
In this article, we'll take a look at how GitHub Codespaces can help remove barriers for new teammates and contributors.

在本文中,我们将探讨GitHub Codespaces如何帮助消除对新团队成员和贡献者的障碍。

The most recent integration between Visual Studio Code and GitHub really helps make development accessible and welcoming.

Visual Studio Code与GitHub之间的最新集成确实有助于使开发变得可访问且受欢迎。

Now in beta, GitHub Codespaces provide an online, in-the-browser IDE powered by Visual Studio Code.

GitHub Codespaces现在处于测试阶段,提供了一个由Visual Studio Code支持的在线浏览器IDE。

This lets you use this full-featured IDE, complete with extensions, terminal, Git commands, and all the settings you’re accustomed to, on any machine. You can now bring your development workflow anywhere using a tablet or other browser-based device.

这使您可以在任何计算机上使用此功能齐全的IDE,包括扩展程序,终端,Git命令以及您习惯的所有设置。 现在,您可以使用平板电脑或其他基于浏览器的设备将开发工作流程带到任何地方。

Codespaces is great news for open source contributors, too. Adding a codespace configuration to your project is a great way to invite new folks to easily start contributing.

对于开放源代码贡献者来说,代码空间也是个好消息。 向您的项目中添加代码空间配置是一种邀请新人轻松开始贡献的好方法。

A new open source contributor or new hire at your organization can quickly fire up a codespace and get hacking on a good first issue with no local environment set up or installations necessary.

您组织中的新开放源代码贡献者或新员工可以快速启动代码空间,并在无需设置或安装本地环境的情况下就一个good first issue进行攻克。

We’ve added codespace configuration settings over at the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide (WSTG). Want to take it for a spin? See our open issues.

我们在OWASP Web安全测试指南(WSTG)上添加了代码空间配置设置。 想要试一试吗? 请参阅我们的未解决问题 。

配置代码空间 (Configuring Codespaces)

You can use Visual Studio Code’s .devcontainer folder to configure a development container for your repository as well.

您也可以使用Visual Studio Code的.devcontainer文件夹为存储库配置开发容器。

Many pre-built containers are available – just copy the .devcontainer you need to your repository root. If your repository doesn’t have one, a default base Linux image will be used.

有许多预构建的容器可用 –只需将所需的.devcontainer复制到存储库根目录即可。 如果您的存储库中没有,则将使用默认的基本Linux映像 。

Here’s a reason to remove .vscode from your .gitignore file. Any new codespaces created in your repository will now respect settings found at .vscode/settings.json.  This means that your online IDE can have the same Workspace configuration as you have on your local machine. Isn’t that useful!

这是从.gitignore文件中删除.vscode的原因。 现在,在存储库中创建的任何新代码空间都将遵循.vscode/settings.json 。 这意味着您的在线IDE可以具有与本地计算机相同的Workspace配置。 没用!

使代码空间个性化 (Making Codespaces Personal)

For next-level dotfiles personalization, consider committing relevant files from your local dotfiles folder as a public GitHub repository at yourusername/dotfiles.

对于下级dotfiles个性化 ,请考虑将本地dotfiles文件夹中的相关文件作为公共GitHub存储库提交到yourusername/dotfiles

When you create a new codespace, this brings in your configurations, such as shell aliases and preferences, by creating symlinks to dotfiles in your codespace $HOME. This personalizes all the codespaces you create in your account.

创建新的代码空间时,这将通过在代码空间$HOME创建指向点文件的符号链接来引入配置,例如外壳别名和首选项。 这将个性化您在帐户中创建的所有代码空间。

Need some inspiration? Browse my dotfiles repository on GitHub.

需要灵感吗? 浏览我在GitHub上的dotfiles存储库 。

在代码空间中开发 (Developing in Codespaces)

Developing in a codespace is a familiar experience for Visual Studio Code users, right down to running an application locally.

对于Visual Studio Code用户而言,在代码空间中进行开发是一种熟悉的体验,甚至可以在本地运行应用程序。

Thanks to port forwarding, when I run an application in a codespace terminal, clicking on the resulting localhost URL takes me to the appropriate port as output from my codespace.

多亏了端口转发功能 ,当我在代码空间终端中运行应用程序时,单击生成的localhost URL会将我带到代码空间输出的相应端口。

When I’m working on my blog in my codespace, for example, I run hugo serve then click the provided localhost:1313 link to see a preview of my changes in another browser tab.

例如,当我在我的代码空间中处理博客时,我运行hugo serve然后单击提供的localhost:1313链接以在另一个浏览器选项卡中查看所做更改的预览。

Want to stay in sync between devices? There’s an extension for that. You can connect to your codespace from Visual Studio Code on your local machine so you can always pick up right where you left off.

想要在设备之间保持同步吗? 有一个扩展。 您可以从本地计算机上的Visual Studio Code连接到代码空间,以便始终从上次中断的地方开始接听代码 。

随处发展 (Develop Anywhere)

Codespaces is a super exciting addition to my GitHub workflow. It allows me to access my full development process pretty much anywhere, using devices like my iPad.

Codespaces是我GitHub工作流程中非常令人兴奋的补充。 它使我可以使用iPad等设备在几乎任何地方访问我的完整开发过程。

It’ll also make it easier for new open source contributors or new hires at your organization to hit the ground running with a set-up IDE.


If you have access to the limited beta, I invite you to spin up a codespace and try contributing to the WSTG, or to an issue on one of my open source projects.

如果您可以使用有限的Beta版,请邀请您启动一个代码空间,并尝试为WSTG或我的一个开源项目中的问题 做出贡献 。

I’m looking forward to general availability and seeing what the open source community will dream up for GitHub Codespaces next!

我期待着通用的可用性,并期待开源社区接下来对GitHub Codespaces的梦想!

And yes – codespaces support your favorite Visual Studio Code theme.


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