
git commit -m [message] # 提交暂存区到仓库区


1 执行正常:message中空格,如下:

git commit -m 'readme.md' # 单引号
git commit -m "readme.md" # 双引号

2 执行错误:message有空格,如下:

git commit -m 'add readme.md' # 单引号


git commit -m "add readme.md" # 双引号




windows的dos(cmd)下使用git commit出现error: pathspec readme.md did not match any file known to git相关推荐

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  4. windows常用dos(cmd)命令

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  5. 【038】使用git commit命令时遇到 fatal: Unable to create index.lock File exists 错误的解决办法

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  6. react 项目根据git commit记录自动生成CHANGELOG.md文档

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  7. Git——git push 错误[error: src refspec master does not match any]解决方案

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  9. Git 报错 error: pathspec ‘XXX‘ did not match any file(s) known to git 报错解决方法

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