".

Sample Input

4 4
0 1 1 AND
1 2 1 OR
3 2 0 AND
3 0 0 XOR

Sample Output


题意:给出一 n 个点 m 条边的有向图,每个点只能取 0、1,现在每条边被一个操作符 or、and、xor 以及一个值标记了,表示 a、b 按操作符运算的结果,问这个有向图是否有可行解

思路:根据题意,该题是一个 2-SAT 问题,将操作符进行转换,进行判定即可

对于 A[x],可以通过连边 <x',x> 实现,NOT A[x],可以通过连边 <x,x'> 来实现,对于 NOT(A[x] AND A[y]) 需要连两条边 <x, y'> 和 <y, x'> 来实现,对于 A[x] OR A[y] 需要连两条边 <x', y> 和 <y', x> 来实现

故对于 and、or、xor 三种运算有:

and 运算:

  • a and b = 0 时:若 a=1,则必定满足 b=0;若 b=1,则必定满足 a=0,即:<a,1,b,0>、<b,1,a,0>
  • a and b = 1 时:a=1 且 b=1,即:<a,0,a,1>、<b,0,b,1>

or 运算:

  • a or b = 0 时:a = 0 且 b = 0,即:<a,1,a,0>、<b,1,b,0>
  • a or b = 1 时:若 a=0,则必定满足 b=1;若 b=0,则必定满足 a=0,即:<a,0,b,1>、<b,0,a,1>

xor 运算:

  • a xor b = 0 时,有以下四种情况:
    若 a = 0,则必定满足 b = 0,即:<a,0,b,0>
    若 b = 0,则必定满足 a = 0,即:<b,0,a,0>
    若 a = 1,则必定满足 b = 1,即:<a,1,b,1>
    若 b = 1,则必定满足 a = 1,即:<b,1,a,1>
  • a xor b = 1 时,有以下四种情况:
    若 a = 0,则必定满足 b = 1,即:<a,0,b,1>
    若 b = 0,则必定满足 a = 1,即:<b,0,a,1>
    若 a = 1,则必定满足 b = 0,即:<a,1,b,0>
    若 b = 1,则必定满足 a = 0,即:<b,1,a,0>

Source Program

#define PI acos(-1.0)
#define E 1e-9
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define LL long long
const int MOD=10007;
const int N=1000000+5;
const int dx[]= {-1,1,0,0};
const int dy[]= {0,0,-1,1};
using namespace std;bool vis[N*2];
int Stack[N*2],top;
vector<int> G[N*2];
void init(int n){memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis));for(int i=0;i<2*n;i++)G[i].clear();
void addOrClause(int x,int xVal,int y,int yVal){x=x*2+xVal;y=y*2+yVal;G[x^1].push_back(y);G[y^1].push_back(x);
void addAndClause(int x,int xval,int y,int yval) {x=x*2+xval;y=y*2+yval;G[x].push_back(y);
bool dfs(int x){if(vis[x^1])return false;if(vis[x])return true;vis[x]=true;Stack[top++]=x;for(int i=0;i<G[x].size();i++)if(!dfs(G[x][i]))return false;return true;
bool twoSAT(int n){for(int i=0;i<2*n;i+=2){if(!vis[i] && !vis[i+1]){top=0;if(!dfs(i)){while(top>0)vis[Stack[--top]]=false;if(!dfs(i+1))return false;}}}return true;
int main(){int n,m;while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF&&(n+m)){init(n);while(m--){int a,b,c;char ch[10];scanf("%d%d%d%s",&a,&b,&c,ch);if(ch[0]=='A'){//and 运算if(c==0){//a and b=0addAndClause(a,1,b,0);//若 a=1,则必定满足 b=0addAndClause(b,1,a,0);//若 b=1,则必定满足 a=0}else{//a and b=1addAndClause(a,0,a,1);//a=1addAndClause(b,0,b,1);//b=1}}else if(ch[0]=='O'){//or 运算if(c==0){//a or b=0addAndClause(a,1,a,0);//a=0addAndClause(b,1,b,0);//b=0}else{//a or b=1addAndClause(a,0,b,1);//若 a=0,则必定满足 b=1addAndClause(b,0,a,1);//若 b=0,则必定满足 a=0}}else if(ch[0]=='X'){//xor 运算if(c==0){//a xor b=0addAndClause(a,0,b,0);//若 a = 0,则必定满足 b = 0addAndClause(b,0,a,0);//若 b = 0,则必定满足 a = 0addAndClause(a,1,b,1);//若 a = 1,则必定满足 b = 1addAndClause(b,1,a,1);//若 b = 1,则必定满足 a = 1}else{//a xor b=1addAndClause(a,0,b,1);//若 a = 0,则必定满足 b = 1addAndClause(b,0,a,1);//若 b = 0,则必定满足 a = 1addAndClause(a,1,b,0);//若 a = 1,则必定满足 b = 0addAndClause(b,1,a,0);//若 b = 1,则必定满足 a = 0}}}printf("%s\n",twoSAT(n)?"YES":"NO");}return 0;

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