<?php/*** ReduxFramework Sample Config File* For full documentation, please visit: http://docs.reduxframework.com/* 文件直接汉化 @ INLOJV , visit: http://www.inlojv.com*/if ( ! class_exists( 'Redux' ) ) {return;}// This is your option name where all the Redux data is stored.$opt_name = "inlojv_inlobase";// This line is only for altering the demo. Can be easily removed.$opt_name = apply_filters( 'redux_demo/opt_name', $opt_name );/*** --> Used within different fields. Simply examples. Search for ACTUAL DECLARATION for field examples**/$sampleHTML = '';if ( file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/info-html.html' ) ) {Redux_Functions::initWpFilesystem();global $wp_filesystem;$sampleHTML = $wp_filesystem->get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/info-html.html' );}$redux_folder_name = 'redux'; // 本框架文件夹名// ×××××××××××××× 用于下拉图片选择设置项 - 注意修改路径$sample_patterns_path = ReduxFramework::$_dir . '../'.$redux_folder_name.'/patterns/';$sample_patterns_url  = ReduxFramework::$_url . '../'.$redux_folder_name.'/patterns/';$sample_patterns      = array();if ( is_dir( $sample_patterns_path ) ) {if ( $sample_patterns_dir = opendir( $sample_patterns_path ) ) {$sample_patterns = array();while ( ( $sample_patterns_file = readdir( $sample_patterns_dir ) ) !== false ) {if ( stristr( $sample_patterns_file, '.png' ) !== false || stristr( $sample_patterns_file, '.jpg' ) !== false ) {$name              = explode( '.', $sample_patterns_file );$name              = str_replace( '.' . end( $name ), '', $sample_patterns_file );$sample_patterns[] = array('alt' => $name,'img' => $sample_patterns_url . $sample_patterns_file);}}}}/*** ---> SET 配置参数* All the possible arguments for Redux.* For full documentation on arguments, please refer to: https://github.com/ReduxFramework/ReduxFramework/wiki/Arguments* */$theme = wp_get_theme(); // For use with some settings. Not necessary.$args = array(// TYPICAL -> Change these values as you need/desire'opt_name'             => $opt_name, // 这个字段保存在你的数据库里,主题设置项opt_name 可以在数据库里面找到,也是你的全局变量名'display_name'         => $theme->get( 'Name' ),  // 在面板上方显示主题名称'display_version'      => $theme->get( 'Version' ), // 在面板上方显示主题版本'menu_type'            => 'menu', // 在admin菜单上显示,参数:menu 或 submenu(只在开启时显示)'allow_sub_menu'       => true, // 是否在admin上显示主题设置子菜单'menu_title'           => __( '主题设置', 'redux-framework-demo' ), // 设置左侧栏主题设置菜单名'page_title'           => __( 'xx主题设置', 'redux-framework-demo' ), // 设置浏览器和admin工具条上的菜单名// Please visit: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api#Auth'google_api_key'       => '', // 谷歌api key - 用于谷歌字体升级,可以不理会'google_update_weekly' => false, // 是否使用谷歌字体,最好保持false'async_typography'     => true, // 异步排版//'disable_google_fonts_link' => true,                    // Disable this in case you want to create your own google fonts loader'admin_bar'            => true, // 是否在admin工具条上显示主题设置菜单名'admin_bar_icon'       => 'dashicons-portfolio', // admin工具条图标'admin_bar_priority'   => 50, // 优先级,也就是显示位置'global_variable'      => 'inlojv_inlobase',  // 设置主题设置的全局变量 参照本例:命名空间_主题名称'dev_mode'             => false, // 开发者模式'update_notice'        => false, // 升级通告'customizer'           => false, // 个人定制// Enable basic customizer support//'open_expanded'     => true,                    // Allow you to start the panel in an expanded way initially.//'disable_save_warn' => true,                    // Disable the save warning when a user changes a field// OPTIONAL -> Give you extra features'page_priority'        => null, // 页面优先级,选择主题设置菜单在左侧显示的位置'page_parent'          => 'themes.php', // 参考 http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_submenu_page#Parameters'page_permissions'     => 'manage_options', // 设置权限'menu_icon'            => '', // 图标链接设置'last_tab'             => '1', // 强制面板总是打开一个 li(审查元素,找到li标签对应的id数值,比如id="1_section_group_li",就是1)'page_icon'            => 'icon-themes', // 设置菜单名左侧的图标'page_slug'            => '', // 主题设置页面的别名'save_defaults'        => true, // 更新设之前是否先保存一遍默认设置'default_show'         => false, // 若为true,那么不启用设置字段的默认值'default_mark'         => '', // 设置项标题后面的标记,可以使用*号'show_import_export'   => true, // 显示导入导出设置// CAREFUL -> These options are for advanced use only'transient_time'       => 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS,'output'               => false, // Global shut-off for dynamic CSS output by the framework. Will also disable google fonts output'output_tag'           => true,// Allows dynamic CSS to be generated for customizer and google fonts, but stops the dynamic CSS from going to the head// 'footer_credit'     => '',                   // Disable the footer credit of Redux. Please leave if you can help it.// FUTURE -> Not in use yet, but reserved or partially implemented. Use at your own risk.'database'             => '', // 可以为: options, theme_mods, theme_mods_expanded'use_cdn'              => true, // 是否使用cdn// 提示框的参数'hints'                => array('icon'          => 'el el-question-sign','icon_position' => 'right','icon_color'    => 'lightgray','icon_size'     => 'normal','tip_style'     => array('color'   => '#333','shadow'  => true,'rounded' => false,'style'   => '',),'tip_position'  => array('my' => 'top left','at' => 'bottom right',),'tip_effect'    => array('show' => array('effect'   => 'slide','duration' => '500','event'    => 'mouseover',),'hide' => array('effect'   => 'slide','duration' => '500','event'    => 'click mouseleave',),),));/*    // ADMIN BAR LINKS -> Setup custom links in the admin bar menu as external items.$args['admin_bar_links'][] = array('id'    => 'redux-docs','href'  => 'http://docs.reduxframework.com/','title' => __( 'Documentation', 'redux-framework-demo' ),);$args['admin_bar_links'][] = array(//'id'    => 'redux-support','href'  => 'https://github.com/ReduxFramework/redux-framework/issues','title' => __( 'Support', 'redux-framework-demo' ),);$args['admin_bar_links'][] = array('id'    => 'redux-extensions','href'  => 'reduxframework.com/extensions','title' => __( 'Extensions', 'redux-framework-demo' ),);// SOCIAL ICONS -> Setup custom links in the footer for quick links in your panel footer icons.$args['share_icons'][] = array('url'   => 'https://github.com/ReduxFramework/ReduxFramework','title' => 'Visit us on GitHub','icon'  => 'el el-github'//'img'   => '', // You can use icon OR img. IMG needs to be a full URL.);$args['share_icons'][] = array('url'   => 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redux-Framework/243141545850368','title' => 'Like us on Facebook','icon'  => 'el el-facebook');$args['share_icons'][] = array('url'   => 'http://twitter.com/reduxframework','title' => 'Follow us on Twitter','icon'  => 'el el-twitter');$args['share_icons'][] = array('url'   => 'http://www.linkedin.com/company/redux-framework','title' => 'Find us on LinkedIn','icon'  => 'el el-linkedin');*/// Panel Intro text -> before the formif ( ! isset( $args['global_variable'] ) || $args['global_variable'] !== false ) {if ( ! empty( $args['global_variable'] ) ) {$v = $args['global_variable'];} else {$v = str_replace( '-', '_', $args['opt_name'] );}$args['intro_text'] = sprintf( __( '<p><a href="http://www.inlojv.com" target="_blank">INLOJV</a>提示:此框架设置了一个全局变量: <strong>$%1$s</strong>,你可以通过调用<strong> $%1$s[\'设置项id\'] </strong>来调用设置保存值,同时可以通过配置文件来修改这个变量名!</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' ), $v );} else {$args['intro_text'] = __( '<p>这个信息将显示于面板顶部,不是必需的,但可以提供更多提示。允许使用html标签。</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' );}// Add content after the form.$args['footer_text'] = __( '<p>这个信息将显示于面板底部,不是必需的,但可以提供更多提示。允许使用html标签。</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' );Redux::setArgs( $opt_name, $args );/** ---> END ARGUMENTS*//** ---> START HELP TABS*/$tabs = array(array('id'      => 'redux-help-tab-1','title'   => __( 'Theme Information 1', 'redux-framework-demo' ),'content' => __( '<p>这是TAB内容,支持html标签</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' )),array('id'      => 'redux-help-tab-2','title'   => __( 'Theme Information 2', 'redux-framework-demo' ),'content' => __( '<p>这是TAB内容,支持html标签</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' )));Redux::setHelpTab( $opt_name, $tabs );// Set the help sidebar$content = __( '<p>这是侧边栏内容,支持html标签</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' );Redux::setHelpSidebar( $opt_name, $content );/** <--- END HELP TABS*/// 引入参考设置section项include dirname(__FILE__).'/config-section.php';/*** YOU MUST PREFIX THE FUNCTIONS BELOW AND ACTION FUNCTION CALLS OR ANY OTHER CONFIG MAY OVERRIDE YOUR CODE.**//*** --> Action hook examples**/// If Redux is running as a plugin, this will remove the demo notice and links//add_action( 'redux/loaded', 'remove_demo' );// Function to test the compiler hook and demo CSS output.// Above 10 is a priority, but 2 in necessary to include the dynamically generated CSS to be sent to the function.//add_filter('redux/options/' . $opt_name . '/compiler', 'compiler_action', 10, 3);// Change the arguments after they've been declared, but before the panel is created//add_filter('redux/options/' . $opt_name . '/args', 'change_arguments' );// Change the default value of a field after it's been set, but before it's been useds//add_filter('redux/options/' . $opt_name . '/defaults', 'change_defaults' );// Dynamically add a section. Can be also used to modify sections/fields//add_filter('redux/options/' . $opt_name . '/sections', 'dynamic_section');/*** This is a test function that will let you see when the compiler hook occurs.* It only runs if a field    set with compiler=>true is changed.* */if ( ! function_exists( 'compiler_action' ) ) {function compiler_action( $options, $css, $changed_values ) {echo '<h1>The compiler hook has run!</h1>';echo "<pre>";print_r( $changed_values ); // Values that have changed since the last saveecho "</pre>";//print_r($options); //Option values//print_r($css); // Compiler selector CSS values  compiler => array( CSS SELECTORS )}}/*** Custom function for the callback validation referenced above* */if ( ! function_exists( 'redux_validate_callback_function' ) ) {function redux_validate_callback_function( $field, $value, $existing_value ) {$error   = false;$warning = false;//do your validationif ( $value == 1 ) {$error = true;$value = $existing_value;} elseif ( $value == 2 ) {$warning = true;$value   = $existing_value;}$return['value'] = $value;if ( $error == true ) {$field['msg']    = 'your custom error message';$return['error'] = $field;}if ( $warning == true ) {$field['msg']      = 'your custom warning message';$return['warning'] = $field;}return $return;}}/*** Custom function for the callback referenced above*/if ( ! function_exists( 'redux_my_custom_field' ) ) {function redux_my_custom_field( $field, $value ) {print_r( $field );echo '<br/>';print_r( $value );}}/*** Custom function for filtering the sections array. Good for child themes to override or add to the sections.* Simply include this function in the child themes functions.php file.* NOTE: the defined constants for URLs, and directories will NOT be available at this point in a child theme,* so you must use get_template_directory_uri() if you want to use any of the built in icons* */if ( ! function_exists( 'dynamic_section' ) ) {function dynamic_section( $sections ) {//$sections = array();$sections[] = array('title'  => __( 'Section via hook', 'redux-framework-demo' ),'desc'   => __( '<p class="description">This is a section created by adding a filter to the sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the options.</p>', 'redux-framework-demo' ),'icon'   => 'el el-paper-clip',// Leave this as a blank section, no options just some intro text set above.'fields' => array());return $sections;}}/*** Filter hook for filtering the args. Good for child themes to override or add to the args array. Can also be used in other functions.* */if ( ! function_exists( 'change_arguments' ) ) {function change_arguments( $args ) {//$args['dev_mode'] = true;return $args;}}/*** Filter hook for filtering the default value of any given field. Very useful in development mode.* */if ( ! function_exists( 'change_defaults' ) ) {function change_defaults( $defaults ) {$defaults['str_replace'] = 'Testing filter hook!';return $defaults;}}/*** Removes the demo link and the notice of integrated demo from the redux-framework plugin*/if ( ! function_exists( 'remove_demo' ) ) {function remove_demo() {// Used to hide the demo mode link from the plugin page. Only used when Redux is a plugin.if ( class_exists( 'ReduxFrameworkPlugin' ) ) {remove_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', array(ReduxFrameworkPlugin::instance(),'plugin_metalinks'), null, 2 );// Used to hide the activation notice informing users of the demo panel. Only used when Redux is a plugin.remove_action( 'admin_notices', array( ReduxFrameworkPlugin::instance(), 'admin_notices' ) );}}}


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