Tesseract是一个开源的OCR(Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)引擎,可以识别多种格式的图像文件并将其转换成文本,目前已支持60多种语言(包括中文)。 Tesseract最初由HP公司开发,后来由Google接盘填坑。



main[api/tesseractmain.cpp] ->
TessBaseAPI::ProcessPages[api/baseapi.cpp] ->
TessBaseAPI::ProcessPage[api/baseapi.cpp] ->
TessBaseAPI::Recognize[api/baseapi.cpp] ->
TessBaseAPI::FindLines[api/baseapi.cpp] ->
TessBaseAPI::Threshold[api/baseapi.cpp] ->
ImageThresholder::ThresholdToPix[ccmain/thresholder.cpp] ->
ImageThresholder::OtsuThresholdRectToPix [ccmain/thresholder.cpp]
/*** Recognizes all the pages in the named file, as a multi-page tiff or* list of filenames, or single image, and gets the appropriate kind of text* according to parameters: tessedit_create_boxfile,* tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes, tessedit_write_unlv, tessedit_create_hocr.* Calls ProcessPage on each page in the input file, which may be a* multi-page tiff, single-page other file format, or a plain text list of* images to read. If tessedit_page_number is non-negative, processing begins* at that page of a multi-page tiff file, or filelist.* The text is returned in text_out. Returns false on error.* If non-zero timeout_millisec terminates processing after the timeout on* a single page.* If non-NULL and non-empty, and some page fails for some reason,* the page is reprocessed with the retry_config config file. Useful* for interactively debugging a bad page.*/
bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPages(const char* filename,const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec,STRING* text_out) {int page = tesseract_->tessedit_page_number;if (page < 0)page = 0;FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");if (fp == NULL) {tprintf(_("Image file %s cannot be opened!\n"), filename);return false;}// Find the number of pages if a tiff file, or zero otherwise.int npages = CountTiffPages(fp);fclose(fp);if (tesseract_->tessedit_create_hocr) {*text_out ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n""    \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n""<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" ""lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n  <title></title>\n""  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; ""charset=utf-8\" />\n""  <meta name='ocr-system' content='tesseract " VERSION "' />\n""  <meta name='ocr-capabilities' content='ocr_page ocr_carea ocr_par"" ocr_line ocrx_word'/>\n"" </head>\n <body>\n";} else {*text_out = "";}bool success = true;Pix *pix;if (npages > 0) {for (; page < npages && (pix = pixReadTiff(filename, page)) != NULL;++page) {if ((page >= 0) && (npages > 1))tprintf(_("Page %d of %d\n"), page + 1, npages);char page_str[kMaxIntSize];snprintf(page_str, kMaxIntSize - 1, "%d", page);SetVariable("applybox_page", page_str);success &= ProcessPage(pix, page, filename, retry_config,timeout_millisec, text_out);pixDestroy(&pix);if (tesseract_->tessedit_page_number >= 0 || npages == 1) {break;}}} else {// The file is not a tiff file, so use the general pixRead function.pix = pixRead(filename);if (pix != NULL) {success &= ProcessPage(pix, 0, filename, retry_config,timeout_millisec, text_out);pixDestroy(&pix);} else {// The file is not an image file, so try it as a list of filenames.FILE* fimg = fopen(filename, "rb");if (fimg == NULL) {tprintf(_("File %s cannot be opened!\n"), filename);return false;}tprintf(_("Reading %s as a list of filenames...\n"), filename);char pagename[MAX_PATH];// Skip to the requested page number.for (int i = 0; i < page &&fgets(pagename, sizeof(pagename), fimg) != NULL;++i);while (fgets(pagename, sizeof(pagename), fimg) != NULL) {chomp_string(pagename);pix = pixRead(pagename);if (pix == NULL) {tprintf(_("Image file %s cannot be read!\n"), pagename);fclose(fimg);return false;}tprintf(_("Page %d : %s\n"), page, pagename);success &= ProcessPage(pix, page, pagename, retry_config,timeout_millisec, text_out);pixDestroy(&pix);++page;}fclose(fimg);}}if (tesseract_->tessedit_create_hocr)*text_out += " </body>\n</html>\n";return success;
/*** Recognizes a single page for ProcessPages, appending the text to text_out.* The pix is the image processed - filename and page_index are metadata* used by side-effect processes, such as reading a box file or formatting* as hOCR.* If non-zero timeout_millisec terminates processing after the timeout.* If non-NULL and non-empty, and some page fails for some reason,* the page is reprocessed with the retry_config config file. Useful* for interactively debugging a bad page.* The text is returned in text_out. Returns false on error.*/
bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPage(Pix* pix, int page_index, const char* filename,const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec,STRING* text_out) {SetInputName(filename);SetImage(pix);bool failed = false;if (timeout_millisec > 0) {// Running with a timeout.ETEXT_DESC monitor;monitor.cancel = NULL;monitor.cancel_this = NULL;monitor.set_deadline_msecs(timeout_millisec);// Now run the main recognition.failed = Recognize(&monitor) < 0;} else if (tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode == PSM_OSD_ONLY ||tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode == PSM_AUTO_ONLY) {// Disabled character recognition.PageIterator* it = AnalyseLayout();if (it == NULL) {failed = true;} else {delete it;return true;}} else {// Normal layout and character recognition with no timeout.failed = Recognize(NULL) < 0;}if (tesseract_->tessedit_write_images) {Pix* page_pix = GetThresholdedImage();pixWrite("tessinput.tif", page_pix, IFF_TIFF_G4);}if (failed && retry_config != NULL && retry_config[0] != '\0') {// Save current config variables before switching modes.FILE* fp = fopen(kOldVarsFile, "wb");PrintVariables(fp);fclose(fp);// Switch to alternate mode for retry.ReadConfigFile(retry_config);SetImage(pix);Recognize(NULL);// Restore saved config variables.ReadConfigFile(kOldVarsFile);}// Get text only if successful.if (!failed) {char* text;if (tesseract_->tessedit_create_boxfile ||tesseract_->tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes) {text = GetBoxText(page_index);} else if (tesseract_->tessedit_write_unlv) {text = GetUNLVText();} else if (tesseract_->tessedit_create_hocr) {text = GetHOCRText(page_index);} else {text = GetUTF8Text();}*text_out += text;delete [] text;return true;}return false;
/*** Recognize the tesseract global image and return the result as Tesseract* internal structures.*/
int TessBaseAPI::Recognize(ETEXT_DESC* monitor) {if (tesseract_ == NULL)return -1;if (FindLines() != 0)return -1;if (page_res_ != NULL)delete page_res_;if (block_list_->empty()) {page_res_ = new PAGE_RES(block_list_, &tesseract_->prev_word_best_choice_);return 0; // Empty page.}tesseract_->SetBlackAndWhitelist();recognition_done_ = true;if (tesseract_->tessedit_resegment_from_line_boxes)page_res_ = tesseract_->ApplyBoxes(*input_file_, true, block_list_);else if (tesseract_->tessedit_resegment_from_boxes)page_res_ = tesseract_->ApplyBoxes(*input_file_, false, block_list_);elsepage_res_ = new PAGE_RES(block_list_, &tesseract_->prev_word_best_choice_);if (tesseract_->tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes) {tesseract_->CorrectClassifyWords(page_res_);return 0;}if (truth_cb_ != NULL) {tesseract_->wordrec_run_blamer.set_value(true);truth_cb_->Run(tesseract_->getDict().getUnicharset(),image_height_, page_res_);}int result = 0;if (tesseract_->interactive_display_mode) {#ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLEDtesseract_->pgeditor_main(rect_width_, rect_height_, page_res_);#endif  // GRAPHICS_DISABLED// The page_res is invalid after an interactive session, so cleanup// in a way that lets us continue to the next page without crashing.delete page_res_;page_res_ = NULL;return -1;} else if (tesseract_->tessedit_train_from_boxes) {tesseract_->ApplyBoxTraining(*output_file_, page_res_);} else if (tesseract_->tessedit_ambigs_training) {FILE *training_output_file = tesseract_->init_recog_training(*input_file_);// OCR the page segmented into words by tesseract.tesseract_->recog_training_segmented(*input_file_, page_res_, monitor, training_output_file);fclose(training_output_file);} else {// Now run the main recognition.if (tesseract_->recog_all_words(page_res_, monitor, NULL, NULL, 0)) {DetectParagraphs(true);} else {result = -1;}}return result;
/** Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST. */
int TessBaseAPI::FindLines() {if (thresholder_ == NULL || thresholder_->IsEmpty()) {tprintf("Please call SetImage before attempting recognition.");return -1;}if (recognition_done_)ClearResults();if (!block_list_->empty()) {return 0;}if (tesseract_ == NULL) {tesseract_ = new Tesseract;tesseract_->InitAdaptiveClassifier(false);}if (tesseract_->pix_binary() == NULL)Threshold(tesseract_->mutable_pix_binary());if (tesseract_->ImageWidth() > MAX_INT16 ||tesseract_->ImageHeight() > MAX_INT16) {tprintf("Image too large: (%d, %d)\n",tesseract_->ImageWidth(), tesseract_->ImageHeight());return -1;}tesseract_->PrepareForPageseg();if (tesseract_->textord_equation_detect) {if (equ_detect_ == NULL && datapath_ != NULL) {equ_detect_ = new EquationDetect(datapath_->string(), NULL);}tesseract_->SetEquationDetect(equ_detect_);}Tesseract* osd_tess = osd_tesseract_;OSResults osr;if (PSM_OSD_ENABLED(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode) && osd_tess == NULL) {if (strcmp(language_->string(), "osd") == 0) {osd_tess = tesseract_;} else {osd_tesseract_ = new Tesseract;if (osd_tesseract_->init_tesseract(datapath_->string(), NULL, "osd", OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY,NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, false) == 0) {osd_tess = osd_tesseract_;osd_tesseract_->set_source_resolution(thresholder_->GetSourceYResolution());} else {tprintf("Warning: Auto orientation and script detection requested,"" but osd language failed to load\n");delete osd_tesseract_;osd_tesseract_ = NULL;}}}if (tesseract_->SegmentPage(input_file_, block_list_, osd_tess, &osr) < 0)return -1;// If Devanagari is being recognized, we use different images for page seg// and for OCR.tesseract_->PrepareForTessOCR(block_list_, osd_tess, &osr);return 0;
/*** Run the thresholder to make the thresholded image, returned in pix,* which must not be NULL. *pix must be initialized to NULL, or point* to an existing pixDestroyable Pix.* The usual argument to Threshold is Tesseract::mutable_pix_binary().*/
void TessBaseAPI::Threshold(Pix** pix) {ASSERT_HOST(pix != NULL);if (!thresholder_->IsBinary()) {tesseract_->set_pix_grey(thresholder_->GetPixRectGrey());}if (*pix != NULL)pixDestroy(pix);// Zero resolution messes up the algorithms, so make sure it is credible.int y_res = thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution();if (y_res < kMinCredibleResolution || y_res > kMaxCredibleResolution) {// Use the minimum default resolution, as it is safer to under-estimate// than over-estimate resolution.thresholder_->SetSourceYResolution(kMinCredibleResolution);}thresholder_->ThresholdToPix(pix);thresholder_->GetImageSizes(&rect_left_, &rect_top_,&rect_width_, &rect_height_,&image_width_, &image_height_);// Set the internal resolution that is used for layout parameters from the// estimated resolution, rather than the image resolution, which may be// fabricated, but we will use the image resolution, if there is one, to// report output point sizes.int estimated_res = ClipToRange(thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(),kMinCredibleResolution,kMaxCredibleResolution);if (estimated_res != thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution()) {tprintf("Estimated resolution %d out of range! Corrected to %d\n",thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(), estimated_res);}tesseract_->set_source_resolution(estimated_res);
// Threshold the source image as efficiently as possible to the output Pix.
// Creates a Pix and sets pix to point to the resulting pointer.
// Caller must use pixDestroy to free the created Pix.
void ImageThresholder::ThresholdToPix(Pix** pix) {if (pix_ != NULL) {if (image_bytespp_ == 0) {// We have a binary image, so it just has to be cloned.*pix = GetPixRect();} else {if (image_bytespp_ == 4) {// Color data can just be passed direct.const uinT32* data = pixGetData(pix_);OtsuThresholdRectToPix(reinterpret_cast<const uinT8*>(data),image_bytespp_, image_bytespl_, pix);} else {// Convert 8-bit to IMAGE and then pass its// buffer to the raw interface to complete the conversion.IMAGE temp_image;temp_image.FromPix(pix_);OtsuThresholdRectToPix(temp_image.get_buffer(),image_bytespp_,COMPUTE_IMAGE_XDIM(temp_image.get_xsize(),temp_image.get_bpp()),pix);}}return;}if (image_bytespp_ > 0) {// Threshold grey or color.OtsuThresholdRectToPix(image_data_, image_bytespp_, image_bytespl_, pix);} else {RawRectToPix(pix);}
// Otsu threshold the rectangle, taking everything except the image buffer
// pointer from the class, to the output Pix.
void ImageThresholder::OtsuThresholdRectToPix(const unsigned char* imagedata,int bytes_per_pixel,int bytes_per_line,Pix** pix) const {int* thresholds;int* hi_values;OtsuThreshold(imagedata, bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_line,rect_left_, rect_top_, rect_width_, rect_height_,&thresholds, &hi_values);// Threshold the image to the given IMAGE.ThresholdRectToPix(imagedata, bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_line,thresholds, hi_values, pix);delete [] thresholds;delete [] hi_values;


即:api.SetRectangle(0, 0, x, y);


tesseract.exe input result  -l chi_sim



-l 字体库资源

chi_sim  中文大陆








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