colorui 文档


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--red: #e54d42;--orange: #f37b1d;--yellow: #fbbd08;--olive: #8dc63f;--green: #39b54a;--cyan: #1cbbb4;--blue: #0081ff;--purple: #6739b6;--mauve: #9c26b0;--pink: #e03997;--brown: #a5673f;--grey: #8799a3;--black: #333333;--darkGray: #666666;--gray: #aaaaaa;--ghostWhite: #f1f1f1;--white: #ffffff;/* 浅色 */--redLight: #fadbd9;--orangeLight: #fde6d2;--yellowLight: #fef2ce;--oliveLight: #e8f4d9;--greenLight: #d7f0db;--cyanLight: #d2f1f0;--blueLight: #cce6ff;--purpleLight: #e1d7f0;--mauveLight: #ebd4ef;--pinkLight: #f9d7ea;--brownLight: #ede1d9;--greyLight: #e7ebed;/* 渐变色 */--gradualRed: linear-gradient(45deg, #f43f3b, #ec008c);--gradualOrange: linear-gradient(45deg, #ff9700, #ed1c24);--gradualGreen: linear-gradient(45deg, #39b54a, #8dc63f);--gradualPurple: linear-gradient(45deg, #9000ff, #5e00ff);


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大小:sm lg

<button class="cu-btn bg-red margin-tb-sm lg">块状</button>
按钮加图标:<button class="cu-btn block margin-tb-sm line-orange  lg"><text class="cuIcon-upload"></text>图标</button>


cuIcon-title是圆形 cuIcon-titles是竖线
蓝点加标题文字<view class="action"> <text class="cuIcon-title text-blue"></text>标签形状 </view>
竖线加标题文字<view class="action"> <text class="cuIcon-titles text-orange"></text> 默认 </view> </view>
大小:sm lg
胶囊图标样式<view class="cu-capsule round"> <view class="cu-tag bg-blue "> <text class="cuIcon-likefill"></text> </view> <view class="cu-tag line-blue"> 23 </view> </view>
右上角徽章:cu-tag badge

长阴影: shadow-blur


普通带x模态框<view class="cu-modal {{modalName=='Modal'?'show':''}}"> <view class="cu-dialog"> <view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end"> <view class="content">Modal标题</view> <view class="action" bindtap="hideModal"> <text class="cuIcon-close text-red"></text> </view> </view> <view class="padding-xl"> Modal 内容。 </view> </view> </view>
支付多选模态框<view class="cu-modal bottom-modal {{modalName=='ChooseModal'?'show':''}}" bindtap="hideModal"> <view class="cu-dialog" catchtap> <view class="cu-bar bg-white"> <view class="action text-blue" bindtap="hideModal">取消</view> <view class="action text-green" bindtap="hideModal">确定</view> </view> <view class="grid col-3 padding-sm"> <view wx:for="{{checkbox}}" class="padding-xs" wx:key="{{index}}"> <button class="cu-btn orange lg block {{item.checked?'bg-orange':'line-orange'}}" bindtap="ChooseCheckbox" data-value="{{item.value}}"> {{}} <view class="cu-tag sm round {{item.checked?'bg-white text-orange':'bg-orange'}}" wx:if="{{}}">HOT</view> </button> </view> </view> </view> </view>


卡片式轮播图<swiper class="card-swiper {{DotStyle?'square-dot':'round-dot'}}" indicator-dots="true" circular="true" autoplay="true" interval="5000" duration="500" bindchange="cardSwiper" indicator-color="#8799a3" indicator-active-color="#0081ff"> <swiper-item wx:for="{{swiperList}}" wx:key class="{{cardCur==index?'cur':''}}"> <view class="swiper-item"> <image src="{{item.url}}" mode="aspectFill" wx:if="{{item.type=='image'}}"></image> <video src="{{item.url}}" autoplay loop muted show-play-btn="{{false}}" controls="{{false}}" objectFit="cover" wx:if="{{item.type=='video'}}"></video> </view> </swiper-item> </swiper>


tab<view class="flex text-center"> <view class="cu-item flex-sub {{index==TabCur?'text-orange cur':''}}" wx:for="{{4}}" wx:key bindtap="tabSelect" data-id="{{index}}"> Tab{{index}} </view> </view>
tab中有图标<view class="cu-item {{0==TabCur?'text-white cur':''}}" bindtap="tabSelect" data-id="0"> <text class="cuIcon-camerafill"></text> 数码 </view> <view class="cu-item {{1==TabCur?'text-white cur':''}}" bindtap="tabSelect" data-id="1"> <text class="cuIcon-upstagefill"></text> 排行榜 </view> <view class="cu-item {{2==TabCur?'text-white cur':''}}" bindtap="tabSelect" data-id="2"> <text class="cuIcon-clothesfill"></text> 皮肤 </view>


列表跳转 ><view class="cu-item arrow"> <navigator class="content" url="/pages/about/about/about" hover-class="none"> <image src="/images/logo.png" class="png" mode="aspectFit"></image> <text class="">关于ColorUI组件库</text> </navigator> </view> <view class="cu-item arrow"> <navigator class="content" url="/pages/about/log/log" hover-class="none"> <text class="cuIcon-formfill text-green"></text> <text class="">日志</text> </navigator> </view> <view class="cu-item arrow"> <view class="content" bindtap="showQrcode"> <text class="cuIcon-appreciatefill text-red"></text> <text class="text-grey">赞赏支持</text> </view> </view> <view class="cu-item arrow"> <button class="cu-btn content" open-type="feedback"> <text class="cuIcon-writefill text-cyan"></text> <text class="text-grey">意见反馈</text> </button> </view> <view class="cu-item arrow"> <navigator class="content" url="/pages/about/test/list" hover-class="none"> <text class="cuIcon-creativefill text-orange"></text> <text class="text-grey">Bug测试</text> </navigator> </view>
不带>的列表<view class="cu-list menu {{menuBorder?'sm-border':''}} {{menuCard?'card-menu margin-top':''}}"> <view class="cu-item {{menuArrow?'arrow':''}}"> <view class="content"> <text class="cuIcon-circlefill text-grey"></text> <text class="text-grey">图标 + 标题</text> </view> </view> <view class="cu-item {{menuArrow?'arrow':''}}"> <view class="content"> <image src="/images/logo.png" class="png" mode="aspectFit"></image> <text class="text-grey">图片 + 标题</text> </view> </view> <view class="cu-item {{menuArrow?'arrow':''}}"> <button class="cu-btn content" open-type="contact"> <text class="cuIcon-btn text-olive"></text> <text class="text-grey">Open-type 按钮</text> </button> </view> <view class="cu-item {{menuArrow?'arrow':''}}"> <navigator class="content" hover-class="none" url="../list/list" open-type="redirect"> <text class="cuIcon-discoverfill text-orange"></text> <text class="text-grey">Navigator 跳转</text> </navigator> </view></view>带状态切换switch<view class="cu-item"> <view class="content padding-tb-sm"> <view> <text class="cuIcon-clothesfill text-blue margin-right-xs"></text> 多行Item</view> <view class="text-gray text-sm"> <text class="cuIcon-infofill margin-right-xs"></text> 小目标还没有实现!</view> </view> <view class="action"> <switch class="switch-sex sm" bindchange="switchSex"></switch> </view> </view>


表单<form><view class="cu-form-group margin-top"> <view class="title">邮件</view> <input placeholder="短标题"></input> </view><view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">验证码</view> <input placeholder="输入框带个按钮"></input> <button class="cu-btn bg-green shadow">验证码</button> </view>
<view class="cu-bar bg-white margin-top"> <view class="action"> 图片上传 </view> <view class="action"> {{imgList.length}}/4 </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub"> <view class="bg-img" wx:for="{{imgList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" bindtap="ViewImage" data-url="{{imgList[index]}}"> <image src='{{imgList[index]}}' mode='aspectFill'></image> <view class="cu-tag bg-red" catchtap="DelImg" data-index="{{index}}"> <text class="cuIcon-close"></text> </view> </view> <view class="solids" bindtap="ChooseImage" wx:if="{{imgList.length<4}}"> <text class="cuIcon-cameraadd"></text> </view> </view><view class="cu-form-group margin-top"> <textarea maxlength="-1" disabled="{{modalName!=null}}" bindinput="textareaAInput" placeholder="多行文本输入框"></textarea> </view> <view class="cu-form-group align-start"> <view class="title">文本框</view> <textarea maxlength="-1" disabled="{{modalName!=null}}" bindinput="textareaBInput" placeholder="多行文本输入框"></textarea> </view>


icon: [{ name: 'appreciate', isShow: true }, { name: 'check', isShow: true }, { name: 'close', isShow: true }, { name: 'edit', isShow: true }, { name: 'emoji', isShow: true }, { name: 'favorfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'favor', isShow: true }, { name: 'loading', isShow: true }, { name: 'locationfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'location', isShow: true }, { name: 'phone', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundcheckfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundcheck', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundclosefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundclose', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundrightfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'roundright', isShow: true }, { name: 'search', isShow: true }, { name: 'taxi', isShow: true }, { name: 'timefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'time', isShow: true }, { name: 'unfold', isShow: true }, { name: 'warnfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'warn', isShow: true }, { name: 'camerafill', isShow: true }, { name: 'camera', isShow: true }, { name: 'commentfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'comment', 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isShow: true }, { name: 'friendfavor', isShow: true }, { name: 'wifi', isShow: true }, { name: 'share', isShow: true }, { name: 'wefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'we', isShow: true }, { name: 'lightauto', isShow: true }, { name: 'lightforbid', isShow: true }, { name: 'lightfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'camerarotate', isShow: true }, { name: 'light', isShow: true }, { name: 'barcode', isShow: true }, { name: 'flashlightclose', isShow: true }, { name: 'flashlightopen', isShow: true }, { name: 'searchlist', isShow: true }, { name: 'service', isShow: true }, { name: 'sort', isShow: true }, { name: 'down', isShow: true }, { name: 'mobile', isShow: true }, { name: 'mobilefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'copy', isShow: true }, { name: 'countdownfill', isShow: true }, { name: 'countdown', isShow: true }, { name: 'noticefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'notice', isShow: true }, { name: 'upstagefill', isShow: true }, { name: 'upstage', isShow: true }, { name: 'babyfill', isShow: true }, { name: 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