

1、cannot connect to X server :0.0  ----http://rrewwe.blog.163.com/blog/static/9946464200952595753555/

2、Cannot connect to X server :0.0 as superuser----http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/111831/cannot-connect-to-x-server-0-0-as-superuser

24down votefavorite


Compiling on Fedora 10.

I have just started my first qt GUI application. I used all the default settings.

Its just a simple form. It builds OK without any errors. But when I try and run the application. I get the following message:

Starting /home/rob/projects/qt/test1/test1/test1...
No protocol specified
test1: cannot connect to X server :0.0

Thanks for any advice,

The general causes for this are as follows:

  1. DISPLAY not set in the environment.

    export DISPLAY=:0.0

    ( This one doesn't appear to be the one at fault though, as its saying which X display its trying to connect to. Also, its not always 0.0, but most of the time it is )

  2. Non-Authorised User trying to run the X Application
    Solution ( as X owning user, ie: yourself )

    xhost +local:root   # where root is the local user you want to grant access to.
24down votefavorite


Compiling on Fedora 10.

I have just started my first qt GUI application. I used all the default settings.

Its just a simple form. It builds OK without any errors. But when I try and run the application. I get the following message:

Starting /home/rob/projects/qt/test1/test1/test1...
No protocol specified
test1: cannot connect to X server :0.0

Thanks for any advice,

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