mac 语音召唤siri

As time goes on, Apple continues to work Siri into more of its products. Its sole domain used to be the iPhone and iPad, then it found its way onto the Apple Watch and Apple TV. Now, Siri is on the Mac, and there are quite a few cool things it can do.

随着时间的流逝,苹果继续在其更多产品中使用Siri。 它的唯一域名曾经是iPhone和iPad,然后进入了Apple Watch和Apple TV。 现在, Siri在Mac上可用,并且它可以做很多很酷的事情。

Siri isn’t just available on any Mac, however—you first need to be running macOS Sierra or higher. You can enable Siri using these instructions—then it’s just a matter of launching Siri from the menu bar, from the Dock, or by pressing Option+Space on your keyboard.

但是,Siri不仅可以在任何Mac上使用-您首先需要运行macOS Sierra或更高版本。 您可以按照以下说明启用Siri —然后只需从菜单栏,Dock或按键盘上的Option + Space即可启动Siri。

Here are some of the most useful things you can do with Siri on macOS. We won’t go over every conceivable thing Siri can do, but these are some of the best. Since you can use Siri on iPhone, Apple TV, and Watch, there is a good deal of overlap between all the platforms, but what follows are some of Siri’s more useful tricks.

以下是在macOS上使用Siri可以执行的一些最有用的操作。 我们不会讨论Siri可以做的所有可能的事情,但这是最好的。 由于您可以在iPhone ,Apple TV和Watch上使用Siri ,因此所有平台之间都有很多重叠之处,但是以下是Siri的一些更有用的技巧。

查找文件夹和文件 (Find Folders and Files)

Want to find a group of folders or files on your hard drive? Siri can make it happen. Granted, you can do this just as well with Spotlight, but it’s pretty useful to be able to just tell your Mac to “Find Word documents created Sunday” or “Find Excel spreadsheets from last month”.

是否想在硬盘上找到一组文件夹或文件? Siri可以实现这一目标。 当然,您也可以使用Spotlight做到这一点,但是能够告诉Mac“查找星期日创建的Word文档”或“查找上个月的Excel电子表格”非常有用。

The beauty of using Siri to perform Finder operations is that it makes short work of otherwise tedious tasks.


For example, you can ask Siri to open your Applications folder or to find the spreadsheet you were working on yesterday. Maybe you sent a file to a work colleague and you want to review it with them, simply ask Siri to “Show me the file I sent so-and-so” and it’s right there in front of you. No more awkward “hold on a minute while I find that file” and other delays.

例如,您可以要求Siri打开“应用程序”文件夹或查找您昨天使用的电子表格。 也许您已将文件发送给工作同事,并希望与他们一起查看,只需让Siri“向我显示我某某发送的文件”,它就在您的面前。 别再尴尬地“等一下我找到那个文件”和其他延迟。

提取有关Mac的重要信息 (Pull Up Important Information About Your Mac)

Here’s a little tip that’s completely Mac-only. You can now ask Siri to tell you things about your computer. For instance, if you want to know your Mac’s serial number or what OS version you have, you only need to ask.

这里有一个小提示,完全基于Mac。 现在,您可以要求Siri告诉您有关计算机的信息。 例如,如果您想知道Mac的序列号或所使用的操作系统版本,则只需要询问即可。

Sure, you could run System Report and search for the needed information, but this is much faster, and more fun.


执行网络和图像搜索 (Perform Web and Image Searches)

This one should seem simple. If it’s on the web (and what isn’t nowadays?), then Siri can search for it.

这看起来应该很简单。 如果它在网络上(现在不是什么?),那么Siri可以搜索它。

What else you might wonder? Try asking sports questions such as if your favorite team won, what the score of the game was last night, or player stats (“Which quarterback has the most touchdowns?”).

您还有什么想知道的? 尝试问一些体育问题,例如您最喜欢的球队是否获胜,昨晚比赛的得分或球员数据(“哪个四分卫的达阵最多?”)。

You can also find photos of just about anything. Just ask Siri to “Find photos of iPhones on the Internet” and it will display a list of the top 12 Bing images results. You can even drag those results into other applications.

您还可以找到几乎所有东西的照片。 只需让Siri“在Internet上查找iPhone的照片”,它就会显示前12位Bing图像结果的列表。 您甚至可以将这些结果拖到其他应用程序中。

If nothing from these results really strikes your fancy, you can click “See more images in Safari”.


You can also ask Siri to find you movie showtimes, show you the latest headline, see the weather in Timbuktu, or search for chocolate chip cookie recipes. Really the only limit is what you ask it.

您还可以要求Siri查找电影放映时间,显示最新标题,查看廷巴克图的天气或搜索巧克力曲奇食谱。 真正唯一的限制就是您要求的限制。

打开网站 (Open Websites)

You can  ask Siri to open websites. Just say, “open” (what else would you open?) and that’s it.

您可以要求Siri打开网站。 只需说“打开”(您还要打开什么?)就可以了。

This is particularly useful if you just don’t feel like opening Safari and entering in the URL, because we all have those staggering moments of laziness when we just don’t want to type.


在iTunes中播放音乐或查找节目 (Play Music or Find Shows in iTunes)

Want to hear your favorite song by Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones? Just ask Siri to “Play some Led Zeppelin” or “Play Misty Mountain Hop.”

是否想听Led Zeppelin或Rolling Stones最喜欢的歌曲? 只需让Siri“播放一些齐柏林飞艇”或“播放迷雾山脉跳”即可。

You can then control playback by telling Siri things like “Play,” “Pause,” or “Skip.”


You can ask Siri to play the radio, or be more specific such as “Play the dubstep station” or even let Siri know you approve (“I like this song”).


Don’t know what’s playing? Have Siri identify it for you by asking “What song is this?” or “Who sings this song?” After you identify a song, Siri can add it to your wish list or buy it from iTunes.

不知道在玩什么? Siri通过问“这是什么歌?”为您识别它吗? 或“谁唱这首歌?” 识别歌曲后,Siri可以将其添加到您的愿望清单或从iTunes购买。

Speaking of iTunes, Siri will let you quickly find and buy your favorite music, TV shows, and movies, so if you’re really into Hitchcock or Game of Thrones, all you need to do is ask Siri to “Find North by Northwest” or “Buy the last season of Game of Thrones.”


用Twitter和Facebook做东西 (Do Stuff with Twitter and Facebook)

Some people have no idea what’s going on, and some people are glued to their Twitter feeds all day long. For those in the latter camp, you can ask Siri to show you what’s trending.

有些人不知道发生了什么,有些人整日盯着Twitter提要。 对于后一阵营的人们,您可以要求Siri向您展示最新趋势。

Now you can stay abreast of all the latest Twitter trends without even opening your Twitter client or a web browser.


That’s not all however. Why stop at what’s trending on Twitter? Jump into the fray yourself by updating your social media accounts with Siri.

但这还不是全部。 为什么要停止在Twitter上流行趋势? 通过使用Siri更新您的社交媒体帐户,自己进入竞争状态。

Just tell Siri to update Twitter or to post to Facebook (that’s about all you can do with Facebook), and it will prompt you for your words of wisdom. You will need to make sure your social media accounts are set up first.

只需告诉Siri更新Twitter或发布到Facebook(这就是您可以使用Facebook所做的一切),它就会提示您输入智慧的话。 您需要确保先设置您的社交媒体帐户。

Alternatively, you can give Siri more direct questions and commands, like “Search Twitter for How-to Geek” or “Find tweets with the hashtag GeekLife” or simply ask it what’s going on in your town or area.

另外,您可以给Siri更直接的问题和命令,例如“在Twitter上搜索How-to Geek”或“使用#GeekLife标签查找推文”,或者简单地询问它在您所在镇或地区的情况。

打开并搜索应用程序 (Open and Search for Applications)

This one is as easy as it sounds. If you want to open an application, just tell Siri to do it. For example, “Open Slack” or “Open iTunes”.

这听起来很简单。 如果要打开应用程序,只需告诉Siri即可。 例如,“ Open Slack”或“ Open iTunes”。

If you don’t have an application installed, Siri will helpfully offer to search the App Store for you.

如果您没有安装应用程序,Siri将为您提供搜索您的App Store的帮助。

阅读和撰写电子邮件 (Read and Compose Emails)

Tired of using your eyes and brain to read email? Just have Siri do it for you instead.

厌倦了用眼睛和大脑阅读电子邮件? 只需让Siri替您完成即可。

There are some variations to how Siri reads emails. If you ask it to simply read your emails (“Read my emails”), then it will go through and cover the basics: sender and subject line. You can however, ask Siri to read a message from one specific sender and it will read the whole thing.

Siri阅读电子邮件的方式有所不同。 如果您要求它简单地阅读您的电子邮件(“阅读我的电子邮件”),那么它将遍历并涵盖基础知识:发件人和主题行。 但是,您可以要求Siri从一个特定的发件人中读取一条消息,它将读取整个内容。

This is a pretty cool trick allowing you to continue working on something else without interrupting your flow.


And, if you need to dash off a quick message to your boss, you can tell Siri, “Mail Whitson about that really long Siri article” or ask it if you have “Any new email from Lowell today?”


提醒,预约和备忘 (Make Reminders, Appointments, and Notes)

Apple devices come with a triple productivity threat in the form of Reminders, Appointments, and Notes.


Why remember stuff yourself when Siri can remember it for you? Just tell Siri something like “remind me to pick up my dry cleaning tomorrow” and it will dutifully add it to the Reminders app.

当Siri可以为您记住东西时,为什么还记得自己呢? 只需告诉Siri诸如“提醒我明天去干洗”之类的字样,它就会忠实地将其添加到“提醒”应用中。

Better still, Reminders will propagate to your other devices like iPhone and iPad, so no matter where you are or where you go, they’ll always be with you.


The same things goes for setting appointments. Just tell Siri something like “Create an event on Wednesday for ‘Lunch at noon with Mom'” and it will add it to your Calendar.

设置约会也是如此。 只需告诉Siri诸如“在星期三为“和妈妈一起中午午餐”创建活动”之类的内容,它将添加到您的日历中。

And again, what you add on Mac will appear on your other Apple devices, so there’s no fear of missing out.


There’s quite a bit more you can do with Calendar, like moving or rescheduling appointments (“Move my noon meeting to 3pm”), asking for your itinerary (“What does my day look like?”), or even double-checking on specific upcoming meetings (“What’s on my calendar for Tuesday?”).


On the Notes side of things, it’s very easy to make little notes about things such as “Note that I paid my water bill”, or “Find my meeting notes”, or “Show my notes from November 23rd.” Notes aren’t complicated, so you should have no problem mastering them.

在记事本方面,可以很容易地对诸如“我已付水费的记事”,“查找我的会议记事”或“显示11月23日的记事”之类的内容进行少量注释。 注释并不复杂,因此掌握它们应该没有问题。

控制操作系统设置 (Control OS Settings)

The ability to control macOS with your voice is just one step closer to Star Trek. Well, maybe not that cool, but still pretty cool. There are quite a number of things you can do here, like muting your computer, turning stuff like Bluetooth off and on, dimming the screen, and more.

用您的声音控制macOS的能力距离星际迷航仅一步之遥。 好吧,也许不那么酷,但仍然很酷。 您可以在此处执行许多操作,例如使计算机静音,打开和关闭蓝牙等功能,使屏幕变暗等等。

You can also open up various application settings so again, you don’t have to use the keyboard or mouse. Now, features that you’d normally have to click to access are now just a few spoken words away.

您还可以打开各种应用程序设置,因此不必再次使用键盘或鼠标。 现在,通常只需单击几下即可访问的功能。

查找照片并创建幻灯片 (Find Photos and Create Slideshows)

Siri also comes with some pretty powerful photo chops. In fact, it can do all sorts of things for you.

Siri还带有一些非常强大的照片印章。 实际上,它可以为您做各种事情。

For starters, it can find photos for you such as those of kittens, dogs, people, trees, buildings, and more. It’s not foolproof, but it works pretty well regardless.

对于初学者来说,它可以为您找到照片,例如小猫,狗,人,树木,建筑物等。 它不是万无一失的,但是无论如何它都能很好地工作。

Our dog search worked pretty well, save the occasional kitty here and there.

Another cool feature? You can create quick slideshows.

另一个很酷的功能? 您可以创建快速幻灯片。

Let’s say you want to create a quick slideshow from your recent vacation to Europe or from last summer or the past month. Easy, just tell Siri to “Create a slideshow of my photos from last summer.” Photos will open, gather together the necessary pictures, and start your slideshow.

假设您想从最近的欧洲假期或去年夏天或过去一个月创建一个快速幻灯片放映。 很简单,只需告诉Siri“为去年夏天的照片创建幻灯片”。 照片将打开,收集必要的照片,然后开始幻灯片演示。

发现随机事实和数据 (Discover Random Facts and Figures)

This category is so vast, that it’s impossible to list everything you can possibly ask, but here are some examples:


“What’s the square root of 28123?”

“ 28123的平方根是多少?”

“How far away is Pluto?”


“How high is Mount Kilimanjaro?”


“What’s the price of gasoline in Las Vegas?”


The point is, instead of always firing up your browser and Googling this stuff, you can just ask Siri! Like searching for stuff on the web, this one is only limited by what you can think to ask.

重点是,您不必问Siri,而不必总是启动浏览器并搜索这些东西。 就像在网上搜索内容一样,这一内容仅受您想问的内容的限制。

This isn’t all you can ask Siri and you’re encouraged to play around with it. If you want a better idea of all the things Siri on macOS can do, open it and inquire, “What can I ask you?” Siri will respond with a long list of categories that’s sure to give you some great places to start.

这不是您可以问Siri的全部,我们鼓励您试用它。 如果您想更好地了解macOS上Siri可以做的所有事情,请打开它并询问“我能问您什么?” Siri将以一长串类别作为响应,这些类别肯定会为您提供一些不错的起点。

Apple clearly wants to make Siri a useful and functional digital assistant, not only on your iPhone, iPad, Watch and TV, but on their flagship operating system as well.


Of course, this is perfectly logical, and it makes us wonder what took them so long. Granted, folks may not start talking to their computers overnight, but it’s nice to know they can if they want to.

当然,这是完全合乎逻辑的,这使我们想知道为什么花了这么长时间。 当然,人们可能不会在一夜之间开始与他们的计算机进行对话,但是很高兴知道他们是否愿意。


mac 语音召唤siri

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