
回顾 (Retrospectify)

An awesome tool for doing agile team retrospectives digitally. This can be useful when doing retrospectives with remote teams or when you want to keep track of retrospective outcomes over time.

数字化敏捷团队回顾的绝佳工具。 当与远程团队进行回顾时,或者当您想随时间跟踪回顾结果时,这将很有用。

View demo 查看演示 Download Source 下载源

特征 (Features)

  1. Three types of notes


  2. Moving around/prioritizing notes to your team's needs


  3. Adding points to individual notes


正在努力 (Working on)

  1. Exporting the whole board to a (text) file


  2. Timeboxing the meeting


用法 (Usage)

我只想使用该应用程序! (I just want to use the app!)

The quickest way is to use the live demo! Other than that, you can clone this repository, and from the root run:

最快的方法是使用现场演示! 除此之外,您可以克隆此存储库,并从根目录运行:

npm install
npm run build

This will create a dist directory. Put the contents of that directory on a server and you're all set!

这将创建一个dist目录。 将目录的内容放到服务器上,一切就绪!

Loading/Saving works using LocalStorage, so make sure the app has permission to read/write from LocalStorage.


我想自己从源代码构建它或为代码做贡献 (I want to build it myself from the source or contribute to the code)

Then follow these instructions, depending on what you want to do


# install dependencies
npm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev# build for production with minification
npm run build# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report# run unit tests
npm run unit# run all tests
npm test

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/an-awesome-tool-for-retrospecting-written-in-vue/



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