

[root@test3 src]# unzip
[root@test3 src]# mv tpcc-mysql-master /usr/local/src/
[root@test3 local]# cd tpcc-mysql-master/
[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]# ls
add_fkey_idx.sql  count.sql  create_table.sql  Dockerfile  drop_cons.sql  schema2  scripts  src
[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]# cd src/
[root@test3 src]# make              #没有make install
[root@test3 src]# cd ..
[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]# ls
add_fkey_idx.sql  count.sql  create_table.sql  Dockerfile  drop_cons.sql  schema2  scripts  src  tpcc_load  tpcc_start#编译之后生成了tpcc_load和tpcc_start命令



mysql> create database tpcc_test;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
mysql> use tpcc_test;
Database changed
mysql> source /usr/local/tpcc-mysql-master/create_table.sql;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_tpcc_test |
| customer            |
| district            |
| history             |
| item                |
| new_orders          |
| order_line          |
| orders              |
| stock               |
| warehouse           |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Payment:支付,主要对应 orders、history 表
Order-Status:订单状态,主要对应 orders、order_line 表
Delivery:发货,主要对应 order_line 表
Stock-Level:库存,主要对应 stock 表其他说明:
客户:主要对应 customer 表
地区:主要对应 district 表
商品:主要对应 item 表
仓库:主要对应 warehouse 表


./tpcc_load -h -P 3306 -d tpcc_test -u root -p 123456 -w 10
#这个过程有点慢 ,1个warehouse对应10个地区,1地区对应3000的用户
mysql> select count(*) from warehouse;
| count(*) |
|       10 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select count(*) from district;
| count(*) |
|      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select count(*) from customer;
| count(*) |
|   300000 |
1 row in set (0.11 sec)


mysql> source /usr/local/tpcc-mysql-master/add_fkey_idx.sql;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.63 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.98 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

各个表的结构关系如图(使用MySQL workbench自动生成的er图)


[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]# ./tpcc_start --help
*** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator ***
./tpcc_start: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: tpcc_start -h server_host -P port -d database_name -u mysql_user -p mysql_password -w warehouses -c connections -r warmup_time -l running_time -i report_interval -f report_file -t trx_file
-w 指定仓库数量
-c 指定并发连接数
-r 指定开始测试前进行warmup的时间,进行预热后,测试效果更好
-l 指定测试持续时间
-i  指定生成报告间隔时长
-f 指定生成的报告文件名


[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]# ./tpcc_start -h -P 3306 -d tpcc_test -u root -p 123456 -w 10 -c 128 -r 120 -l 200
*** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator ***
option h with value ''
option P with value '3306'
option d with value 'tpcc_test'
option u with value 'root'
option p with value '123456'
option w with value '10'
option c with value '128'
option r with value '120'
option l with value '200'
<Parameters>[server]:[port]: 3306[DBname]: tpcc_test[user]: root[pass]: 123456[warehouse]: 10[connection]: 128[rampup]: 120 (sec.)[measure]: 200 (sec.)RAMP-UP TIME.(120 sec.)     #预热结束MEASURING START.10, trx: 2175, 95%: 201.680, 99%: 381.106, max_rt: 1619.119, 2156|3724.232, 217|229.157, 216|3278.305, 221|1335.47120, trx: 2299, 95%: 157.736, 99%: 235.577, max_rt: 1499.332, 2303|3527.383, 229|44.633, 232|2130.182, 224|343.88630, trx: 2484, 95%: 166.968, 99%: 221.357, max_rt: 398.790, 2505|1928.303, 250|66.903, 248|586.503, 246|374.86040, trx: 2429, 95%: 172.350, 99%: 256.941, max_rt: 392.431, 2416|2335.130, 242|75.140, 239|779.635, 246|403.24850, trx: 2510, 95%: 184.524, 99%: 251.689, max_rt: 336.677, 2498|1205.047, 251|35.061, 255|678.351, 252|413.73160, trx: 2170, 95%: 184.358, 99%: 828.455, max_rt: 1187.092, 2175|2113.244, 217|62.069, 218|1613.712, 219|337.85670, trx: 2539, 95%: 175.632, 99%: 233.821, max_rt: 372.486, 2539|1720.610, 253|69.966, 252|624.549, 253|397.74380, trx: 2388, 95%: 177.588, 99%: 275.997, max_rt: 717.325, 2393|1750.563, 240|50.437, 240|1046.998, 239|332.51690, trx: 2391, 95%: 190.074, 99%: 244.413, max_rt: 404.727, 2394|1602.446, 238|68.237, 238|812.026, 241|393.183100, trx: 2458, 95%: 190.017, 99%: 291.625, max_rt: 483.963, 2450|1657.739, 247|59.142, 244|771.332, 244|404.857110, trx: 2507, 95%: 166.070, 99%: 222.753, max_rt: 321.543, 2506|1610.591, 251|80.395, 252|650.804, 253|394.323120, trx: 2130, 95%: 187.812, 99%: 552.392, max_rt: 817.886, 2145|2443.558, 213|37.962, 213|1586.296, 206|406.044130, trx: 2488, 95%: 170.299, 99%: 212.399, max_rt: 290.578, 2471|1787.442, 249|58.585, 254|601.749, 256|379.250140, trx: 2575, 95%: 178.600, 99%: 236.850, max_rt: 383.657, 2587|1550.100, 257|75.059, 253|633.108, 250|471.181150, trx: 2441, 95%: 185.133, 99%: 308.322, max_rt: 479.655, 2447|1691.942, 244|38.844, 246|802.569, 248|449.930160, trx: 2521, 95%: 172.660, 99%: 216.249, max_rt: 302.257, 2519|1521.757, 253|62.614, 252|675.931, 249|435.944170, trx: 2512, 95%: 164.290, 99%: 225.504, max_rt: 1306.804, 2505|1745.858, 251|57.538, 248|610.941, 258|530.579180, trx: 2181, 95%: 180.914, 99%: 251.463, max_rt: 1415.735, 2183|2489.273, 217|30.965, 221|1915.949, 214|428.293190, trx: 2398, 95%: 197.262, 99%: 399.086, max_rt: 556.640, 2409|1319.926, 241|57.555, 238|977.416, 240|491.435200, trx: 2470, 95%: 177.428, 99%: 217.612, max_rt: 341.156, 2448|1357.371, 245|76.254, 248|655.950, 246|457.847STOPPING THREADS................................................................................................................................<Raw Results>[0] sc:0 lt:48066  rt:0  fl:0 avg_rt: 148.6 (5)[1] sc:1 lt:48049  rt:0  fl:0 avg_rt: 604.9 (5)[2] sc:3986 lt:819  rt:0  fl:0 avg_rt: 6.6 (5)[3] sc:0 lt:4807  rt:0  fl:0 avg_rt: 683.6 (80)[4] sc:0 lt:4805  rt:0  fl:0 avg_rt: 272.2 (20)in 200 sec.<Raw Results2(sum ver.)>[0] sc:0  lt:48066  rt:0  fl:0 [1] sc:1  lt:48054  rt:0  fl:0 [2] sc:3986  lt:819  rt:0  fl:0 [3] sc:0  lt:4807  rt:0  fl:0 [4] sc:0  lt:4805  rt:0  fl:0 <Constraint Check> (all must be [OK])[transaction percentage]Payment: 43.47% (>=43.0%) [OK]Order-Status: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK]Delivery: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK]Stock-Level: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK][response time (at least 90% passed)]New-Order: 0.00%  [NG] *Payment: 0.00%  [NG] *Order-Status: 82.96%  [NG] *Delivery: 0.00%  [NG] *Stock-Level: 0.00%  [NG] *<TpmC>14419.800 TpmC
[root@test3 tpcc-mysql-master]#



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