If you’re working with different languages, but your language skills are a little rusty, you may be looking for a quick translation tool. Microsoft Office has you covered—you can translate a document easily within Word itself. Here’s how.

如果您使用不同的语言,但是您的语言技巧有些生锈,那么您可能正在寻找一种快速翻译工具。 Microsoft Office涵盖了您-您可以在Word本身内轻松地翻译文档。 这是如何做。

These instructions have been made with the latest version of Word in mind. For older versions of Word, the instructions and steps may vary slightly, but you should be able to translate sections of text as well as entire Word documents in a similar way.

这些说明是在考虑到Word最新版本的情况下进行的。 对于旧版本的Word,说明和步骤可能会稍有不同,但是您应该能够以类似的方式翻译文本的各个部分以及整个Word文档。

在Word中翻译文本部分 (Translating Sections of Text in Word)

You can quickly translate small snippets of words and phrases as well as entire sections of text from one language to another in Microsoft Word. Word will automatically try to determine the language, but you can set this manually if you need to.

您可以在Microsoft Word中快速将单词和短语的小片段以及整个文本部分从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 Word将自动尝试确定语言,但是您可以根据需要手动进行设置。

To start, open a Word document and select the text you want to translate. When you’re ready, click the “Review” tab on the ribbon bar and then select the “Translate” button.

首先,打开Word文档,然后选择要翻译的文本。 准备就绪后,单击功能区栏上的“审阅”选项卡,然后选择“翻译”按钮。

In the “Translate” options drop-down menu, click the “Translate Selection” option.


The “Translator” menu will appear on the right. Word, as we’ve mentioned, should automatically detect the language of the text.

“翻译器”菜单将出现在右侧。 正如我们所提到的,Word应该自动检测文本的语言。

If this is incorrect, select it manually in the “From” drop-down menu.


The “To” section below will show the translated text in your preferred language.


Word will also try to guess what language you would prefer to translate to, but you can change this to a language of your choice by selecting a new language using the “To” drop-down menu.

Word还会尝试猜测您想翻译成哪种语言,但是您可以使用“ To”下拉菜单选择一种新语言,将其更改为您选择的语言。

You can view a quick preview of the translation once your options are selected.


If you’re happy with the translation and you want to replace your selected text in Word with the translation, select the “Insert” button.


Word will replace the original text with the translation. If you want to revert back to the original, press Ctrl + Z (or Cmd + Z on Mac) or the Undo button in the top left.

Word将用翻译替换原始文本。 如果要还原为原始格式,请按Ctrl + Z(在Mac上为Cmd + Z)或按左上方的“撤消”按钮。

翻译整个Word文档 (Translating an Entire Word Document)

If the text in your Word document is in an entirely different language, you can translate it without replacing your original document. Once translated, Word will open a new document to place the translation, which you can then save separately.

如果您的Word文档中的文本使用的是完全不同的语言,则可以在不替换原始文档的情况下进行翻译。 翻译后,Word将打开一个新文档来放置翻译,然后可以将其单独保存。

To do this, open your Word document and select Review > Translate > Translate Document.


The “Translator” options menu will appear on the right-hand side, where Word will automatically try to determine the language used in your document. If you’d prefer to set this yourself, change the “From” option from “Auto-detect”  to a language of your choice.

“翻译器”选项菜单将出现在右侧,Word将在其中自动尝试确定文档中使用的语言。 如果您希望自己进行设置,请将“从”选项从“自动检测”更改为您选择的语言。

Press the “To” drop-down menu and select a language to translate your document to and then click “Translate” to translate your document.


Once Word has finished the translation, it will open this as a new document. You can then save this translated document by pressing File > Save or by pressing the “Save” icon in the top left.

Word完成翻译后,它将作为新文档打开。 然后,您可以通过按文件>保存或按左上角的“保存”图标来保存此翻译文档。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664434/how-to-translate-a-word-document/


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