
by Vinny


接下来:什么都没有? 信息超载如何影响我们的大脑。 (Up next: nothing? How information overload is impacting our brains.)

15 years ago, I made two major choices before I went to school in the mornings. I picked what cereal I would have (how good were Ricicles?), then sifted through my CD collection before popping one into my Discman for the day.

15年前,在早上上学之前,我做了两个主要选择。 我选择了要吃的谷物( Ricicles有多好?),然后筛选了我的CD收藏集,然后将其中的一部分放入当天的Discman中。

Sure, there were some other micro-decisions in there. But with these two major choices out of the way, I could get ready for school and pop down the road to the bus stop, cranking my CD of choice. It was probably ska punk. (And I’m not embarrassed by that in the slightest).

当然,那里还有其他一些微观决策。 但是有了这两个主要选择,我可以准备上学,然后沿着公交车站的路弹,选择我想要的CD。 这可能是斯卡朋克。 (我一点也不为此感到尴尬)。

I’d arrive at the bus stop and hang out, waiting for the bus to come. Listening to my music. I’d get on the bus, stare out the window and keep listening. The album would probably be repeating by the time I got to school, disconnected, and went into the music rooms to play guitar.

我会到达公共汽车站然后闲逛,等着公共汽车来。 听我的音乐。 我上车,凝视着窗外,继续听着。 这张专辑可能会在我上学,断开连接并进入音乐室弹吉他的时候重复出现。

This is a completely unremarkable story. My mornings were not exciting.

这是一个完全不平常的故事。 我的早晨并不令人兴奋。

然后与现在 (Then vs. now)

However, try being a kid going to school today. Most adolescents own at least one device. According to Pew Research Centre, 73% of teens had access to smartphones a couple years ago.

但是,今天还是个孩子。 大多数青少年拥有至少一台设备。 据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Centre)称,几年前73%的青少年可以使用智能手机 。

Think of that same journey I took 15 years ago. Today, it’s not so simple. Armed with a smartphone and a Spotify subscription, the music choice grows from around 50 CD’s to over 30 million songs. Even when you manage to choose an album, what are the chances you’ll keep listening until the end?

想想15年前的那段旅程。 今天,这不是那么简单。 配备智能手机和Spotify订阅,音乐选择从大约50张CD增长到超过3000万首歌曲。 即使您设法选择一张专辑,您仍然有机会继续聆听直到最后吗?

Never mind the overwhelming choice of songs. There’s the notifications you’ll encounter along the way. Vibrate. Facebook memory. Vibrate. Someone mentioned you on Twitter. Vibrate. Someone viewed your LinkedIn profile.

不要介意歌曲的压倒性选择。 一路上会遇到通知。 震动 。 Facebook的记忆。 震动 。 有人在Twitter上提到您。 震动 。 有人查看了您的LinkedIn个人资料。

Gone are the days of staring out the window. On my tram rides these days, all I see are people staring down, engaged in screen time. Whether they’re playing games, checking on social media, or engaging in notifications, suddenly listening to music isn’t the primary activity. It’s the supplement, the background music to our own little smartphone worlds.

盯着窗外的日子已经一去不复返了。 这些天,在我的有轨电车上,我所看到的只是凝视着屏幕时间的人们。 无论是玩游戏,查看社交媒体还是参与通知,突然听音乐都不是主要活动。 这是我们自己的智能手机世界的补充,背景音乐。

这很重要。 (This matters.)

I care about this — but not because I think we should all be paying attention every second and talking to every stranger who sits beside us on the bus. 15 years ago I didn’t engage socially at all. But I got to start my day by mindfully listening to music.

我对此很在意-但不是因为我认为我们每个人都应该每秒关注一次,并与坐在我们旁边的每个陌生人交谈。 15年前,我根本没有参与社交活动。 但是我必须认真听音乐来开始新的一天。

Hugh Van Cuylenburg (check him out) talks all about this as part of “The Resilience Project.”

休·范·库伦堡 ( Hugh Van Cuylenburg) (请检查他)在“ 防灾计划”中谈到了所有这一切。

According to Hugh’s research, approximately one in seven primary school kids suffers from mental health issues. Primary school kids. Around 30 years ago, this figure was closer to one in 50.

根据休的研究,大约七分之一的小学生患有精神健康问题。 小学的孩子 。 大约30年前,这个数字接近50分之一。

Is this really surprising? Given that the amount of information we receive in a week equals the amount of information we used to receive in a year, I would argue not (Hugh’s data here, dating back to 2014).

这真的令人惊讶吗? 考虑到我们一周内收到的信息量等于一年中过去所收到的信息量,我不会同意(休的数据可追溯到2014年)。

More crazy data stats?


A piece written in 2013 by Science Daily suggests that 90% of the world’s data was generated between 2011 and 2013.

《 科学日报》在2013年撰写的一篇文章表明,全球数据的90%是在2011年至2013年之间产生的。

While I’m not a psychologist, I can interpret what the experts tell us. It’s not a stretch to say that information overload is having a very real impact on our lives. Especially on those of us who are privileged enough to have access to smartphones and all those other devices.

虽然我不是心理学家,但我可以解释专家告诉我们的内容 。 可以说信息过载对我们的生活产生了非常实际的影响。 特别是对于我们中那些有权访问智能手机和所有其他设备的人。

不必要的注意力流失的例子 (Examples of unnecessary attention drain)

On Netflix, what happens when you end an episode? The next one is lined up. Read a news article on your website of choice — in Australia, mine is The Age — and an auto-play video greets you. When you watch a Facebook video, they’ll scroll you onto the next one when you’re done.

在Netflix上 ,结束剧集会怎样? 下一个排队。 在您选择的网站上阅读新闻文章-在澳大利亚,我的年龄是The Age-并且自动播放的视频向您致意。 当您观看Facebook视频时,他们会在完成后将您滚动到下一个视频。

In fact, what are you going to encounter at the bottom of this article? Why, I imagine some links to “related content.”

实际上,您将在本文底部遇到什么? 为什么,我想有一些到“相关内容”的链接。

Yes, algorithms are getting better all the time and related content is getting more relevant. What does that mean? More wasted time on Facebook. That “quick look at a notification” turns into five minutes watching the “greatest premier league goals from the 1990’s.”

是的,算法一直在进步,而相关的内容也越来越重要。 那是什么意思? 在Facebook上浪费了更多时间。 “快速查看通知”变成了观看“ 1990年代以来最大的英超联赛进球”的五分钟。

Fun? Yes. Life-improving? Not so much.

好玩吗 是。 改善生活? 没那么多。

We encounter so many notifications. And we touch our phones 2,617 times a day — how crazy is that? So the last thing we need is stuff like this:

我们遇到了很多通知。 我们每天触摸手机2617次 -这有多疯狂? 所以我们需要的最后一件事是这样的:

This battle for our attention has only increased over the past few years as technology advances and we get smarter with data. Technologies like AI make it easier to provide more relevant content which sucks us in more than ever before. Phones are like slot machines in our pockets, and we are being trained to check for variable rewards.

随着技术的进步,我们对注意力的争斗在过去几年中只是增加了,而我们在数据方面变得越来越聪明。 像AI这样的技术使提供更相关的内容变得更加容易,这比以往任何时候都更加吸引我们。 电话就像我们口袋里的老虎机一样,我们正在接受训练以检查各种奖励。

Our days are filled with useless notifications. And worst of all, they pop up on even more devices than ever. Our time between screens is pretty much sleep. That’s it.

我们的日子充满了无用的通知。 最糟糕的是,它们出现在比以往更多的设备上。 我们在屏幕之间的时间几乎是睡眠。 而已。

This can’t be good. We can talk up all the technological advancements we’ve made, and some are great. But when are we going to stop and think about the psychological consequences of what we are doing?

不好 我们可以谈论我们取得的所有技术进步,其中一些很棒。 但是,什么时候我们要停下来思考一下我们正在做的心理后果?

我们停止建造东西吗? (Do we stop building things?)

No. I’m not promoting not making stuff. I’m not against companies making money — I wouldn’t have a job if there wasn’t a business aspect to what we do.

不,我不是在提倡不做东西。 我不反对赚钱的公司-如果我们的业务不涉及业务方面,我将没有工作。

I’m promoting questioning why we create what we create. We need to educate the people who use our products. Those who aren’t designers or psychologists in our companies might not understand just how big an impact our products can have.

我提倡质疑为什么我们要创造自己创造的东西。 我们需要教育使用我们产品的人员。 那些不是我们公司的设计师或心理学家的人可能不了解我们的产品可能产生多大的影响。

As a product designer, I believe that it’s important to engage and delight customers. This keeps them coming back and spending money on the products I create. But I also think that this engagement needs to have a human foundation.

作为产品设计师,我相信吸引客户并使客户满意很重要。 这样一来,他们就可以回头再花钱在我创造的产品上。 但是我也认为这种参与需要有一个人的基础。

Being “user-centric” doesn’t simply mean you use personas as part of your design process. It means you genuinely empathize with the people who buy your products. They should come back to a product because you’ve made their lives better or they need to do something. Not because you’ve hooked them in to wanting to complete some kind of streak.

以“用户为中心”并不仅仅意味着您将角色用作设计过程的一部分。 这意味着您对购买您产品的人表示真诚的同情。 他们应该回到产品上来,因为您可以改善他们的生活,或者他们需要做一些事情。 不是因为您已经吸引了他们来完成某种连胜。

那么我们该怎么办? (So what do we do?)

Hugh (from The Resilience Project) argues for the importance of three basic pillars: empathy, mindfulness and gratitude. And I couldn’t agree more. So how do we practice them?

休(来自“ 韧性项目” )主张三个基本Struts的重要性: 同情正念感激 。 我完全同意。 那么我们如何练习它们呢?

每天可以做的事 (Everyday things you can do)

  1. Create time in your daily routine for actively practicing gratitude. It could be keeping a gratitude diary, going for a walk, or creating time to call some important people.在您的日常工作中留出时间来积极地练习感恩。 可能是写感谢日记,散步或打发时间给一些重要人物打电话。
  2. Try meditation. It’s not for everyone, but with apps like Headspace and Calm, and great free options as well, its definitely worth giving it a whirl. There’s certainly enough credible research out there to suggest that this technique can have physiological benefits (ie. it quite literally changes your brain).

    尝试冥想。 它并不适合所有人,但拥有诸如Headspace和Calm之类的应用程序,以及出色的免费选项,绝对值得一试。 肯定有足够可信的研究表明该技术可以带来生理益处 (即,它确实改变了您的大脑)。

  3. Practice empathy by making sure you are engaging in things like active listening. Are you guilty of texting when talking to your partner? Are you guilty of saying “at least…” when someone really just wants you to say “that sucks”?通过确保自己参与主动聆听之类的事情来练习同理心。 与伴侣交谈时发短信有罪吗? 当某人真的只想让您说“糟透了”时,您是否对“至少……”感到内??

使您的产品更好 (Making your products better)

  1. How ‘bout this: let’s think before using things like autoplay. Apple’s latest version of Safari for Mac OS X actually disables it by default — that’s a nice start!

    效果如何:让我们在使用自动播放之类的功能之前先考虑一下。 苹果最新版的Mac OS X Safari实际上默认情况下将其禁用-这是一个不错的开始!

  2. Do we need to play a video when loading a news article? Probably not. Maybe lining up the next episode on Netflix isn’t so bad – but we should question the impact of these decisions, not blindly proceed.加载新闻文章时需要播放视频吗? 可能不是。 也许在Netflix上播出下一集并不算太糟糕-但我们应该质疑这些决定的影响,而不是盲目地进行。
  3. Question things. Hold people accountable. We can’t make people change their minds, but let’s make sure they know exactly what they are doing. Note our concerns and concede defeat when we have to, but make sure we leverage our skills while seeking answers.质疑事物。 让人们负责。 我们无法让人们改变主意,但请确保他们确切地知道自己在做什么。 请注意我们的忧虑和认输,但要确保在寻求答案时充分利用自己的技能。
  4. Use liminal thinking to make sure we are empathizing with our customers. Encourage it in our leaders. Show, don’t tell. Use stories to communicate our customers’ problems and needs to stakeholders.

    用有限的思想来确保我们对客户有同感 。 鼓励我们的领导者这样做。 显示,不要告诉。 使用故事与利益相关者交流客户的问题和需求。

  5. Know to whom you are speaking, and serve content in a digestible way. Empathising is not just for users, but for internal stakeholders as well. View the world their way.

    知道您正在和谁说话,并以可消化的方式提供内容。 移情不仅针对用户,而且也针对内部利益相关者 。 以自己的方式观看世界。

Keen to learn more? Read and watch the following from people much smarter than I:

渴望了解更多? 阅读并观看比我聪明得多的人的以下内容:

Conquering Digital DistractionSinan Koçaslan/iStockphoto Digital overload may be the defining problem of today's workplace. All day and night, on…hbr.orgHome - The Resilience Project"The feedback on this session has been overwhelming....we have to roll this out all over the state" Kerryn, Statewide…theresilienceproject.com.au

克服 数字干扰问题 SinanKoçaslan/ iStockphoto数字过载可能是当今工作场所的主要问题。 全天候,…… hbr.org 主页-复原力项目 “本次会议的反馈令人压倒……我们必须在全州范围内推广”克里,全州… theresilienceproject.com.au

Thanks so much for reading! If you liked the article, give me some claps so more people see it. Please follow me on Twitter @doublethought, and if you enjoy this kind of content, join my mailing list below!

非常感谢您的阅读! 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请给我一些鼓掌,以便更多的人看到它。 请在Twitter @ doublethought上关注我,如果您喜欢这种内容,请在下面加入我的邮件列表!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/up-next-nothing-how-information-overload-is-impacting-our-brains-d70cf9b2c05/


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