Research Report on Freshmen Seminar:Application of Image Processing in Avoiding Traffic Accidents in Extreme Weather

Glasgow College UESTC 2017级王雁歌

In the freshman seminar class last semester, we learned a lot about knowledge and technology that we had never touched before, such as radar, guidance, missile, image processing and so on. And what impressed me most was image processing. Through the teacher’s rough explanation of image processing, I have some insights, and produced an innovative idea to solve social problems.

Main body:
I understand that image processing is the technology of analyzing images by computer to achieve the desired results. Also known as image processing. Common methods include image transformation, image coding and compression, image enhancement and restoration, image segmentation, image description, image classification (recognition), etc.

And my innovative idea is to use image processing to make a driving recorder, which can transform the very unclear and shaky images captured in extreme weather and other low visibility conditions into clear and non-shaky images through appropriate image processing for drivers to see. In order to make it easier for drivers to make correct judgments in extreme weather to reduce the risk of accidents. In other words, image processing is used to make the vision on the road clearer so as to avoid other vehicles and pedestrians in time.

The reason why I came up with this idea is that our country is a big populous country with rapid development. In recent years, due to the improvement of people’s living standards in reform and opening up, there are more and more social vehicles and more crowded roads, which lead to frequent traffic accidents in our country. The most terrible reason is that many cities in our country are often affected by extreme weather (such as rainstorms, snowstorms, dust storms, fog, haze). The visibility of roads is very low, and many vehicles cause severe traffic accidents because of avoiding obstacles, other vehicles and pedestrians. Even if we take some preventive measures, such as controlling the speed of the car and turning on the headlights, the risk is still high. Therefore, if a traffic recorder can clear the image processing in extreme weather and transmit it to the driver, it will be able to effectively avoid the accident, because the driver can find the danger more conveniently and effectively and avoid it in time like driving on the normal road.

As for the specific image processing technology involved, because the freshmen’s seminar class is not deep enough, it is difficult for me to discuss in depth here. I can only talk about my ideas and guesses in a simple way. I think we can use image enhancement and restoration methods. The purpose of image enhancement and restoration is to improve the quality of the image, such as removing noise and improving the clarity of the image. Image enhancement does not consider the reason of image degradation, highlighting the part of interest in the image. If the high frequency component of the image is strengthened, the contour of the object in the image can be clear and the details are obvious; if the low frequency component is strengthened, the influence of noise in the image can be reduced. Image restoration requires a certain understanding of the causes of image degradation. Generally speaking, “degradation model” should be established according to the degradation process, and then some filtering method should be used to restore or reconstruct the original image. In this way, we can make the outlines of cars, obstacles and pedestrians in extreme weather, such as haze, clearer and easier to identify. Image segmentation may also be helpful. It extracts meaningful features from images, such as edges and regions, which are the basis for further image recognition, analysis and understanding. It can also help drivers to identify obstacles more easily, but the research of image segmentation is still in progress. Although many methods of edge extraction and region segmentation have been developed, there is no effective method which is generally applicable to all kinds of images.

That’s what I learned in my freshman seminar class last semester and the idea of using what I learned to solve practical social problems (driving recorder that uses image processing technology to process road image clearly in extreme weather). I strongly hope that readers (teachers and students) can give me some suggestions to improve.
Reporter: 王雁歌 2017200601032

Reference:图像处理与图像融合 中国知网
数字图像处理:原理与算法 孙雯华

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