
问题类型 API/组件名称 终端类型 微信版本 基础库版本 Bug 'onMenuShareWeibo', 'onMenuShareWechat', 'onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage' 微信安卓客户端 Android5.0.2



Problem type API / component name terminal type wechat version basic library version bug 'onmenushareweibo','onmenusharewechat ','onmenusharetimeline', 'onmenushareappmessage' wechat Android client Android 5.0.2 IOS sharing performance: custom title, description and icon are displayed normally, as follows: Android sharing performance: custom title, description and icon are invalid, as follows: code fragment wx.ready (function () { wx.hideMenuItems ({ menuList: [' menuItem:copyUrl '] / / the menu item to hide}); Var sharedata = {Title: 'high quality supply information', desc: 'aggregate resources','link','imgurl ','; wx.onMenuShareAppMessage ({/ / "share with friends" and "share to QQ" title: shareData.title , / / share Title desc: shareData.desc , / / share description link: , / / share links, which must be consistent with the official account JS security domain corresponding to the current page, imgUrl: shareData.imgUrl , / / sharing icon success: function() {/ / set successfully}}) wx.onMenuShareWechat ({ title: shareData.title , / / share Title desc: shareData.desc , / / share description link: , / / share links, which must be consistent with the official account JS security domain corresponding to the current page, imgUrl: shareData.imgUrl , / / sharing icon success: function() {/ / set successfully}}) wx.onMenuShareTimeline ({ title: shareData.title , / / share Title desc: shareData.desc , / / share description link: , / / share links, which must be consistent with the official account JS security domain corresponding to the current page, imgUrl: shareData.imgUrl , / / sharing icon success: function() {/ / the callback function executed after the user confirms the sharing console.log ('success')}, cancel: function() {/ / callback function executed after user cancels sharing}}) wx.updateAppMessageShareData ({ title: shareData.title , / / share Title desc: shareData.desc , / / share description link: / / share links, which must be consistent with the official account JS security domain corresponding to the current page, imgUrl: shareData.imgUrl , / / sharing icon success: function() {/ / set successfully}}) wx.updateTimelineShareData ({ title: shareData.title , / / share title desc: shareData.desc , / / share description link: / / share links, which must be consistent with the official account JS security domain corresponding to the current page, imgUrl: shareData.imgUrl , / / share icon success: function() {/ / set successfully}})})










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