java开源项目 源代码

名称 摘要 种类

appfuse-light  A lightweight version of AppFuse 无

atleap  Multilingual free Java CMS with fulltext search based on AppFuse 无

equinox  A lightweight version of AppFuse (changed name to appfuse-light) 无

sunshine  AppFuse Sample Application 无

中文网站 源代码


XPlanner is a web-based project planning and tracking tool for eXtreme Programming (XP) & Scrums teams. XPlanner is implemented using Java, JSP, and Struts, and MySQL (user contributed support for other databases).

XPlanner 0.7b7 provide many improvements including:

1. New transparent database migration utility that will make upgrading as easy as dropping the new war

2. Almost full support of hsqldb and the standalone package for production.

3. Story order within iteration allowing priority to be used as it was intended


jboard is a bulletin board project written in java. it relies on struts, jaas, tiles,hibernate, jstl, log4j, xhtml and css2. it has been build to enhance some knowledge on these libraries. this project is a prototype.

ivata groupware

ivata groupware is a Groupware/Exchange/Intranet/Extranet system. Includes contacts/address book, calendar, library CMS and webmail. Java J2EE, EJB (optional), Hibernate, Struts and JSP. Runs on WebSphere/Tomcat/Resin/JBoss. See


Job board and recruiting software with applicant tracking system. Great for adding job listings to corporate or recruiter web sites. Java based: Struts, Hibernate and extensible architecture. Demo on home page:


BBWeblog is a simple, customizable Bulletin Board/Weblog web application developed in Java using Jakarta Struts and Hibernate.


GestCV is WEB Application written in JAVA, which is able to manage Curriculum Vitae (create CV, search engine...). It uses Struts, Spring, Hibernate. WEB Site describes choice of this architecture.

GreatCOW 84.19% 83.66%  31,655 2007-02-12  2007-02-15  602

This is a social club (or social network) by hackers for hackers and for everybody else. Growth potential is very nice! The web application is written in Java (J2EE). We use AJAX (GWT), Struts, Spring, Hibernate. We focus on clean architecture & design.


Yttrium is an application for "kickstarting" secure web application development. Uses Tomcat 5.5, MySQL 4 and 5, Maven, Ant, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Cactus, StrutsTestCase, JSTL, Struts, and many other frameworks.

Blue Path - Club Management System

BluePath is an open-source Club & Society management system. It's built on Struts + Hibernate and allow users to communicate via the application, create internal projects, administrate members, activities and sponsors.. as well as themselves.


PersonalBlog is a light-weight personal blogging application that is suitable for installing on your own host provider. It\'s written in JAVA and uses a variety of J2EE technologies, including: ant, servlets, jsp, jdbc, hibernate, struts,tiles and log4j


ForumNuke is a Communication Forum Software written in Java/Jsp intended to build a power bbs system.It's build on many Open-Source Projects such as Struts , Spring , Hibernate , OSCache and so on. High Performance is one of the key featuers.

Fee Management(Struts+Hibernate+Ajax)

This project basically having front end for fee management by using ajax,struts,jsp,java,hibernate


ForumNuke is a Communication Forum Software written in Java/Jsp intended to build a power bbs system.It's build on many Open-Source Projects such as Struts , Spring , Hibernate , OSCache and so on. High Performance is one of the key featuers.

Members (1)

Fee Management(Struts+Hibernate+Ajax)

This project basically having front end for fee management by using ajax,struts,jsp,java,hibernate


JCodeGen is a code generator tool with an architecture based on Struts/Hibernate and Spring in standard MVC2.

Commerce Objects

Commerce Objects is a java based ecommerce software providing multiple store, price, catalog, and sku capabilities, along with tier pricing and promotional pricing. Commerce Objects is easy to understand. Built with Hibernate 3.2, Spring 2, and Struts 2.


bitacora web log (blog) developed in java, powered by Struts, hibernate and tiles. Looked at overcoat to support picture maintenance.

Search Code

EaasyStreet is a donation of previously developed Java application artifacts leveraging off of various other Open Source application components such as Struts and Hibernate. EaasyStreet components include a variety of applications and supporting services.

The aim of this project is to provide an application to consult personnal MP3, divX, DVD library. It also a project to learn: I will make an effort for the specification & conception. Technology: J2EE (web service, jsp, struts, hibernate, spring). Thanks

MyCraigslist 42.09% 46.05%  104,502 2006-05-26  (none)  0

MyCraigslist is a clone of craigslist, It is composed of java, jsp, hibernate, struts and spring. MyCraigslist is base on project appfuse. Anyone is familiar with appfuse could easilly extend MyCraigslist.

global deal system

one trade system,writed by j2ee ,using lucene Hibernate,Spring,Struts,typestry,jsf,webwork,junit,ant and other technology. surporting mysql,oracle database


This is a Java EE project that is required by our 4th-year study, we'll use the most popular Struts+Spring+Hibernate open-source framework to build an online bookstore.


Code generator for a crud web application, using Spring 2.0, Hibernate 3, JPA, Struts or JSF

multimedia blog

It's a multimedia blog based on Struts/Hibernate and AJAX technologies.

Accident Report

A server side Java application designed to collect information about accidents in Free Flight activities as Paraglider and Hang-glider. The project is based on Hibernate, Struts and Ant and was primary designed for ABP Associate Brasileira de Parapente


This project is a Web-based Java application for displaying a personal resume for job searching. It displays in navigable HTML, a printable HTML format, as well as PDF. Requires a database (MySQL), iText, Struts, Hibernate, and an app server (Tomcat).

Media Catalog

This software allows the user to archive its media collection (movies, music albums or books), to easily find an item or manage the loans. This media catalog is based on sweetdev, struts, spring, hibernate and mysql.

Online Bookmark Manager

An online bookmark manager using Spring, Hibernate, Struts, with a focus on information retrieval and

First Real Open Group (FROG)

Groupware based on J2EE, Struts, JBoss, Hibernate and PostgreSQL. Designed to be OS independent. Primary features: a personal calendar, task list, project administration utilities. Future versions may add more features.

posted on 2007-08-05 22:07 灵风 阅读(514) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 所属分类: jsp


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