
Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. Not only is
it necessary for (1)__ in the world of schools and later on universities, but in
adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information
on anything from health problems and consumer protection to more (2)_  research into
science or the arts depends on the ability to read.The more children read, the better they become at reading. It's as simple as that.
The more enjoyable the things they read are, the more they'll (3)__ with them and
develop the reading skills that they'll need for full (4)__ to information in their adult
lives. Reading should be viewed as a pleasurable activity -- as a source of (5)__ tales
and useful and interesting factual information.The more young children are to read, the greater their interest in mastering
reading. Reading out loud (6)____ children to proper grammar and phrasing. It (7)_
the development of their spoken language skills, their ability to express themselves
verbally(口头上).Reading,by way of books, magazines or websites, exposes kids to new vocabulary. Even
when they don't understand every new word, they absorb something from the (8)__ that
may deepen their understanding of it the next time the word is (9)__ When parents
read aloud to children, the children also hear correct pronunciation as they see
the words on the page, even if they can't yet read the words (10)__
As if you needed another reason to hate your alarm clock. A new study suggests that,
by disrupting (扰乱) your body's (1)__ rhythms, your buzzing,blaring friend could be
making you ove rweight.The study concerns a phenomenon called "social jetlag (社交时差) ". That's the (2)__
to which our natural sleep patterns are not consistent with our school or work schedules.
Take the weekends: many of us wake up hours later than we do during the week, only to
(3) __ our early schedules coming Monday morning. It's enough to make your body feel
like it's (4)__ the weekend in one time zone and the week in another.But is social jetlag (5)__ bad for your health? To investigate, Till Roenneberg and his
colleagues collected .data from tens of thousands of (6)__ to an Internet survey on sleep
patterns and other behaviors. Some clues have been yielded from (7)__ work with such
data. "We have shown that if you live against your body clock, you' re more likely
to smoke, to drink alcohol,and drink far more coffee, " says Roenneberg .In the new study, the team measured the social jetlag of people aged 16 to 65 by
(8)__ the di fferences between sleep times on workdays and non-workdays. They then
constructed a mathematical model that gauged ( 衡量) how well (9)__ factors, such
as age, gender, sleep duration, and social jetlag could predict body weight.
They found that the first three factors were important (10)__ of body weight
for all people. In addition, for people who are already on the heavy side,
greater social jetlag corresponded to greater body weight .
好像你需要另一个理由来恨你的闹钟。一项新的研究表明(扰乱) 你的身体节奏,你的嗡嗡声,吵闹的朋友
可能会让你超胖。这项研究关注一种叫做“社会时差”的现象(社交时差) ". 这就是我们的自然睡眠模式与我们的学校或工作
差。然后,他们建立了一个数学模型来衡量(衡量) 年龄、性别、睡眠时间和社交时差等生物因素对体


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