


reasons why it's worth to be PCgamer in ...
Level 27
Sheng Long
Posts: 7248
Dec 27, 2005, 2:13 pm
Below is a comprehesive list of all(at least I think so)promisingPCgames slated for 2006 release.By "promising" I mean games with big chances of scoring at least AA, while extremely small chances of scoring below 7. I've tried choosing only games made by experienced developers(who made good games in the past) or for other reasons promising.



Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
"Galactic Civilizations II is a strategy gamer's dream"-9.0 from GS

StarWars: Empire at War
"Star Wars fans finally get to play a strategy game worthy of the license."-8.7 from GS

SIMS2: Open for Business
"Open for Business makes it fun to put your sims to work " - 8.0 from GS

Medieval II: TotalWar
New game in what many people consider to be the best strategy series of all time(Rome:TW got 9.1 from GS)

Rise of Legends
New RTS from BigHugeGames,makers of Rise of Nations( 9.3 PC GOTY of 2003 at GS)

Sid Meier's Railroads!
Sucessor to legendary Railroad Tycoon series

CM is the best and most realistic series of wargames ever created(CM and CM2 both got AAAs at gamespot). ShockForce will use brand new engine.

The Guild2
Sequel to complex and innovative economy sim(which got 8.5 at GS)

A modern RTS where you can take direct control of every individual unit. From makers of ImperiumGalactica2(8.4)

Heroes of Might and Magic V
New entry in legendary series. This time in full 3D and done by Nival(SilentStorm and Etherlords series have proved that they are great at turn-based games )

A MMORTS that has no fees. From makers of GalacticCivilizations(8.4)

Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
An epic real-time strategy game from Namco

Rush for Berlin
From Stormregion(makers of Panzers, which got 8.8 here)

Company of Heroes
From Relic(creators of Homeworld 1-2 and Warhammer40K: Dawn of War)

Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War
From Rick Goodman(designer of Age of Empires), and company that made EmpireEarth(over 2mln copies sold, Gamespy PC GOTY) and Empires: Dawn of Modern World(AA here at Gamespot). Currently StainlessSteelStudios is no more Midway's internal studio is finishing the game

Act of War: High Treason
Add-on to 8.5 strategy game.

Age of Empires3 add-on
AoE3 got 8.2

game from makers of Democracy(Gametunnel's 2005 sim goty)

Panzer commander
From KoiosWorks(TinSoldiers-8.3 at GS)

Will Wright is a genius( he created games like SimCity and SIMS)..and this one it's the most ambitious game in development right now.

Caesar IV
new entry in one of best city-building series of all time(Pharoah got 8.2 from GS and last one Zeus got 8.5). It's being made by TiltedMill(company created by Zeus anbd Pharaoh team members)

A WWII Wargame made by people behind IL2Sturmovik franchise. THis game promises to be THE most realistic WWII wargame ever created(not just weapon and equipment parameters, but also stuff like morale of units)

Joint Task Force
From people who left Stormregion(where they made Panzers, 8.8 at GS) and joined Mithis(who made Nexus, 8.3 at GS).

WOFOR: War on Terror
An action-RTS, created by DigitlReality, makers of ImperiumGalactica2(8.4)

Desperados was the best Commandos clone ever made. The last game in this style and by this team: RobinHood:Legend of Sherwood got 8.6 from GS.

HistWar: Les Grognars
A tactical and strategical game of insane depth by Battlefront(they released AAAs like CombatMission series or AAs like AfrikaCorps, DangerousWaters or AirborneAssault)

Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday
An add-on to 8.3 game

An extremely deep SF wargame from masters of the genre(Battlefront are makers of legendary CombatMission series).

Faces of War
Follow up to Soldiers: Heroes of WWII, which was one of best and most innovative WWII wargames of recent years.

Stronghold Legends
Fantasy spin-off from this classic series

SpellForce II
Sequel to best RTS-RPG mix ever.

Ancient Wars: SPARTA
A historical RTS with incredible visuals that's getting great hand-ons previews

Heart of Empire: Rome
A city-building game by DeepRed(makers of MonopolyTycoon, also a city-builder which scored 8.5 at GS)

Seven Kingdoms: Conquest
Previous two were both AAAs here at gamespot

Sins of the Solar Empire
Epic 4X space empire building strategy with mix of Homeworld-like combat, made by ex members of Barkin dog(where they worked on Homeworld:Cataclysm, a space RTS that got 8.9 here)

From makers of marvelous Perimeter(which was the most unique RTS in last 5 years) and got 8.0 from GS

All American: the 82nd Airborne in Normandu
Finally a long awaited sequel to 101 Airborne: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy (8.8 at Gamespot)

Space Empires V
A new game in cult-classic 4x space series(SpaceEmpires IV got 8.1)

A epic WWII wargame by Fireglow(they aren't well known in US, but they are beloved strategy dev in Europe)

American Conquest: Divided Nation
Sequel to deep and complex RTS(that got 8.4 at GS)

Tycoon City: New York
A city-building game by DeepRed(makers of MonopolyTycoon, also a city-builder which scored 8.5 at GS)

Tortuga: Pirate Revenge
A mix of adventure and strategy set in Pirate world(think SidMeier's Pirates only much deeper and with bigger empasis on complexity and realism). Made by Ascaron(creators of PortRoyale 1 and 2,which got 8.5 and 8.3 at GS)

Take Command:2nd Manassas
Sequel to Bull's Run. Which is considered the best civil war game ever made. It got Wargamer's 5 stars and award of excelence, Gamezone's rated t 8.5. ComputerGamesMagazine called it "one of the most dramatic wargames you'll ever play".

Sword of Stars
Revolutionary mix of 4X space empire building strategy with mix of Homeworld-like combat, made by Kerberos Productions(which for formed by lead guys behind Homeworld:Cataclysm, a space RTS that got 8.9 here)

Distant Guns
Revolutionary naval wargame created by people behind games like OperationalArt of War(9.0 at GS), OperationalArt of War 2(8.7), Battleground : Antietam (8.7),Battleground :Shiloh(8.5),Battleground :Waterloo(8.5)

JaggedAlliance series is pure classic(Jagged Alliance 2 got 8.8 from Gamespot)

Imperivm Great Battles of Rome
One look at the screen and many gamers will dissmiss this game. And that's a big mistake. Haemimont's games are never the preetiest...and never 3D. But as CelticKings and Nemesis of Roman Empire proved... they have a big heart. Both of them were outdated techicaly, but fun as hell..and Gamespot recognized it giving both of them AA scores and positive reviews.

City Life
A city building game by Auran, company behind games like BridgeIT or Trainz(which got 8.7 from GS)

A tactical wargame similiar to Commandos2, created by Akella(makers of SeaDogs and Privateer's Bounty)

Third entry in legendary economic strategy series

Settlers2: Remake
New version of THE best Settlers game(85% at GR)

A colaboration between Firaxis and Firefly(composed of guys who created caesar series)

Civilization 4: Warlords
Add-on to PC 2005 GOTY(9.4)

Black and White2 : Battle of the Gods
Add-on to 8.0 game

The Movies: Stunts & Effects
Add-on to 8.2 game

Great-looking strategy games from SUnflowers(which are one of best complex strategy designers)

Airborne Assault: Conquest of the Aegean
Third game in this classic series(previous two both got 8.1 from Gamespot)


Dungeon and Dragons Online
"This online role-playing game lives up to its namesake as far as the quality of its action-packed quests is concerned, but it doesn't have all the features you'd probably want."- 7.5 from GS

Hellgate: London
A new game from makers of Diablo2

Bioware next epic

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
An add-on to Gamespot's 2004 GOTY

An action RPG from Cyanide(makers of ChaosLeague)

Auto Assault
A car combat MMORPG from NetDevil(their previous MMO-Jumpgate scored 8.5 at GS)

Sequel to legendary RPG

Huge epic space opera RPG by LogicFactory,makers of ToneRebellion(8.1)

Popular Korean MMO

SUN: Soul of the Ultimate Nation
A MMORPG from Webzeb with music by HowardShore

ROSE Online
A SF MMO from makers of RagnarokOnline

Lord of Creatures
Being made by lead designers of Commandos and Commandos2.

ENOSTA: Discovery Beyond
A space-based RPG from Akella(makers of SeaDogs and Privateer's Bounty)

From Emergence, company created by Herb Marselas(he worked in Microprose/SpectrumHolobyte as one of first 3D programmers in he industry, then at Intel ad then at Microsoft with Ensemble and Bungie helping them create engines) and Chas. Boyd(for the past decade he was the main DIrectX and Direct3D architect)

Gothic series is the most ambitious RPGs of recent years.

Two Worlds
From makers of Earth2160(8.0 from GS)

Lords of the Rings Online
Another Turbine game

Vanguard-Saga of heroes
A game made by most of Everquest creators

Action-adventure MMORPG from Webzen

Tabula Rasa
new MMOFPS by RichardGarriot(a guy who basicaly created the whole videogame RPG genre, he made first videogame RPG, first FPP RPG, first good story in RPG, every ultima revolutionized the genre, UltimaIV is basicaly a source for all jRPGs(as DQ just copied it) and he made the MMORPG genre what it is today, ultimaonline wasn't the first MMORPG, but it is to MMORPGs what Doom was to FPS)

Titan Quest
An action-rpg by Brian Sullivan(co-creator of Age of Empires) backed up by ex Papyrus and Turbine guys.

Age of Conan
Innovative MMORPG from creators of AnarchyOnline and LongestJourney

Divine Divinity2
Sequel to one of best action-rpgs ever(8.6 at GS)

Age of Pirates:Carribean Tales
A true follow up to SeaDogs, it's what SeaDogs was supossed to be before it was dumbed down, consolised and renamed to Pirates of Carribean

Fantasy Earth: The Ring of Dominion
MMO from SquareEnix

The original DOFUS is very popular(250.000 players) free MMORPG. DofusArena is a new MMO spin-off from the franchise that's concentrating on PVP tactical combat in vein of japanese rpgs like Ogre Battle or Fire Emblem

Pirates of Burning Sea
A pirate MMO created by a team full of pen and paper RPG legends(like John Tynes)

Star Ranger2
Ambitious SF RPG, mixed with action game, asteroids-like shooter, battlezone-like shooter, strategy game and adventure. it sounds crazy, but it actualy works like a dream. The game is already out in Europe, it had 85% average on GR and got 9/10 from Eurogamer

Mage Knight Apocalypse
An action-rpg from NAMCO based on well-known WizKids

Silver Fall
An action-rpg from MonteCristo and Kiev Games

The Witcher
Amazing graphics, Bioware's backing and wonderful literary license.

Tales of Eternia Online
A MMO from Namco

Tokimeki Memorial Online
A MMO version of insanely popular dating-sims series

Kingdoms of Warriors
Another Webzen MMORPG

Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising
A MMORPG created by lead Diablo2 designer

Ragnarok Online 2
Sequel to one of best and most popular MMORPGs in the world

Bastard! Online
A MMORPG from Tecmo

Guild Wars: Factions
First add-on to GuildWars(9.2 and best PC RPG of 2005)


A new puzzle game from MoonPod,makers of Starscape(it got 80% from PCGamer)

New innovative game from masterminds of IntroversionSoftware, makers of Darwinia(8.5 from GS)

Insane puzzle game from Chronic Logic,makers of Pontifex series and Gish(8.4 from GS), some of the most unique and innovative games in recent years.

Bang! Howdy
A new western puzzle game by Three Rings Design(their "Yahoo! Puzzle Pirates" got 8.3 from GS)

Game from makers of PlummIT, which was 3rd best puzzle game of 2004 by GameTunnel and PCZone Indie game of the month

Dodge That Anvil!
One of 2006's IndependentGamesDestival Finalists

Edited on Mar 25, 2006 3:05 am Edited 30 total times.

reasons why it's worth to be a PCgamer in 2006 and beyond

 Early in the 22th century humanity escaped from Einstein's cage

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Level 27
Sheng Long
Posts: 7248
Dec 27, 2005, 2:14 pm


The Battle of Britain
From makers of Il2 Sturmovik -THE flight sim series of last 4 years( the original got AAA score at Gamespot)

Microsoft Flight Simulator X
A king of civilan flight sims is returning.

Steel beasts 2/PRO PE
The follow-up to most realistic and hardcore tank sim ever.First one got 8.8.

PT Boats: Kights of the Sea
First ever simulator of "Moqsuito Fleet". From Akella(masters of naval gaming)

Rail Simulator
A new sim from makers of Microsoft Train Simulator (8.2 at GS)

Trainz 2006
Trainz got 8.7 from GS

Starsiege 2845
Indie-made sequelt o Earthsiege/Starsiege series of mech sims.

Whirlwind of Vietnam
A heli sim from 1C(makers of Il2Sturmovik series)

BattlestarGalactica: Beyond the Red Line
Freeware space-sim on modified freespace2 engine

Darkstar One
A space sim by Ascaron(creators of games like PortRoyale-8.5 at GS, PortRoyale2-8.3)

Black Shark
A helicopter add-on to incredible LockON

SH3 got 8.9 at GS


Vampyre Story
A classic point-and-click 2D PC adventure game, made by bunch of ex-LucasArts guys(those that worked on LucasArts' classic point and click adventure games, especialy a lot of Curse of Monkey Island crew, which got 9.0 at GS )

A new game by a adventure genre genious that Benoit Sokal(creator of Syberia and Amerzone) is.

a new indie horror adventure game. Check the demo, it's incredibly creepy

Juniper Crescent - The Sapphire Claw
Created by Steven Ince, co creator of BrokenSword series and Beneath the Steel Sky.

Sequel to great game

Humorous adventure is in full 3D, done in cooperation with TelltaleGames.

Broken Sword 4
A new entry in one of best adventure series ever created(the first game got 9.2 at GS,BrokenSword:3 got 8.1 )

Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine
A indie freeware adventure game from the people who brought us awesome KingQUest 1 and 2 VGA remakes

Sam and Max2
Finally a sequel to one of best games ever made

]The Lost Crown: a Ghosthunting Adventure
New horror adventure from the master of this subgenre: Jonathan Boakes(creator of DarkFall series)

from makers of Nibiru(one of GS nominees fot Adventure GOTY 2005)

Secrets of Da Vinci
By Kheops(hey are always getting at least AA reviews on adventure-centric sites)

From makers of Missing: Since January

Bone: The Great Cow Race
The first one was excelent, altough horribly short game for children(unfortunately some people didn't realise it's a game for kids ). The second one will be much longer and puzzle-heavy to satisfy  older adventure fans

Dead Mountaineer Hotel
Last-Express like adventure game(meaning non-linear, NPC have AIs, goals, daily routines and walk freely over the gameworld) based on Strugacki Brothers' novel, made by Akella.

CSI III: Dimensions of Murder
This time Ubi did the right thing: to make third game in the series they hired Telltale

Riddle of Sphinx3
Sequel to OMEGA STONE(8.0 from GS)


Formula 1 Championship Manager
First promising F1 manager since 1996's GrandPrix Manager 2

Out of the Park Baseball
new game is a series that is definitive baseball manager games.

Virtual Skipper4
Another entry in this amazing series. Devs of it also did Trackmania series

A new game by creators of  CFL Football. As they say themselves"While the rest of the industry is abandoning the PC market for the console world of arcade football, Wintervalley is building a PC based game like no other." Not only it's hardcore simulation, but it has rulesets for every damn type of football(american rules, Canadian rules, outdoor rules, indoors etc)

Baseball Mogul 2007
BM 2006 got 8.0

NHL: Eastside Hockey Manager 2005
A follow up to 8.4 game

Total College Basketball
Follow up to Tournament Dreams College Basketball, the very best basketball manager (8.9 from GS)

Bowl Bound College Football
Follow up to Total Pro Football(8.3 from GS)


GT Legends
"A joy to play and a real showpiece for the vintage cars it replicates, GT Legends is a great achievement and a must-have for simulation addicts"- 8.5 from GS

Evolution GT
From MileStone(Superbike2000(8.7),Superbike2001(9.1fromGS) or Screamer1-2(both have strong 8+ averages at GR) .)

netKar is freeware racing sim, well known for open structure and extreme realism. Now finally it's getting comercial

Live for Speed S3
Major upgrade to already great Live for Speed S2.

GTI Racing
From makers of XpandRally(over 85% at GR)

Ex-Lead guys from Papyrus(bassicaly the GOD of racing sims untill Sierra closed them down)are now working on self-funded online-centered hardcore racing sim to be released in 2006

Simbin, maker of GTR(8.8. from GS) and GTLegends is current racing sim king.

Xpand Rally Xtreme
original XR has over 85% at GR


SWAT 4: Stetchkov Syndicate
"The Stetchkov Syndicate's additional weapons, aggressive suspects, and new multiplayer mode breathe new life into an already great tactical shooter."- 8.2 from GS

From makers of FarCry. First DirectX10 game and most likely THE most visualy stunning upcoming game.

Enemy in Sight
Tactical shooter from makers of  Mafia.

Half-Life 2: Aftermatch
Add-on to one of best FPS ever

New tactical shooter from the kings of the genre(OperationFlashpoint still hasn't been surpassed)

An open ended action/rpg game which takes action in space and on planets(think STALKER mixed with Privateer) from makers of BoilingPoint

A fantasy FPS from makers of Savage(which won Indie GOTY 2003)

OPF is still unbeatable I'm sure OPF2 will raise the bar even higher

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Sequel to marvelous EnemyTerritory

Battlefield 2142
Bf2 got 9.3

Alpha Prime
A innovative FPS(where gameplay is based on large part on controling robots) with story written by Ondrej Neff (famous Czech SF writer)

Action-adventure FPS by World Forge(a dev studio formed by Czech gaming veterans, they're also making SPARTA)

Alien Swarm: Infested
AlienSwarm was one of very best and definitly the most original UnrealTournament2004 mods ever. Now the sequel is coming as commercial game running on Valve's Source engine

A game by IlussionSoftworks(makers of Mafia)

Hard Truck: Apocalypse
A vehicular action-game from Nival(makers of games like Etherlords series, all strong AAs at GS)

"The first booster pack for BF2 adds some welcome new content to the popular online action game."  7.7

Parkan 2
A mix of FPS, strategy and space and mech sim by Nikita.

Sin Episoded
New episodic FPS from Ritual(makers of games like EliteForce2) running on Source engine.

War Angel
An old-school shooter co-created by Moonpod team(makers of Starscape, which got 80% from PCGamer)

Savage II: Tortured Soul
A sequel to innovative RTS/FPS mix that  won Indie GOTY 2003

They Hunger: Lost Souls
Original Hunger was THE best single-player mod for Half-life. Now the team returns with commercial follow up based on Source engine

Armada Online
PC sequel to cult classic Dreamcast game

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
A new game in vein of UltimaUnderworld done by ArkaneStudios(makers of ArxFatalis, which got 8.4 at GS) backed by couple ex-LookingGlassStudios guys, it's running on Source.

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
FInaly a comercial follow-up to what is known as best WWII multiplayer shooter ever created.

This free online action is in beta now and it's already fricking amazing, imagine how the finished version will rock.


Marc Ecko's Getting Up
8.4 from GS

Battle for Middle-Earth 2
8.4 at GS

GhostRecon:Advanced Warfighter
UBI hired diffrent dev(GRIN, who mostly makes software for military), to make sure that GRAW for PC completely diffrent from console versions. It' ll be harder, more realistic and tactical, not to mention having  fully functional tactical map.

Doom3-engine based FPS from Humanhead(makers of RUNE)

Alan Wake
A psychological thriller from makers of MaxPayne series

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Unreal Tournament2007
2004 edition got 9.4 from Gamespot

Da Vinci Code
Made by Collective

Brothers in Arms 3

RainbowSix: Vegas

A MMO FPS from Webzen running on UE3.0

A port of 8.0 XBox360 FPS, from Monolith

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
PC version of great horror FPS(8.4 for Xbox version from GS)

Bad Day LA
A humorous GTA-like mayhem game by American McGee(best known for his incredible Alice)

Battlestations: Midway
From Mithis(makers of Nexus: Jupiter Incident, 8.3 at GS)

Dark Sector
A game by co-makers of UT2003

Commandos:Strike Force
The cult-classic Commandos series is making a switch into FPS.

FPS from makers of Chaser(8.0 from GS)

New entry in this nice franchise


Sensible Soccer is 16bit computer legend.


Football Manager 2006
Sequel to best football manager ever created

World Soccer Winning Eleven 9


Medal of Honor:Airborne

by makers of Psi Ops(8.4)

Alone in the Dark 5

Star Trek Legacy


Test Drive Unlimited

Resident Evil 4
PC version of GS 2005 GOTY


Devil May Cry3: SE

Blazing Angels

Splinter Cell Double Agent

Unique and innovative action-adventure with incredible art style

A sequel to LongestJourney(9.3)

Project IM
Another Unreal 3.0 FPS

Non-linear action-adventure from ex-Appeal guys(who brought us Outcast in 1999)

Edited on Mar 25, 2006 2:56 am Edited 29 total times.

reasons why it's worth to be a PCgamer in 2006 and beyond

 Early in the 22th century humanity escaped from Einstein's cage

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Level 15
Nobunaga's Ambition
Posts: 720

Dec 27, 2005, 2:16 pm
Nice work man, but I'm still wondering how you can miss Eldar Scrolls: Oblivion from that list...
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Level 17
Minus World
Posts: 1350

Dec 27, 2005, 2:19 pm
This is pretty nice

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Level 27
Sheng Long
Posts: 7248
Dec 27, 2005, 2:22 pm
InfectiousDust wrote:
Nice work man, but I'm still wondering how you can miss Eldar Scrolls: Oblivion from that list...

it's also for 360. And I named only exclusives(as the reasons for having good gaming PC in 2006)

reasons why it's worth to be a PCgamer in 2006 and beyond

 Early in the 22th century humanity escaped from Einstein's cage

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Level 23
Super Bagman
Posts: 1568

Dec 27, 2005, 2:27 pm
Nice 'nods to mods' becoming retail franchises! ( Alien Swarm + Red Orchestra ).......but I didn't know about Sins of the Solar Empire and Sword to the Stars ( no gamespaces here at GS ). Links ?


Loyalty over fidelity, quality over quantity. End of line.

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Level 15
Nobunaga's Ambition
Posts: 720

Dec 27, 2005, 2:27 pm

I figured if you made an exception for Dreamfall, you could definitely make one for Oblivion (the 360 is a glorified PC anyway).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R would be a nice addition as well...

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Level 20
Metal Slime
Posts: 4910

Dec 27, 2005, 2:33 pm

Good job man

This should be stickied

Accepting Friends Requests!

Member of GameSpot Since June 7th, 2003

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Level 13
Posts: 984

Dec 27, 2005, 2:40 pm

AdrianWerner, *thank-you so much*. I've seen something like this that was for the PS3 (don't know if you did that one) and ever since then have been yerning to see one for all the upcoming PC games. You did so, and I must say it looks very impressive. Again, thank you and I'm sure I'll be using this very frequently.

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Level 27
Sheng Long
Posts: 7248
Dec 27, 2005, 2:41 pm
InfectiousDust wrote:

I figured if you made an exception for Dreamfall, you could definitely make one for Oblivion (the 360 is a glorified PC anyway).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R would be a nice addition as well...

I made exception for Dreamfall for two reasons: first it look like utter crap on Xbox, second..the game needs as much promotion as it gen get(oblivion on the other hand doesn't need much more hype ) I will do enchnced list with multiplatforms, freeware and maybe even some mods in coming weeks.

And STALKER is listed, look closely

reasons why it's worth to be a PCgamer in 2006 and beyond

 Early in the 22th century humanity escaped from Einstein's cage

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    以下内容来自公众号逆锋起笔,关注每日干货及时送达 整理|辛晓亮 告别 2021,展望 2022,itsfoss 整理了 2022 年值得期待的几个 Linux 发行版,我们在原来的基础上做了一些内容上 ...

  9. # 日期待t_2020最值得期待的几款新车

    2019年,对于中国乘用车企来说充满着艰难与挑战:跨越之后,迎来变数后的新2020,这是一个开始,也是新挑战的延续.那么在新的一年之初,不妨提前看看几款最值得期待的新家伙,或许有那么一个就是你的&qu ...

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    Windows 8刚刚进入开发阶段,你对Windows 8有什么期待呢?Windows 8有望在2013年初发布,在未来两年内技术领域会发生什么样的变化呢?移动技术和云计算服务的飞速发展对Window ...


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