
Researched and written by UX Researchers Elisabeth May and Isabell Hühnel

由UX研究人员Elisabeth May和IsabellHühnel研究和编写

Product companies aim to focus on users and their needs. They no longer just push products to the market. Instead, they emphasize activities and processes that put the users at the center of product design and development. For many e-commerce companies, the target group is not a single type of user with a specific demographic and needs. Across all generations, 16 to 65+ year-olds nowadays enjoy the convenience of discovering products online, ordering them through super smooth checkouts and having them delivered to their doorstep in no time. Although the majority of active online shoppers will likely fall into a slightly narrower age range (roughly between 18 and 60-year-olds), it is important to keep older user groups in mind when creating products.

产品公司旨在关注用户及其需求。 他们不再只是将产品推向市场。 相反,他们强调将用户置于产品设计和开发中心的活动和流程。 对于许多电子商务公司而言,目标群体不是具有特定人口和需求的单一类型的用户。 如今,年龄在16至65岁以上的各个年龄段的人都可以在线上发现产品,通过超级顺畅的结帐方式订购产品并立即将其送到家门口,这很方便。 尽管大多数活跃的在线购物者的年龄范围可能会略窄一些(大约在18至60岁之间),但在创建产品时要牢记年龄较大的用户群,这一点很重要。

65岁以上一代的在线使用量正在不断增加 (The Online Usage of Generation 65+ Is Continuously Increasing)

In recent years, idealo, the company we work for, observed a trend of increased website visitors that are 65 years and older. Looking at general data for this trend we found out that 79% of 60 to 69-year-olds, as well as 42,9% of over-70-year-olds had regularly used the internet in 2018 [1]. These are significant numbers.

近年来,我们合作的公司Idealo观察到65岁以上的网站访问者呈增长趋势。 查看此趋势的一般数据,我们发现60%至69岁的人群中有79%,以及70岁以上的人群中有42.9%在2018年定期使用互联网[1]。 这些是重要数字。

Surfing online has become the norm for the elderly.


In Germany, elderly people make up about a quarter of the population, which makes them a large and relevant user group for online products and services, for example in e-commerce. In early 2019, 48% of Germans over 65 had bought something online [2]. In the UK, the over-65 year olds typically made three to five online purchases in mid 2019 [3].

在德国,老年人约占人口的四分之一,这使他们成为在线产品和服务(例如电子商务)中庞大且相关的用户群体。 在2019年初,年龄在65岁以上的德国人中有48%在网上购买了商品 [2]。 在英国,年龄在65岁以上的人通常会在2019年中期进行三到五次在线购物[3]。

In addition to that, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced people across the globe to stay at home and fulfill their needs via the internet. Especially for the elderly, this time could be a chance to rethink the ways they use the internet [4].

除此之外,持续不断的COVID-19大流行还迫使全球各地的人们呆在家里,并通过互联网满足他们的需求。 特别是对于老年人,这次可能是一个重新思考他们使用互联网的方式的机会[4]。

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash
莎拉·基利安 ( Sarah Kilian)在Unsplash上摄

We assumed that lockdowns ordered by governments in many countries would increase the internet usage of older people. A survey investigating habit changes of younger and older people in Germany during the first four weeks since lockdown found that the generation 50+ had doubled their internet usage [5].

我们认为,许多国家/地区的政府下令实施锁定措施将增加老年人的互联网使用率。 一项针对自锁定以来的前四周内德国年轻人和老年人的习惯变化的调查发现,50岁以上的一代的互联网使用量翻了一番[5]。

寻找答案 (In Search of Answers)

With the goal to provide a positive and supportive user experience for all our user demographics, we wanted to understand how well our company’s website was working for them.


First, we took a look at general motivations, habits, needs and limitations of the over-65-year-olds regarding internet usage and online shopping. We collected existing insights and studies about this user group, and then created our own hypotheses, which we tested in interviews and usability tests. What follows is a short synthesis of our findings.

首先,我们研究了65岁以上的老人在互联网使用和在线购物方面的总体动机,习惯,需求和局限性。 我们收集了有关该用户组的现有见解和研究,然后创建了自己的假设,并在访谈和可用性测试中对其进行了测试。 接下来是我们发现的简短总结。

Let’s think our image of the old yet technically immature generation. They might beat you at online games! Photo by Georg Arthur Pflueger on Unsplash
让我们考虑一下我们在老龄化但技术上还不成熟的一代的形象。 他们可能会在网络游戏中击败您! Georg Arthur Pflueger在Unsplash上的照片

Are Our Assumptions about Elderly People and Their Internet Use Outdated?


In our desk research we learned that there are many known age-related changes with regards to visual performance, fine motor skills, and cognitive abilities [6].


  • Reading font sizes below 12 point can become a problem.读取低于12点的字体大小可能会成为问题。
  • Heightened sensitivity towards bright lights might be painful for the eyes. And reduced color perception can make it difficult to differentiate between visual elements.对强光的敏感度提高可能会伤害眼睛。 降低的色彩感知能力使得很难区分视觉元素。
  • Other possible impairments involve swiping, tapping and pinching on touchscreen devices, too small buttons, problems with handling a mouse and slower click speed.其他可能的损害包括在触摸屏设备上划动,轻击和挤压,按钮太小,鼠标操作问题以及单击速度变慢。

With regards to cognitive abilities, it is known that information processing is reduced.


  • Learning new information takes longer and needs more repetition with older age.学习新信息需要更长的时间,并且随着年龄的增长需要更多的重复。
  • Cognitive load can be straining for elderly users, especially when websites or apps do not display all relevant information on the screen at one time, i.e. when users have to scroll and thus have to keep parts of the information in their memory.老年人的认知负担可能会很大,尤其是当网站或应用程序一次没有在屏幕上显示所有相关信息时,即当用户必须滚动并因此必须将部分信息保留在他们的内存中时。

While it is important to keep these factors in mind when creating online products and services for elderly users, it is also important to note the danger of falling for pervasive age-related stereotypes which do not acknowledge the vast diversity among the elderly [7].


These stereotypes and the knowledge about cognitive hurdles could easily let us conclude that using the internet and online shopping simply pose too big of a hurdle for older people, and thus that they might turn away from it completely.


65岁以上的一代对在线使用有特殊需求和动机吗? (Does the Generation 65+ Have Special Needs and Motivations for Online Usage?)

A study from 2014 highlights that besides age-related biological changes, factors such as self-confidence about, and openness to technology can pose potential hurdles for 65+ year olds when approaching the internet and online shopping. Likewise, anxieties about learning to handle new technologies (“I am worried to make unfixable mistakes.”) as well as about (data) security (“Will my data be stolen and cause me financial harm?”) are more pronounced in this age group. On the other hand there are many reasons that motivate the elderly to use the internet:

2014年的一项研究强调,除了与年龄相关的生物变化之外,诸如自信和对技术的开放性等因素可能会给65岁以上的老人在上网和网上购物时带来障碍。 同样,在这个时代,人们对​​学习使用新技术的焦虑(“ 我担心会犯无法解决的错误 。”)以及对(数据)安全性(“ 我的数据会被盗并给我造成财务损害? ”)的焦虑更加明显。组。 另一方面,有许多原因促使老年人使用互联网:

  • Maintaining and creating new interpersonal relationships online as well as general participation in society are essential for them.在网上维持和建立新的人际关系以及社会的普遍参与都是至关重要的。
  • Further, for many surfing the web is also an enjoyable pastime: They like to play games, listen to music, watch videos, research topics of interest related to their hobbies.此外,对于许多人来说,上网也是一种愉快的消遣:他们喜欢玩游戏,听音乐,观看视频,研究与自己的兴趣爱好有关的主题。

Ultimately, elderly people have discovered the practicality of the internet in its ability to support their everyday life, from being able to manage their banking, finding advice and booking travels, to mention a few.


These options are a welcome compensation for deficits such as decreased movement abilities [6]


就像十年前一样,老年用户的行为,思考和感觉是否仍然相同? (Do Elderly Users Still Behave, Think and Feel the Same, as They Did 10 Years Ago?)

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash
约瑟夫·陈 ( Joseph Chan)在Unsplash上摄

The majority of studies and reports we reviewed date at least a few years back. We live in fast changing times and the role technology is playing in our everyday lives seems to be increasing at a rapid pace. This trend could change older people’s online behaviors just as much as younger ones.

我们审查的大多数研究和报告都可以追溯到至少几年前。 我们生活在瞬息万变的时代,技术在我们的日常生活中扮演的角色似乎正在Swift增加。 这种趋势可能会像年轻人一样改变老年人的在线行为。

For example, a usability research report from 2013 about users aged 65+ pointed to hesitation and discouragement of older users with regards to internet usage: Senior users were uncomfortable trying new things. They were twice as likely to give up on a task. They were also more likely to blame themselves when problems occurred and showed overall reduced confidence regarding the use of websites [9]. A follow-up report from 2019 however, showed substantial changes compared to only six years before [10].

例如,2013年关于65岁以上用户的可用性研究报告指出,老年用户在互联网使用方面存在犹豫和灰心:高级用户不喜欢尝试新事物。 他们放弃一项任务的可能性是原来的两倍。 他们也更可能在出现问题时自责,并显示出对使用网站的整体信心下降[9]。 然而,从2019年开始的后续报告显示,与仅六年前相比,发生了重大变化[10]。

A comparison showed that senior users were getting more skilled and confident at using the internet and apps.


Simultaneously, senior users had higher expectations concerning digital products and internet devices than in earlier years.


Based on the changes in the statistics for internet usage of 65+ year olds, we questioned the assumptions about anxiousness and tech-aversion, and wanted to gain more qualitative insights about elderly internet users.


研究65岁以上的一代:不同年龄段,需求相似 (Researching Generation 65+: Different Age Group, Similar Needs)

面试 (Interviews)

In our 1:1 interviews with elderly users between 65 and 73, we encountered almost the same type of users with the same needs as our usual participants (20–55 yrs.). They own and use multiple devices. They are interested in learning about new products. They value the speed, convenience and home delivery service that online shopping offers.

在我们对65岁至73岁之间的老年用户进行的1:1访谈中,我们遇到了与通常的参与者(20-55岁)具有相同需求的几乎相同类型的用户。 他们拥有并使用多种设备。 他们对学习新产品感兴趣。 他们重视在线购物提供的速度,便利和送货上门服务。

Senior users, alike younger target groups, care about the security and trustworthiness of online shops.


Information accuracy about products, price, delivery and shipping costs are of high importance to them. Regarding the product discovery, they rely strongly on recommendations, test reviews as well as checking out products in brick and mortar stores. We found the tendency for elderly users to stick to tried-and-true shops and a stronger hesitation to try out new shops, but once they have had a good experience with a certain shop, they seem to be even more loyal.

有关产品,价格,交货和运输成本的信息准确性对他们而言至关重要。 关于产品发现,他们强烈依赖建议,测试审查以及在实体店中检查产品。 我们发现,老年人的趋势是坚持使用久经考验的商店,并有更大的犹豫去尝试新商店,但是一旦他们在某个商店有过良好的使用经验,他们似乎就会更加忠诚。

可用性测试 (Usability Tests)

The interviews were followed by a usability test emulating the main user journeys/scenarios of the idealo.de website. By comparing the results of the older age group with younger age groups, we could not detect more or different usability issues. Elderly users were just as able to use our website as anyone else. The problems they encountered were usability issues already known to us from other tests, thus unrelated to user age.

采访之后进行了可用性测试,该测试模拟了Idealo.de网站的主要用户旅程/场景。 通过将较高年龄段的结果与较低年龄段的结果进行比较,我们无法发现更多或不同的可用性问题。 老年用户与其他任何人一样能够使用我们的网站。 他们遇到的问题是我们在其他测试中已经知道的可用性问题,因此与用户年龄无关。

We did however observe some specific usage behaviors: Some elderly users lost orientation more often, because they were not familiar to working with multiple tabs and content opening in new tabs automatically.


Some users were slower with certain interactions and they also read the website content more thoroughly. This had positive effects such that users noticed search bar suggestions more frequently and engaged with them more than younger user groups did in our other usability tests.

一些用户在进行某些交互时速度较慢,并且他们也更彻底地阅读了网站内容。 这产生了积极的影响,与新的用户组在我们的其他可用性测试中相比,用户更频繁地注意到搜索栏的建议并与他们互动。

On the other hand, elderly users showed less patience, tiring up more easily, for long searches and extensive product research. They also made quicker purchase decisions and were more pragmatic about them.

另一方面,对于长期搜索和广泛的产品研究,老年用户显示出较少的耐心,更容易疲劳。 他们还做出了更快的购买决定,并且对他们更加务实。

结论:可用性是永恒的 (Conclusion: Usability is Ageless)

We learned that elderly online users nowadays have a lot of experience with the internet and a higher tech-aptitude than previous generations. They have the right technical and financial prerequisites, as well as the time to spend it online.

我们了解到,如今的老年人在线用户比前几代人拥有更多的互联网使用经验和更高的技术能力。 他们具有正确的技术和财务前提,以及可以在网上花费时间。

Besides minor deviations, our insights highlight that younger and older users groups are much more similar than we would have anticipated based on previous studies. With 17 million senior internet users in Germany alone, this user group offers a lot of potential. So let us not marginalize or underestimate them. They are well versed online shoppers and hence should not be treated as a separate user group.

除了细微的差异外,我们的洞察力还表明,较新的和较旧的用户组比我们以前的研究预期的要相似得多。 仅在德国就有1700万高级互联网用户,该用户群具有很大的潜力。 因此,我们不要边缘化或低估它们。 他们是精通在线购物的人,因此不应将其视为单独的用户组。

Don’t we all want to shop at a website that offers trust, great usability and clearly arranged content? Websites and apps need to accommodate all users and provide usability that makes it easy for all levels of ability. A good online experience is independent of age!

我们不是都希望在提供信任,出色的可用性和内容安排明确的网站上购物吗? 网站和应用程序需要容纳所有用户并提供可用性,从而使所有级别的功能都变得容易。 良好的在线体验与年龄无关!

Do you love agile product development? Have a look at our vacancies.

您喜欢敏捷产品开发吗? 看看 我们的空缺




[1] https://de.statista.com/infografik/12799/immer-mehr-internetnutzer-ueber-60-jahre/


[2] https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/28542/umfrage/nutzer-von-e-commerce-je-altersgruppe-im-jahr-2007/


[3] https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/aug/12/more-than-half-of-people-aged-65-and-over-now-shop-online-ons


[4] http://www.withseniorsinmind.org/blog/2020/4/27/keeping-connected-during-the-covid-19-pandemic

[5] https://www.havasmedia.de/media/Havas-Media-Corona-Monitor_WELLE4.pdf

[5] https://www.havasmedia.de/media/Havas-Media-Corona-Monitor_WELLE4.pdf


[6] https://www.digitaleseniorinnen.at/fileadmin/redakteure/Downloads/studie_massnahmen_fuer_senorinnen_in_der_digitalen_welt.pdf


[7] https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jger/2015/954027/

[8] https://www.onlinehaendler-news.de/online-handel/haendler/31751-senioren-e-commerce-vorurteile-haben-in-einer-verkaufssituation-nichts-zu-suchen

[8] https://www.onlinehaendler-news.de/online-handel/haendler/31751-senioren-e-commerce-vorurteile-haben-in-einer-verkaufssituation-nichts-zu-suchen

[9] https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-seniors-improvements/

[9] https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-seniors-improvements/

[10] https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-for-senior-citizens/

[10] https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-for-senior-citizens/

UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-new-old-age-why-internet-companies-should-not-overlook-the-generation-65-31e00c13b44f




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    文章讲的是大数据思维是企业互联网化的思维内核,"互联网+"给传统产业带来的变革将是一个持续升且不可逆的过程.随着"互联网+"的深入,诸多的新技术.新业态将会显现 ...

  9. 【soft6星评论】伯俊软件借用中台撬动新一轮互联网化

    互联网.云计算等技术的发展,不仅带来了新的思维,也迎来了新的挑战.特别是进入流量红利消失的时代,快速服务前端需求.营造更佳用户体验成为软件企业发展的重要应用. 中台不仅仅是IT变革,更是业务及组织的变 ...


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